Top 10 Best Lana Del Rey Songs

Lana Del Rey is synonymous with dreamy, melancholic pop anthems and a Hollywood sadcore aesthetic. Since bursting onto the scene in the early 2010s, Elizabeth Grant, the artist behind the persona, has amassed a devoted fanbase and a sprawling discography that has earned her a unique place in the musical landscape. From the viral sensation of Video Games to the sprawling soundscapes of later albums, her music explores themes of love, loss, Americana, and the darker side of fame with a poetic lyricism and haunting vocals that have become her signature.
The Top Ten
Born to Die

While "Summertime Sadness" is one of Lana's greatest hits, you can probably thank its mainstream radio popularity in 2012 and 2013 for its success on this list. It pales in comparison to "Born to Die," which expresses love in a way that isn't even borderline cheesy, like "Video Games" or "Blue Jeans". However bleak and existential it may seem, it prioritizes the true virtues of love. "Born to Die", besides being the album's titular track, symbolizes the entire album and, in a way, Lana's musical legacy.

Of all her songs, this one I love the most. I love the way she sings it. I'm so addicted, and this track I bet is the best track she ever has. She's not my idol, but she sways this song heartfully, and I'm proud of it. What I love the most is when she says, "Why? Who me? Why?", and that line is so catchy and is connected to when she says, "We were born to die." Heart-warming song. Thanks, Lana Del Rey.


This remains as Lana Del Rey's most timeless and classic song. It may not be her most renowned or popular, but the beautiful minimalist and cinematic production, wayward lyrics, and her elegant, sultry vocals make this song so dreamy and wonderful. The song is best on a warm summer day, with the windows down in the car, blasting over the speakers as she sings "I just ride" repeatedly.

The song is gravelly in sound and iconic in imagery. It reminds me of a true American song, about being young, wild, and free. The video is 10 minutes long and adds so much to the song. A must for anybody getting into Lana's music.

Summertime Sadness

I don't like her myself. Her vocals are way too inert for me. But here it showed up to be a win combination. Simple, yet effective, immediately from the first verse it's obvious she managed to create a masterpiece that is not easy to outdo. Nothing even similar from her...

There is a certain something about this song. It exudes a sense of mystery, and still, when I close my eyes, I somehow feel happy. I imagine the ginger sky, the kind of day that makes you feel you are free. This song is my cure.

Very unique style, this song won't be another everyday type of song most people listen to, but it's guaranteed about its fineness. Can't get enough of it. You can practically feel the bohemian vibe igniting in every melody.

Video Games

I don't know what is so dramatic about this song, but every time she says 'it's you,' I just start crying, even if I am in a good mood actually. The red-dressed woman in the video clip always reminds me of my ex whom I loved the most and who didn't care. And they don't even look alike. Maybe it's just me, but that song is definitely my favorite song of all times. I usually get my inspiration from its video clip. Maybe I'm insane...

The lyrics mean so much. The first verse talks about how he wanted both her and his video games, with the chorus saying she resents that and that she wants him to love her entirely, not split in half.

Then the second verse explains about before she met him, and then when they were dating. It's a narrative.

Blue Jeans

"When you walked out the door
A piece of me died
Told you I wanted more
That's not what I had in mind
Just wanted it like before
We were dancing all night
Then they took you away
Stole you out of my life."

I absolutely love this song! The beat, the lyrics, the emotion, all with a great singer to begin with! Lana is such an inspiration.

Seriously my favorite song. The two verses are just so full of sentiment and emotion, and the choruses are so dreamy and ethereal with beautiful lyrics.

My favorite part is the fast-paced bridge that builds you up and builds you up to the final powerhouse chorus with your blood pumping and heart racing.

Young and Beautiful

This song is where my love for Lana Del Rey started. The beautiful lyrics, how she wraps her beautiful voice around those lyrics, and translates them into purpose and meaning that no other artist could do. She has her quirky and unusual songs, but this one is so unique. It's sad that it's often grouped together with her other songs because it's on a whole other level. What more could you want than a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice singing a beautiful song?

It's such a gorgeous way of expressing someone's insecurity about the way the world views them. It questions whether the person they care the most about in the world can truly love them once the shallow and superficial things that were first attractive have faded away. This song speaks to me and others who are insecure about being able to be loved and puts such an interesting spin on it. It shows that even those people who seem to have everything going for them can often feel truly worthless when it comes to things that matter.

Off to the Races

Such a damn cool song. I didn't really listen to Lana much until I heard this song. I couldn't decide between this, "Ultraviolence," and "Diet Mountain Dew," but this is probably my favourite.

It's a really dark song. If you listen to the lyrics, it's about a young girl who's with an obviously older man because he's got money, and she's fooled herself into thinking she loves him. They're both probably involved in some crime and gambling, and her life completely depends on him.

"My old man is a thief and I'm going to stay and pray with him till the end."

"I'm not afraid to say that I'd die without him."

If you haven't read or really listened to the lyrics, you should.

This song also has a very different sound but is amazing nonetheless. Totally original. I heard someone who described Lana's music perfectly. It's "like being injected with dark waves and purple and gold dust." Her vocal range in it is amazing, too. I couldn't even put a genre on the song. It's part pop and definitely something else, almost something old-fashioned. It's probably my favourite song right now.

West Coast

Honestly, I could vote for any one of her songs. They are all amazing. But I decided on this one because it kept calling me back. The tempo change, the way it goes from a steady verse to a dreamy chorus and back again, is like time freezes and you're just trapped by her voice, but you never want to get free from it. Reality ceases to exist. It sounds cliché, but I really could listen to this song on repeat, even after already hearing it hundreds of times.

"Ultraviolence" is her magnum opus, and this is her crown jewel. It may not be her biggest song commercially, but it is quintessential Lana. She does a perfect job of capturing the feel of the West Coast, literally. My favorite Lana song, and one of the best songs of all time.

Dark Paradise

Well, if we listen carefully, we can understand the story of her love life in every song of hers. Because she mentioned that she's singing only for one man in reality. But Dark Paradise is somehow a little bit different. It's so much easier to see the pain, hope, loyalty, and desperation. It's one of the bravest lyrics. She just explains that complicated situation she's been going through so obviously, and that's the reason this song haunts me.

This song is actually so beautiful. It should be number one. Seriously, though, this is my favorite.

I mean, oh my god, her voice is stunning and full of such passion. Love her - so obsessed with Lana!

Gods & Monsters

This is the most beautiful song ever! If you haven't heard it, you've missed a lot! The lyrics are amazing, and the song is absolutely perfect!

I am in love with this song! Listen to it! I love Lana for this song! Thanks to an amazing singer for an amazing song.

One of her best - this song reflects meaning and purpose within her. It gives reasoning to her success while outlining her morals and perspective on Hollywood life, and does it more beautifully than any other song I've heard. Deserves at least #3.

This needs to be moved up. Summertime Sadness is good, but not even close to her best songs. You guys really need to listen to her leaked stuff. The tops on this list don't even come close.

The Newcomers

? A&W
? Season of the Witch
The Contenders
National Anthem

This song is just peppy and wonderful. Love it. The song is a perfect inspiration for art, other lyrics, and much more. "Money is the anthem of success." Very true, Lana. Thank you for making this song. Kiss kiss.

This has always been my favorite LDR song, and I have heard many outside of her album Born to Die. This one has always left a mark. It is one of those songs you'll turn your volume up all the way to, so you can hear all the detail. Her voice is so unique and perfect - absolutely stunning! Lana Del Rey honestly has a talent beyond compare. This song has always been, and will always be my number one, so let's make it everyone else's! Lana Del Rey for life!


This song just takes you to another place, captures your soul, makes your eyes tear up, and fills you up with happiness and love.

She only gets better and better with every album! This song might be one of her best yet.

One of her best songs. And the lyrics are so powerful!

Brooklyn Baby

This is definitely one of Lana's best songs, along with Video Games and Shades of Cool. To me, it just means so much. In its simplicity, it resonates a lot more than if it were a lot more complex.

The dichotomy between the chorus and the verses is really entertaining, and quite emotional ("I say, I say"), and the last minute of the song always gives me goosebumps.

I understand why Summertime Sadness is number one because that is the most popular song by her, but this is a hidden gem that needs to be listened to by all Lana fans.

Without You

"We were two kids, just tryin' to get out,
Lived on the dark side of the American dream.
We would dance all night, play our music loud,
When we grew up, nothing was what it seemed."

This song perfectly describes how I feel much of the time.

It's heartbreaking and beautiful. She has a number of great songs, but there is always one song that reflects the artist as a whole. This is that song.

Dark American Heartbreak Love Ballad - ahh.

Great song, but I don't know why it was put at number 10. It should at least be in the top five, or even number 1 - great song!


Love the atmosphere of the song, the only female artist capable of singing about her nether regions and still sound fabulous.

Cola is absolutely amazing, one of Lana Del Rey's BEST songs ever! If you haven't listened to this, then do it now!

The way her voice climbs to hit your soul at the end of the song is amazing. Nothing else to say.

High by the Beach

At first, I didn't think much of it, then I realized the chorus kept playing in my head for months! Really, really addictive.

I just fell in love with her after listening to this song. Do I need to say more?

A simple, yet dark and beautiful song.


This song is the most beautiful. It honestly makes me think of all those memories where you're drunk and so carefree but having fun. It also reminds me of the memories where you're sitting at the beach, lying in the sand at sunset, just listening to the waves.

Oh my god, this song, I'm still not sure which one is my absolute favorite, but I was so surprised American wasn't in the top five at least. Her voice here is amazing, the way she says "like a child" is just so captivating. It's unlike anything I've heard before.

Black Beauty

To this day, I have no idea why this was only a bonus song, practically swept under the rug. This is her most focused, beautiful, and nostalgic-feeling song I've heard, and none of her other songs really suit her image better than this one.

Heard this song 2 days ago, and I'm obsessed. The way she sings makes me melt. Her voice in this number is really something special.

Not sure if it'll be out longer since it's one of the few that got leaked this week.

Shades of Cool never fails to make me happy. This song, on the other hand, fails to make me hate it. I just love it so much.


Great song, very good. I think that she should be more popular than she is, and I'm sure that she will get very popular due to this album. I reckon that she will make lots of more great albums!

I absolutely love this song! It is one of my favorite songs ever! It is so emotive and basically just all-around an amazing song! This should most definitely be number one! It is definitely my most favorite Lana Del Rey song!

It really gives you an insight into her past and her involvement with drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. Make this song number one!


This is my number one. Somehow, this song doesn't get old. It is the only Lana Del Rey song I can listen to non-stop and still miss it. I love this song, and it's been a few years since I heard it, still love it like the first time I heard it.

I doubt many people know this song because it's heat, and should be number one.

This song means so much to me. The lyrics are so beautiful. The topic is quite different compared to a lot of Lana's songs, but I absolutely love it. It's uplifting but still has an overall melancholic atmosphere. Absolutely stunning song.

Once Upon a Dream

Lana's cover for this classical song is dreamy and haunting in the very best ways. Always got chills whenever I listen to this song. Applause for Angelina Jolie for asking Lana to sing this cover for the "Maleficent" movie.

I love this song so much I could listen to it a million times. So much better than the original 1959 version. The music gives me chills, and her voice… wow. Magnificent.

I would die for that sultry, seductive voice of hers.

I love this song so much. It's very emotional, and I could listen to it every day (which I do).

Shades of Cool

This song is absolutely amazing. It is indescribable in terms of how different it sounds from any other song. The chorus makes one feel like they are flying and on top of the world, and it is so relaxing but entirely amazing at the same time.

The bridge is perfectly placed, and the chaotic sense of it is an interesting change in the overall theme of the song.

That chorus itself is angelic. The way her voice just swoops up to those delicious notes, the way the interval leap just hits you in all the right places, everything.

The guitar solo, those lyrics, how the song just manages to create such an atmosphere, it's just all kinds of amazing. I live and breathe this song.


Ultraviolence is a piece of art. This song is so tranquil and relaxing, but the lyrics are so powerful. Nothing will ever compare to Lana Del Rey's Ultraviolence. You can talk about her being just another indie girl, but she is so much more than that.

See, Melanie Martinez romanticizes topics and makes depression and sadness look cool. Then, she takes that and makes it a nursery rhyme beat with strange baby reference lyrics. Halsey is just a Tumblr sad girl who hasn't really been through what she writes about. Most of her music is just for aesthetics. Billie is a talented singer, but she doesn't relate to me as much as Lana does, yet she is very talented.

Lana is just the right type of artist for me. She doesn't romanticize her depression too much, but she talks about it enough to relate. And she doesn't have generic song lyrics, and lastly, she doesn't talk about what all the other artists do. Ultraviolence is the best album and will always be.

Diet Mountain Dew

WHAT?! I repeat, WHAT?! I am absolutely shocked - shocked is an understatement. What is going on here? Are these people true Lana Del Rey fans?

I mean, Dark Paradise sucks so bad in comparison to Diet Mountain Dew! Even Lolita should be up there! Listen to this song. It's breathtaking, and her voice is so heartfelt and melodious. AMAZING SONG!

I am HORRIFIED at the fact that Diet Mountain Dew is at 17th! This deserves to be a lot higher than Ride!

Where are your ears, people? This isn't just a stunning song. It's an artwork. You MUST listen to this song and vote for it!

Florida Kilos

What? Truly, all the other songs of Lana are perfect but this one is a song I'll listen to in many years. My favorite song since I discovered Lana completely one year ago and I love it. It has a chilly effect on me and a day without listening to Florida Kilos isn't that awesome. Love it.

This is one of my favorite Lana Del Rey songs of all time. It gives you a chilling feeling.

White palms, baking powder on the stove. Cooking up a dream, turning diamonds into snow.

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