Best Songs On Judas Priest's Defenders of the Faith

The Top Ten
The Sentinel

No words to describe this song. It's made of pure energy, not instruments and vocals. Judas Priest is the best heavy metal band in the world!

Also my favorite Priest song.

1. The Sentinel
2. Jawbreaker
3. Freewheel Burning
4. Rock Hard Ride Free
5. Some Heads Are Gonna Roll
6. Love Bites
7. Eat Me Alive
8. Night Comes Down
9. Heavy Duty/Defenders of the Faith
10. Turn On Your Light

Freewheel Burning
Rock Hard Ride Free

You see, it is very hard to top "The Sentinel" because it is one of the greatest metal songs ever. But songs like "Freewheel Burning" and "Rock Hard Ride Free" can also be considered some of the greatest metal songs to us Priest fans. I just think this song definitely needs more love.

Defenders of the Faith 83.9/90

⭐️ Freewheel Burning 10/10
⭐️ Jawbreaker 9.8/10
⭐️ Rock Hard Ride Free 10/10
⭐️ The Sentinel 10/10
Love Bites 7.9/10
Eat Me Alive 9.4/10
⭐️ Some Heads Are Gonna Roll 9.6/10
⭐️ Night Comes Down 9.8/10
Heavy Duty / Defenders of the Faith 7.7/10

Some Heads are Gonna Roll

The "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" of this album.

Love Bites
Eat Me Alive
Night Comes Down

Great song. Should be higher.

Heavy Duty
Defenders of the Faith
The Contenders
Turn On Your Light

What the hell?! This song was beautiful and awesome. It's better than Eat Me Alive, Love Bites, and Heavy Duty/Defenders of the Faith anyway.

The Sentinel is my favorite, but this song needs some votes too.

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