Top 10 Facts About "Der Schuh des Manitu"
Der Schuh des Manitu (The Shoe of Manitu) is a 2001 German comedy movie/parody with a massive cult following in German-speaking regions, and it has become one of the most iconic movies of the 21st century. Most importantly, it's a hilarious gag parade.The story revolves around the blood brothers Abahachi (a Native American, portrayed by Michael Bully Herbig) and Ranger (a white man, portrayed by Christian Tramitz). They owe money to the Shoshones and are also accused of killing the chief's son, although it was actually the real estate agent and bandit Santa Maria (Sky du Mont) who shot him and stole the money from the two.
While trying to prove their innocence, Abahachi remembers that he possesses a treasure map leading to a precious jewel, which they intend to use to pay back their debt. The problem is that he only has one-quarter of the map, as he divided it among his close friends. The other three pieces are held by Abahachi's gay twin brother, Winnetouch (also portrayed by Michael Bully Herbig), Greek restaurant owner Dimitri (Rick Kavanian), and saloon singer Uschi (Marion Bäumer).
Of course, Santa Maria and his bandits also learn about the treasure and begin chasing our team of heroes.

On the picture:
Michael Bully Herbig in 2016.
Let's start with the obvious.
He co-wrote it together with co-actor Rick Kavanian and screenwriters Alfons Biedermann and Murmel Clausen.

Karl May is one of the most popular writers of German fiction and is synonymous with Westerns and adventure literature. His 19th-century novels, centered around the Native American Winnetou and his white blood brother Old Shatterhand, have a massive cult following. Their many 1960s movie adaptations (which were European co-productions) are well-known to every German and are still frequently aired. They are responsible for the very positive image Germans have of Native Americans, seeing them as heroic, brave, and loyal. ("Indianer" is not a negative term in German as "Red Indian" is in English. It is simply the German word and is not usually used in a discriminatory context). While American Westerns often portrayed Native Americans as antagonists, they are the heroes in Germany.

That's a gross of 70 million US dollars compared to a 5.4 million dollar budget.
That's... quite a bit more.
On the picture:
Abahachi, stepping on a mousetrap.

It blew everything away in 2001 and has since been aired on TV countless times.
In the list of highest-grossing films in Germany, it currently ranks at number 9, sandwiched between "The Lion King" and "Avatar."

In the Extra Large version, he also has a third role as their grandfather Grauer Star (a parody of Elvis Presley), but this character only appears briefly and is mostly mentioned in passing.
Often, the two characters appear on the same screen. It's easy to spot the difference though: the one in a pink Apache costume who talks like a sissy and walks like Paris Hilton is Winnetouch. But you might have guessed.
By the way, the humor is not mean-spirited in any way. The characters may all be somewhat stereotypical, but they are likable.

"(T)Raumschiff Surprise" is a 2004 parody of science fiction franchises such as "Star Trek" and "Star Wars," with numerous other homages to genre flicks. It is just as funny as "Der Schuh des Manitu" and had twice the budget to recreate Hollywood visual effects.
The story revolves around three members of the crew of the spaceship "Surprise" who need to travel back in time to prevent an intergalactic war. The twist is that the three guys are... well, have you seen "La Cage aux Folles" (The Birdcage)? Imagine that times three, and add incompetence on top. Again, all are likable characters, and the parodies are light-hearted and fun.
The movie is currently the second most successful German film in Germany, after "Der Schuh des Manitu."
Herbig plays Mr. Spuck (a parody of Mr. Spock), Tramitz plays Captain Kork (a parody of Captain Kirk), and Kavanian has a triple role as Schrotti (a parody of Scotty), the antagonist Jens Maul (a mix of Darth Vader and Darth Maul), and the minor character Pulle (the doctor). Sky du Mont reprises his role as Santa Maria from "Der Schuh des Manitu" when the time machine accidentally sends them back to the Wild West, and Terpoorten and Reichel also reprise their roles as his henchmen. Additionally, du Mont plays Count William the Last when the group is sent back to the Middle Ages.

Hilmi Sözer plays one of Santa Maria's henchmen, Hombre. He is actually more of a side character at first, but he becomes important towards the end, as (SPOILER) he becomes Winnetouch's boyfriend after taking him hostage. He eventually turns against Santa Maria, stopping him in the end, and convinces the Shoshones of Abahachi's and Ranger's innocence.
On the picture:
Clockwise: Sky du Mont (as Santa Maria), Christian Tramitz (as Ranger), Marie Bäumer (as Uschi), Michael Bully Herbig (as Abahachi), Tim Wilde (as John), Robinson Reichel (as Jim), and Hilmi Sözer (as Hombre).
Rick Kavanian as Dimitri is missing from the picture.

"Ich bin mit der Gesamtsituation unzufrieden" ("I am dissatisfied with this entire situation") and "Schau, schau, Schoschonen" ("Well, well, Shoshones") are quoted in everyday life. Despite being a parody itself, many scenes of the movie have been referenced and spoofed in other works. Many Germans know it by heart. It still gets aired frequently on TV. Simply put, it's a true classic comedy - already, not even 20 years later. Heck, it was a classic even when I first saw it 10 years ago.

Critics highly praised the movie's set design, costumes, and how they managed to recreate the atmosphere of the Karl May movies so precisely. It was felt that the movie was made by someone who loves the source material.
However, the humor was not universally loved. It was felt that such a gag parade works on TV, but not in a full-length movie, and that the jokes were mostly flat. They were proven wrong by its ever-growing popularity.

In 2017, the sketch comedy was adapted into an anthology film. One of the segments is a sequel to "Der Schuh des Manitu," featuring the same characters.
I haven't seen this movie. Herbig's films "Der Schuh des Manitu," "(T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1," and the animated "Lissi und der wilde Kaiser" are insanely funny, but afterward, he kind of lost his talent for outstanding comedy. Since all three of these movies have a segment in the "Bullyparade" film, I may still give it a try one day.
On the picture:
The logo of "Bullyparade," and its cast (Michael Bully Herbig, Diana Herold, Rick Kavanian, and Christian Tramitz).
The Newcomers
The original theme of the commercial is, however, not used anymore, at least over here. In fact, now the parody is much more famous than the commercial it spoofs, as the movie is still popular over here, while many young viewers don't know what it's making fun of. The joke still works simply because of how absurd a dying wish it is.

I think in the US it might be rated PG-13. There is a lot of sexual innuendo throughout the movie, mostly verbal (such as puns) or sight gags where a situation appears more intimate than it actually is. The only thing that might push it is a scene towards the end, during a minecart ride, where Winnetouch loses his pants due to the airstream (we see his "thing" flopping around fast for a second or so). The movie has no overly violent content other than shootings.
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The FSK 6 logo as can be found on modern DVDs. Before 2009, it was a short text in a yellow box on the back of the cover. Now it is this logo on the front cover.

It contains 7 minutes of additional footage that was shot solely for TV airings. It shows the early lives of Abahachi and Winnetouch.
On the picture:
Part of the promotional poster for the Extra Large version.

There are around zero Native Americans in Germany, so they had to hire those who resembled them closest. Redface is not seen as insensitive in Germany, probably because of the positive image Native Americans have, and when Germans dress up as them, it's like Americans dressing up as cowboys. Redface can be found at carnival festivals or in children's costumes.
On the picture:
Chief Listiger Lurch and some of the Shoshones.

Pro7 has the exclusive rights to broadcast the movie, something that usually isn't the norm. Often, you get the same movies on a few channels within a short time.