Top Ten Deaths that Most Changed History

Sometimes a very famous person dies at the height of their fame and it changes history. Some more than others. This list will go over deaths that changed history. Note this list is not famous people that have died. For example George Washington died, but he died at a relatively old age and he was retired. It didn't make that much of an impact. Take that into consideration when viewing this list.

Feel free to add anything you feel worthy to be on this list.
The Top Ten
The Death of Jesus

Hell is a real place. Jesus died on that cross so we could not go to hell. Hell is a lake of fire or melted sulphur.

No matter what, anyone who denies that and says "I don't need him," will be in the lake of fire forever. Also, they will be tortured forever, and sensory adaptation does not exist there in hell. He lived a life without any sin but had to go through that excrucialing death. He knew the price that had to be paid. He is the ONLY person who never sinned.

God bless you guys. He saves you from sins. You may say, "I'm a sinner." I have sinned multiple times in my life too. Jesus died for sinners, for everybody.

The Death of Abraham Lincoln

We have all heard about Lincoln's death. He was, of course, shot by John Wilkes Booth while watching a play. We have all heard the story.

His death was pretty important because, after his death, Andrew Johnson took over, who is deemed one of the worst presidents ever. Lincoln had a good plan for Reconstruction, and it would have been smooth. He didn't seek to damage the South. He sought to welcome them back in, so they could sort out their differences. Johnson screwed that all up.

Plus, Lincoln had a plan to integrate African Americans into society. Johnson also screwed that up.

The Death of Adolf Hitler

His death changed history in the sense that he probably would not have agreed to unconditional surrender.

Glad he died. If he didn't die, he would have killed more Jews. I respect all religions.

This made the world a little safer.

The Death of John F. Kennedy

JFK's death was one of the most headlined events in history. It is one of the only assassinations we have on TV, and it created huge amounts of conspiracy theories.

Kennedy was a good president before he was shot, so that obviously hurt.

The Death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

There were multiple causes of World War One, but the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the tipping point. His death is actually fascinating. Franz and his wife were on their way to the governor's palace when a bomb went off in one of the cars behind them.

Franz demanded that they go see those who were injured. While the drivers were turning around the cars, Gavrilo Princip seized his opportunity and shot and killed both Franz and his wife. This event is one of the most important causes of WWI.

Should be number one. Lincoln only changed US history, and we can't be fully sure Jesus actually was real. This guy's death changed the course for the entire 20th century.

The Death of Martin Luther King Jr.

The most famous and, in my opinion, the best civil rights icon by far is Martin Luther King. He stood for more than just black rights, and that's what I think made him special. His assassination would send shockwaves that are still felt today.

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Very sad and tragic. He was just a leader who stood up for black rights. Black Lives Matter.

I wish this didn't happen. My best friend Kaliq is black. MLK was against racism.

The Death of Julius Caesar

One of the most famous deaths ever is the death of Julius Caesar. The play, which we have all been forced to learn about in high school, is quite likable to me. Regardless of the play's accuracy, it is still true that Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by a group known as "The Liberators" in 44 BC on the Ides of March.

Plutarch and Suetonius, two of the most famous historians and among the first, back most of this up. His death would set in motion another Civil War and eventually bring about the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire.

The Death of Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great's death isn't as famous as some of the others, but it is still pretty important. His death is clouded in mystery, though. Every historical account says something different.

He could have died because of either poisoning or fever. Nevertheless, he died and, worst of all, he died without naming an heir. This plunged Greece into chaos and effectively ended Greece's power.

The Death of Joseph Stalin

The death of Joseph Stalin is actually pretty funny. Stalin didn't trust anyone, not even his own doctors. He had a cerebral hemorrhage, which could've been treated, but he didn't have any doctors around, so he kind of just died.

His death would cause chaos, but it might have also prevented a third World War. Stalin was easily the most radical Communist leader, and I think a war would've happened.

The Death of Mahatma Gandhi

An inspiring, clever man who changed the whole history of India. He got India its independence but sadly died by assassination.

The Newcomers

? Death of Marie Antoinette

Her beheading ended the French Revolution and led to the rise of Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars.

? The Death of Christina Grimmie

She had the potential to become the next big artist in music. She would have been more successful than many of today's artists, including Billie Eilish. She could have released so much more music in a variety of styles to this day.

Yet, she was nicer to her fans than any other singer in history. She was the voice of YouTube. Her death changed the way we interact with stars because it triggered fears of another incident like that, and extra security measures are now being taken.

R.I.P. too soon.

The Contenders
The Death of John Lennon

Imagine (pun intended) what he could have written if he wasn't shot, what he could have done, what he could have said. A great loss to the world.

Lennon's death actually hastened an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan.

The Death of Vladimir Lenin
The Death of Moctezuma II

Reigning over the Aztecs when they first encountered Europeans (the Spanish), it was Moctezuma's misfortune to rule at a time when Europeans finding the "New World" meant their lust for gold (particularly the Spanish) could be fully sated. Moctezuma's capture and subsequent murder also seemed to fulfill an Aztec belief that their own destruction would come by the sea, and from the East. Sad, really.

I can think of no other single death that had a more profound effect on history. His death marked the end of Mesoamerican rule in what is now Central America and brought on the end of the Aztec Empire. Indeed, this single death also ushered in the era of European dominance of the entire Western Hemisphere.

The Death of Napoleon Bonaparte
The Death of Joan of Arc
The Death of Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was an Iraqi politician and revolutionary who served as the fifth president of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. He also served as prime minister of Iraq from 1979 to 1991 and later from 1994 to 2003.

The Death of George Floyd

If you say "all lives matter" when someone says "black lives matter," you are right, all lives do matter. But how often do you see a white guy under a cop's neck for 8 minutes after passing a counterfeit bill?

Everyone remember, BLM represents every race that has ever been mistreated for their skin color, ethnicity, hair, face, weight, or anything that cannot necessarily change. We are all one race: the human race.

The Death of Stonewall Jackson
The Death of William Wallace

William Wallace suffered one of the most painful deaths ever, and it was incredibly graphic. His death would result in a renewed demand for Scottish independence. While it wasn't achieved then, it's the thought that counts.

His death also inspired one of my favorite movies, Braveheart.

The Death of Princess Diana

An angel down to earth, getting murdered and calling it an accident, is enough to prove that in this cruel world, if you go against some powerful alliance under the influence of the so-called Royals, breaking every kind of stereotype, royal protocols, and certain unwanted restrictions, standing up for the greatest causes around the world and believing in humanitarian spirit, the aftermath would be a tragic end for you.

Getting assassinated or murdered, and innumerable inquests, even if done afterwards, it would still be considered an accident only. Period.

The Death of King Louis XVI of France
The Death of Osama bin Laden
The Death of Attila the Hun

Attila the Hun's death is one of the weirdest. He legitimately died because of a nosebleed at a celebration. It could have been because of poisoning, internal bleeding caused by heavy drinking, or worst of all, he simply had a bad nosebleed.

After his death, the Huns basically disappear from history. Would we see a more infamous Hun empire if he had survived? We will never know for sure.

The Death of Elizabeth of Russia

Elizabeth, the Empress of Russia, decided that Russia should join the Seven Years War (1756 - 1763) as an ally of Austria. On August 12, 1759, Russians and Austrians defeated the Prussians under Frederick II near Kunersdorf, Prussia. In January 1762, Frederick II was prepared to surrender and sign a peace treaty with Russia. But surprisingly, Elizabeth died on January 5. Her successor, Peter III, a great admirer of Frederick II, returned to Prussia all the territories Russia had conquered.

After US President Franklin D. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, Goebbels told Hitler this story to give him hope for a German victory.

The Death of Malcolm X Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little and also known as el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist.
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