Top 10 Greatest Warriors in History
Spartans were the greatest in history. With their tactics, Alexander virtually conquered the world. Many of the groups on this list are modeled after the Spartan way.
Trained since a young age to do NOTHING but fight, no others on this list were trained in warfare for their entire lives.
What made the Spartans great is when 300 of them survived against a hundred thousand Persians and ultimately kicked their asses.
They're strong too, and could kill a samurai (as proven in Deadliest Warrior). No one can beat them.
The US Navy SEALs are the most badass soldiers to ever live. They are the greatest handpicked warriors on the planet, and it is proven every day that no one can take them down.
Not even the great Spartan with their shields and spears that people voted for could hold back one of these guys.
Any force trusted with the top-secret mission of killing Osama Bin Laden is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Their courage, bravery, and sheer hard-ass attitude are amazing.
These guys are practically superhuman by the time they complete training.
The only recorded difficulty the Spetsnaz ever had was dealing with the Mujahideen, who are almost wiped out. Spetsnaz don't need large shields, unlike those Spartan cowards.
Shields and spears are fine, but they're useless when bullets are flying. That's why the Spetsnaz are greater warriors than the Spartans.
These guys are ruthless and practically immortal. The Waffen-SS would roast a Spartan or Roman Centurion's armor with their flamethrowers.
These guys made the Wehrmacht look like softies. While the Wehrmacht had extra military drills, Waffen-SS recruits learned to box.
These guys were able to invade almost all of Europe and maybe Russia.
Also known as the Irish Republican Army.
If you guys think Roman Centurions are greater warriors than the Mafia, then you've been smoking something very strong.
If the two warriors met, the Mafia would just mow down the Centurions with Thompson SMGs, blast through their armor with sawn-off shotguns, and burn their capes or cloaks with Molotovs.
Back in the Prohibition era, when gangsters were all the rage, the Mafia was a force to be reckoned with. Armed with the sawn-off shotgun, the Colt 1911 handgun, and the iconic Thompson submachine gun, commonly known as the Tommy Gun, they were unstoppable.
No one can beat the Gurkhas. They have higher blood pressure due to where they are from, which makes them like superhumans. A Gurkha in WWII had his arm blown off and still kept fighting (Lachhiman Gurung), who fought 200 Japanese soldiers with one arm.
Or take Dipprasad Pun, who fought off 40 Taliban on his own.
Gurkhas are the most feared. They have terrifying knives and always maintain high morale.
Gurkhas are the bravest of the brave. Everyone fears them.
A horde that let the soil from the Mediterranean reach the Pacific in the 12th century.
They defeated a superpower during the Cold War and made the US pull out of Vietnam.
Just like when the Russians invaded Afghanistan and got kicked out by the locals (the Soviets' own version of Vietnam).
The Newcomers

Who cares if they're in Call of Duty 4? I wish people would actually research their real achievements - they're far better than what you see in the games.
Green Berets are better than Navy SEALs. SEALs have 16 men in a single SEAL team, while Green Berets only need 12 men in an A-team. Plus, their weapons are better.
Ruthless honor, dignity, tradition, and downright badassery. Failure was not an option!
The funny part is... when the ninja was going against the Spartan, all the ninja had to do while hiding in the tree was use a single blow dart.
The ninja is a Japanese clan. His mask and jacket are black, red, and white. His face is covered by a black mask. He's a good fighter and skilled in karate.
Not only did their thirst for fortune create the need to explore distant lands and conquer them.
Berserkers worked themselves into a mad fury and became numb to pain.
The Roman Centurion was an elite Roman warrior and commander. To say they couldn't fight without their men by their sides is ludicrous. They often found themselves fighting alone, either by being cut off from their men or surrounded. They had to be ready for anything. They carried with them the greatest one-handed sword in history, called the gladius. They also had the best javelin in history, known as the pilum. Each Roman carried two pila.
They had a shield that stood from the ground up to their shoulders and Spanish steel armor, which could not be penetrated by swords or arrows. Along with the best equipment, they also had the best training. There is a reason they conquered most of the known world during their time.
They should be ranked 2nd on this list because the Shaolin Monk and the Apache do not have armor or shields, which makes all the difference in a battle. Only the Spartan is greater on this list.
Israeli commandos are highly trained and employ Krav Maga to defeat their enemies. Israel has one of the most efficient armies in the world, even though it is not very large. Krav Maga is ruthless.
No one can stand up against a man who fights for honor, for respect, and is willing to go to any extent to protect his motherland.
Rajputs, meaning son of king in English, are also known as Kshatriyas.
Rajputs have always given their blood for their country. Without them, there is no history of India.
Indian Rajputs fought for their dignity and their people.
They put up a fair fight against British Gatling guns with spears and shields.
The Soviet secret spy agency that gained prominence during the Cold War.