Top 10 Best Political Commentators
This is a list of the best political commentators. Not politicians, but political commentators. The difference is that a politician is someone who is professionally involved in politics, as a holder of an elected office. While a political commentator is someone who constantly comments about politics without actually holding any position in the office. This list solely focuses on political commentators and not actual politicians. Hence, politicians are ineligible for this list.Vote and Remix your favorite commentators whom you agree with on policy. Thank You.
Both the left and right think the jokes are about the other side. But he is actually on the left. Interesting ambiguity power. But should maybe take a stronger stance if people can't tell.
Entertaining news that's easy to understand.
His opinion is not defined by being either left or right. He shows in a very comical way his best perspective of what is true or untrue.
The king. Comedy. Informative. Sticks up for the little guy and exposes flaws in society in need of addressing.
Oliver is hilarious and tackles important issues head-on.
By the pure logical standard of rational thought, Shapiro is hard to assail. I measure him by the intellectual integrity of his reasoning - and by that standard, he is easily one of the most thoughtful and objective commentators on the political scene. I don't agree with all his conclusions, but his rational thought sharpens my own. To me, that is the real value of any commentator, or thinker, for that matter. I challenge you to challenge his logic, just as I do every week.
He's the only logical person I know. In such a corrupt world, Ben irons out a lot of problems in a normal, reasonable way. He speaks "THE" Truth.
Sam Seder could crush almost anyone in debate. He is very sharp. He is known for frightening meathead "debate me, bro" Steven Crowder.
He is like the left's Ben Shapiro but a lot stronger because his arguments are seamless, while Ben uses his intellect to defend bad politics for money, and he can be caught easily in logical inconsistencies of his opinions. Sam has integrity.
Great commentator -- one of the best on YouTube.
One of the greatest comedians and political commentators.
Very accurate and articulate. Well done.
If you're not listening to Greg Gutfeld, you're not getting the truth.
He humorously calls out the douchebaggery of the radical left. Sadly, much of the left has moved to wing-nut left.
He tends to comment more on common sense and facts instead of letting ideology dictate his opinions.
Candace is an elegant and provocative example of the awakening to Democratic racism through low expectations. Blexit is a powerful and exciting movement.
Need more women like her with the passion and willingness to take on hard subjects.
She's quick-witted, blunt, and passionate.
Witty, high level of integrity, and assesses arguments in a consistent manner, through logical reasoning.
Ana is a low-key debating powerhouse. Dennis Prager claimed the left doesn't debate, so she accepted his challenge, and he quickly fled.
Ana is showing glimmers of hope as she is now calling out some of the leftist douchebaggery. 2024