Top 10 Best Playstation One Games

The Top Ten
Metal Gear Solid

Everyone might have blocky, pixelated faces, but few other games at the time created such in-depth stories with likable, fully voice-acted characters, creative situations, and boss battles that kept me wanting more.

It's amazing how Hideo gave us a hero who was both a mythical legend and felt like a down-to-earth, real person with the way he interacts and talks to people. Gameplay may feel a little clunky nowadays, but that's a result of us now knowing what is to come in the future, as well as this game being one of the few that made the successful jump from 2D to 3D.

Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped

Somehow, it managed to innovate from the already crowded 3D platform genre, making it a hybrid of sorts of 2D and 3D gameplay. And it succeeded with a vengeance.

Fun and challenging. Catchy music. Beautiful graphics. Clever level design. Quirky and hilarious character animations.

One of the first I played. For some reason, I got a demo version of Spyro, another great game, when I went up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square.

I may not have voted for this, but this is probably the game that I spent most of my days playing on the PS1. It easily deserves to be near the top of this list, along with MGS and FFVII.

Final Fantasy VII

If only this game could be easily installed and played on your computer without a thousand patches. Or if only Square Enix had released a PS3 version of this game instead. People who haven't played this don't know the awesomeness they are missing. Seriously.

Best FF story, best introduction, best villain, best graphics at the time, best characters, best soundtrack, best mini-games, best side quests, best ending. It's the combination of greatness that makes number 7 the most beloved FF of all time.

This game was the primary reason I bought the PSX in the first place, along with two memory cards, which at the time, was something that was never needed before.

Spyro: Year of the Dragon

Unpredictable levels, stunning background music, powerful controls, a must-not-miss journey with gorgeous and cool graphics. Totally awesome gameplay. Not a typical game. Creative mini-games too.

Spyro was the first video game I remember playing, and it has remained my favorite franchise 16 years later. This game was my favorite of the series and potentially my favorite game of all time.

I grew up on the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro series, and this was always my favorite game. Great levels, a lot of replay value, and a pretty good soundtrack.

Crash Team Racing

My pride and joy game as a kid. This game is so good that new kart-racing games today still can't match its quality.

Probably my most played PS1 game! Great all around. They really need to re-release this for the PS3 with multiplayer online.

I love this game! I can't wait for the Switch version!

Crash Bandicoot 2 - Cortex Strikes Back

The only truly great Crash game. The first was an average at best Donkey Kong Country rip-off, the third was good but had WAY too many different gameplay styles, and the rest range from decent to unplayable.

An excellent, addicting, and all-around fun platforming game.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

This game is a masterpiece, I swear. Even Gameradar rated it as the best game on PSP. This game was one of the pioneers of the Metroidvania style of gaming.

Fourth favorite game of all time and second favorite Metroidvania game. I think you can guess who is above it, but it's a classic nonetheless. The atmosphere, gameplay, and music (oh my lord, that glorious music) make for such an awesome game.

Just a beautiful game in general. The storyline and everything was just wonderful.

Crash Bandicoot

As innovative as it was, it's way too dopey and clunky nowadays. The PS4 version is a massive improvement.

Always played this taking turns with my siblings. Very fun.

Not the best, but definitely my favorite!

Tekken 3

There were far too many top PlayStation 1 games, so it's really hard to choose the best one, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tekken 3 is the #1. Tekken 3 is one of the best fighting games of all time, let alone on PlayStation 1.

My very first fighting game. It brings back so many memories. I wish the Tekken series would go back to the way it used to be.

Tekken 2 was the best of the Tekken games, and that includes now. An absolute classic which should be in video game folklore and history.

Tomb Raider

It was the first real 3D game we had, where the character could run or swim in interactive worlds, with action-packed cutscenes, FMVs, secrets, long gameplay, and a sexy heroine who would beat everyone's bottom if they got in the way.

Metal Gear Solid number one? That's messed up. Tomb Raider is awesome! It has an amazing soundtrack, one of the most memorable video game characters in history as your main character, and the gameplay is the best I have ever seen. TOMB RAIDER FOREVER!

The Newcomers

? Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
? Kagero: Deception II
The Contenders
Silent Hill

Sequels all fall well short. One of a kind. Genuinely scary. The Japanese are the only ones who can make good horror games.

The best horror game ever, in my opinion.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy

This should be in the top three, at least I think so. Very cool and entertaining game. The Friendship thing was so funny, and Animality was cool. Awesome game! Vote for it, please.

Amazing game. Awesome characters and fatalities.

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage

The most enjoyable game on the PS1. While Spyro 1 has a different engine and Spyro 3 has multiple playable characters for half the game, Spyro 2 has a perfect engine and is all about Spyro.

Spyro had the best gameplay platform on the PlayStation 1 ever. Toe to toe with the Bandicoot!

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage used to be my best PS1 title until Crash Bandicoot 3 came knocking on my door. Anyway, check out this game. It is amazing.

Mega Man X4
Final Fantasy IX

Kuja, Vivi, Zidane - those guys are still in my mind. Sorry, this is the game of my childhood. It took me three months to beat it. Three months! Also, perfect plot and a lot of fun things to do.

Spyro the Dragon

When my son Darius was 4 years old, I introduced him to the game Spyro the Dragon. About 2 minutes after showing him how to play the game, he rammed Spyro's head against a wall and burst out laughing. He still plays it after 15 years.

I loved playing Spyro when I was little. I even played The Legend of Spyro games. It's been a while since I played them, but this was the first game I ever played. Too bad they don't make any more.

Did anyone else just make Spyro ram his head into walls over and over again?

Gran Turismo

The game that blew us all away with its graphical prowess and the unbelievable engine was a dream to play. Thanks to the PS1, this game was nearly perfect, and in my opinion, all the NFS games have paled in comparison.

In fact, this game can be considered the godfather of driving simulators. It made us realize that it could be incredibly enjoyable to imitate reality while having a great time.

The graphics for this game were OUTSTANDING, to say it mildly. Add to that some extremely good car control, and it was clear Sony had a winner on their hands with this game. Still one of my favorite PSX games.

Final Fantasy VIII

I played FF8 for more than 150 hours, and I'm still looking to play it. Incredible drama and a very immersive game.

Very underrated. My favorite Final Fantasy to date.

Tekken 2

Best of the combat games, in my humble opinion. The secret, apart from the smoother gameplay, was its speed, which was fast enough to flow but not so fast that it became a button basher.

It was a skillful duel, and the variety of moves the characters had kept you coming back for more. This is also why, when you had some buddies around, this game was exceptional entertainment and provided many people I know with probably thousands of hours of competitive fun. What a wonderful game.

Tekken 2, along with SF2 Turbo and Way of the Exploding Fist, are absolute masters and godfathers of the beat 'em up genre. Forget Crash, Sonic, Mario, and the rest.

Mega Man X5

This was the one title that foreshadowed Tetsuya Takahashi resigning from Square and forming his own company, Monolith Soft. Xenogears did well and sure could use a remake.

Everything else, step aside. Please give three hours to this game and thank me later.

Chrono Cross

This is literally the best PSOne game ever, hands down. Brilliant storyline, lovely soundtrack. Just a class game.

This is my favorite game on PSX, and it has the best soundtrack of all video games. And I love Kid.

Resident Evil

The game from our childhoods that either scared us senseless or caused uncontrolled leakages. Though it hasn't aged well, it's still one of my favorite games on the original PlayStation.

This is an amazing game, if only the voice acting was decent.

Are you kidding me? This is the best game in PlayStation 1 history.

Resident Evil 2

I've finished this game more times than any other. A close second is Castlevania SOTN.

Final Fantasy Tactics
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