PlayStation One Games With the Best Graphics

The Top Ten
Grand Theft Auto
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Valkyrie Profile
Metal Gear Solid
Jade Cocoon
Grand Theft Auto 2
Saga Frontier

I remember playing this game at my Nan's house.By far,this was the easiest game of the Rayman series,although putting in the secret password that unlocks EVERY level in the game.Except for some levels that require a different password.

Legend of Mana
Marvel vs Capcom

The Newcomers

? Driver
? Final Fantasy IX
The Contenders
Vanguard Bandits
Mortal Kombat 4
Silent Hill
Xena: Warrior Princess
Resident Evil: Director's Cut
The Fifth Element
Alien Trilogy
The X-Files Game
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Tomb Raider
Front Mission 3
Crash Bandicoot
Um Jammer Lammy
Spyro the Dragon

How was this game not on the list when I first saw this list?

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