Thursday - The Weeknd (Mixtape Review)

PhenomentalOne Do you know what day it is today? Do you know what I'm reviewing today? In the words of the great Abel Makkonen Tesfaye...
" Not on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, but on Thursday."
Before you jump at me, no, I didn't do this for a meme. Even I didn't see this coming.

(There used to be a story here, but I've stopped giving attention to the wrong people.)

Anyways, enough of stories, let's move on with our review.

1. Lonely Star
Nice track, but something just doesn't click for me. Maybe it's the interlude where the girl speaks, which I find irritating. But yeah, sometimes even I feel pain and sadness are my best friends.

Best Part of the Song - The piano (At this point, it might be my most favourite musical instrument, if only the guitar didn't exist)

2. Life Of The Party
Oh man, this is so horrendous. The guitar solo in the intro isn't energetic at all and the vocals in the chorus see Abel transforming from a teenage, pouty girl to a demon from the Netherworld. However, I'll give it this - If the track was trying to be evil, it definitely succeeded.

Best Part of the Song - Guitar in the verses (Tolerable)

3. Thursday
Now, here's a song that I like. The lyrics might be relatively short and simple, but what saves it from being uninteresting is the production, something I can't talk about as I don't know anything about it but it's still good, I'll give you that. Also, it features some the best vocal ranges Abel has gone to.

Best Part of the Song - The atmosphere (Manages to be intoxicating in a good way)

4. The Zone (Ft. Drake)
This took a quite a long time for it to grow on me. There was also a time when I HATED this song for being completely uninteresting. Drake's verse is good but somewhat forgettable as he lacks energy. And Abel cheating on his girl, yeah, I would DEFINITELY recommend that. At this point, it's my least favourite (but still my favourite) song on Thursday.

Best Part of the Song - The piano (Somehow, the chopping-up made it sound even better, and it's the only reason this grew on me)

5. The Birds, Pt. 1
This song features some of the best drums in The Weeknd's whole career (which sounds like it might do well for a troop's march past), good vocals and lyrics that define him. What else can I say?

Best Part of the Song - Dunno

Midway Rankings
5. Life Of The Party
4. Lonely Star
3. The Zone (Ft. Drake)
2. The Birds, Pt. 1
1. Thursday

Lettuce continue.

6. The Birds, Pt. 2
This might be one of the darkest, and therefore, one of the GREATEST songs The Weeknd has ever written, produced and executed. With some good lyrics, good guitars and Abel's vocals, this is a standout track from his entire discography and something only a few other songs can top.

Best Part of the Song - Martina Topley-Bird's sample (Isn't it ironic?)

7. Gone
A song where Abel has completely freestyled? Tell me more about it.

I like the melody, but I kinda don't like the fact that the song is dragging too much. The 1st 4 minutes are good, but the rest just bores you (I mean it's 8 minutes long, the LONGEST song he's ever done). So it's kinda surprisingly that the vocals manage to be balanced throughout.

Best Part of the Song - Dunno, mate

8. Rolling Stone
Man, this song is too hard to judge.

There is a strong electric guitar riff in the beginning and ending, and in contrast, there are acoustic guitar tabs during the vocals. But both do well in their part.

As for the lyrics, if you didn't know the message Abel was trying to send, it would seem like an ordinary The Weeknd track. But is it a good song? Well, if you consider the message, it is a GREAT song. Otherwise, it won't be so much. I'll take the former.

Best Part of the Song - "I'll be different, I think I'll be different, I hope I'm not different, and I hope you'll still listen, but until then, baby, I got you." (Yeah man, you still got us).

9. Heaven Or Las Vegas
Y'know, whenever I do these reviews, I usually give all the tracks a final listen. I didn't give it to this. Because I knew that if I did, I would HATE it even more for how infuriatingly BORING it is.

First, the lyrics, which look like they might've been written by some self-loving, middle school KID (except for that 'inner thigh' part)

Second, the music. Again, why do you want me to go to sleep, Abel? Answer me.

Third, the concept. In the song, he blames his father for not teaching him moral values and now he has become the devil. In real life, Abel said that he rarely saw his father but didn't have any personal hate for him. Which just proves...

Abel Tesfaye is a HYPOCRITE (Don't worry. Everyone is.).

SO, that's it. My review's over. This time I had a more calmer head as I love this mixtape, though I know I has it's mistakes. Here's my rankings.

Overall Rankings
9. Heaven Or Las Vegas
8. Life Of The Party
7. Lonely Star
6. The Zone (Ft. Drake)
5. Gone
4. The Birds, Pt. 1
3. Rolling Stone
2. Thursday
1. The Birds, Pt. 2

Mixtape Rating - 8.5/10



Best Tracks - #1-#6 - PhenomentalOne