Top 10 Best Transformers TV Series

This show is, put simply, the best Transformers show of all time. The action was amazing, the story was astonishingly well-written, the characters were interesting and fleshed out, and the CGI looked great too! Unfortunately, my cousin is a G1 fanboy and refuses to give any other Transformers show a legitimate chance simply because they're not what he grew up with. That really sucks, because his nostalgia is keeping him from seeing that this show is what every Transformers fan deserves.
The Prime series was time well spent, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The story was written and executed incredibly well, with my favorite characters brought to life. The only thing I dislike is that, even though I finished the series and watched the following movie, I still wanted more, especially with Knockout's possible redemption arc.

I just have to say, Generation 1 of Transformers was amazing. It had a strong story, good characters, and writers who worked beyond the material given to them. This show was downright genius. It really is the greatest Transformers cartoon ever.
This series had the largest number of characters and character deaths. This made the battles seem like real battles, not just random encounters where the Autobots never die.
The vast majority of characters, backstories, plots, and ideas can never be outdone by any modern interpretation of this legendary series.

Transformers Prime remains my favorite show to this day, but Animated comes in a close second. It's fun and has amazing characters. I honestly love what they changed from what one might be used to within the franchise. Things like Optimus not being the leader, but rather Ultra Magnus. They made a new story out of one told many times before, and I loved exploring that world.
This was a successful attempt to bring Transformers into the 21st-century cartoon world. It was one of Cartoon Network's last good shows. It had a little of everything for all fans while introducing Transformers to a new generation. This is a rare success - a cartoon that appealed to kids as well as adults. The only complaint we have is that it ended too soon.

Beast Wars, once you get over the CGI, was amazing. It managed to have only one character who could be annoying (I don't know any other Transformers show that can say that!). After the first season, which was not brilliant, and they brought in thirteen episodes per season, it felt like a contained epic, with the same plot always lurking in the shadows.
It was also much more moving than most Transformers shows. Who didn't pity Transmutate? Or fear Rampage? Or look up to Dinobot? (He was the best). Plus, it had the greatest incarnation of Megatron EVER! A good show with a great cast that wasn't afraid to kill off the heroes.

This series had impressive character development between the main protagonist and antagonist throughout the entire storyline. Just when you thought you understood them, they would surprise you. Although Optimus wasn't voiced by Peter Cullen, the different voice actor actually fit the character well. He was the good, kind, noble, and just Optimus Prime that everyone loves (until Energon, where he's a total jerk), yet he still kicks major ass in battle.
His design was great. I loved how expressive the tilt of his head and the intensity of his golden optics could be, showing anger and rage that later changed to sadness and grief. As for Megatron, I feel sorry for him. He was a brilliant schemer and strategist, but his soldiers were total morons! Yes, I'll give them credit for being hilarious (and Starscream, just for being awesome). Megatron also deserves a bonus for being an epic badass - he transforms into a huge tank!
Overall, there were just a lot of plot twists that, even if they seemed minor at the time, all played a part in the outcome of the series' long story. In short, Armada made me love Transformers.

This series had a very large and complex plotline that always kept the show interesting.
This was my first Transformers TV show as well as my first toy line. I was about 5 or 6 when I watched this show for the first time, and my first Transformer toy was Cannonball, the repaint of the Deluxe class, Red Alert.

Sure, it was intended for younger fans, but the storylines and characters are strong enough to appeal to older fans as well.
It's a kids' show, of course, with fairly simple animation, but some clever dialogue makes it fun.
Even though I was older, I still watched it. The storylines in this show are great.

This is an old G1 anime style. The cast is pretty interesting, despite most of them never being released in the States. Jean's a major whiner, in some ways worse than Daniel in Headmasters.
The only real downside is there are too many clip episodes.
The Newcomers

This series has its ups and downs. A major down is killing Optimus Prime off again, then putting Rodimus back in charge for about ten episodes before he goes into space, leaving total strangers in charge. Worst of all is what a whiny baby Daniel is. He was at least bearable in the American version, but here, all he does is whine and cry.
On the upside, it has some good G1-style animation and features brief appearances of pre-movie characters unseen since. It also features some later characters Rebirth didn't.

The series is just okay at first, but it gets better with each passing episode!

This underrated series is the best of the Unicron trilogy. It has more action than Armada and gets the characters' names right more often. The toy line was also one of the best of its time.
Personally, Energon has always been a fun series, but I wish in every Transformers show they would discontinue the humans. They almost take all the fun out of it!
It may have been a flawed series, but the Transformers were enjoyable and entertaining!

A late '80s series released in Japan, Masterforce had a great story and introduced many new characters. If you are a fan of the older Transformers series like G1 and Headmasters, you should definitely check this out.
The show introduced many new characters like Sixshot, Overlord, Grand Maximus, and the Pretenders.

To avoid confusion, I'm praising the 2001 series, NOT the horrid 2015 one. This was the first series to feature Autobots and, eventually, Decepticons again. It's primarily aimed at a younger audience, hence some of the childishness, like Sideburn flirting with cars, the hard-luck lady, and some other anime content.
My only real complaint is how they shout the name of their weapon as they fire. It would've been so annoying to hear Optimus Prime in G1 shout "Laser Rifle" or Megatron yell "Fusion Cannon" and so on. The toy line was very impressive, especially Nemesis Prime, aka Scourge. Evil doubles are always cool bad guys.
I'm glad they chose to name the villain Megatron (and later Galvatron) in the English dub to go with tradition. He was called Gigatron in Japan. It's only too bad we didn't get a new Fortress Maximus figure here. He would've been hot with old-school collectors.