Best Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Characters
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is an animated television series on Cartoon Network. It tells the story of a boy named Mac and his imaginary friend, Bloo. They live in an orphanage that houses abandoned imaginary friends.
A really iconic character who's honestly a lot more multifaceted than he's made out to be by people who uncritically despise him.
He's always causing trouble but knows how to have a good time, and he does love his friends at the end of the day.
Although Bloo is self-absorbed, kind of an a-hole, and quite rude, he's great. It's not his fault he's like that. It's Mac's fault. He was the one who made him that way.
I love Bloo's humor, his design, his nice side, and seeing his relationships with other characters is quite interesting.
In the end, we all have to remember that Bloo suffers more than most of the characters. He's been through a lot (whether by Terrence, Duchess, the Extremasaur, Kip Snip, his own friends, and others I can't remember), and I feel so bad for him. He gets tortured all the time, and it makes me want to kill whoever hurt him.
He's so lovable and cute, and I think we can all get past his bad side to see how great of a character he really is.

I think she deserves to be number one on this list because she has to take care of a home filled with thousands of imaginary friends.
She has to clean up after them, cook all the meals, get overwhelmed but manage to hold all that inside.
She also acts kind of like a big sister to Mac and treats him like a better younger sibling than his actual older brother does. She's basically the strongest character on the show.
She's the best character in the whole series and the most sympathetic one.
She's treated more like a slave than an employee.

I honestly think Mac is a great character.
It is kind of funny with that sugar thing he has.
Solid character! Nice guy instead of a "nice guy."
Personally, my favorite character.
I don't like Bloo. He's annoying.

Cheese is just absolutely hilarious! I love his personality.
I laughed when he would scream, say "I like cereal," "I like chocolate milk." I also thought it was funny when he said "Candy is broken."
He is probably one of my favorite characters in the show.
"I like chocolate milk."
"I'm screwing the wheel!"
Cheese is the funniest character on Fosters, but I do have a soft spot for Bloo.
It's just that I liked Cheese better because he falls into that category of cartoon characters that you don't see quite often, but when they are on screen, it makes the show funnier and better.
I love Cheese!

Wilt should be number one. His backstory makes me cry.
Watch Good Wilt Hunting in Season 4. You will see Wilt as the best character.
As for Bloo, he is only in the show because of Mac.
I like Wilt. He is very sweet and kind to others!
He's cool.
I like him better than Mac and Bloo.

He's so sweet and furry!
If I were a kid, I'd love to have him as an imaginary friend.

I would love to have a palm tree-headed friend.

I can't fathom how this lady is not number one. She has the rebellion of Bloo (e.g., blowing a raspberry at Mr. Herriman in Busted), the energy of Mac (throwing off her clothes in World Wide Wabbit without even needing sugar), is warm and welcoming to everyone without it coming across as fake like Frankie, and brings out humility in the stuffy, pompous Mr. Herriman.
My goal in life is to be like this lady when I am her age.

He's actually a great character.
I understand if people don't like him though.
The Newcomers
He's a unique and complex imaginary friend in that he's a pocket dimension instead of a tangible being. He's a tragic villain whose loneliness drove him insane.

Bendy is my favorite character, along with Wilt.
Everyone should stop hating on Bendy! He was created by a child who had strict parents. Bendy was created to break house rules, just like Wilt was created to say sorry. Bendy didn't steal the cookie because he was hungry. He stole it because the note on the jar said not to touch it.
Bendy broke a vase and a window and stole a cookie.
Bloo stole Frankie's bus and ran over everything, broke Madam Foster's bust, destroyed the house to prove that Bendy stole a cookie, ruined Wilt's socks, made Eduardo cry, blamed other imaginary friends or people for his mistakes, started crying if something didn't go the way he wanted, never listened to Mac, saw others as his servants (especially Wilt), stated in the episode "Goodbye to Bloo" that he was going to kill Mac and visit his grave every day, asked Frankie to jump in the swimming pool and pretend she couldn't swim, and while the shark was eating her, he would jump over the shark, etc., etc.
Bloo is sadistic like Berry, breaks house rules like Bendy, blackmails like Terence, makes everyone else do his chores, and sees them as servants, like Duchess. But no one cares because he is funny. Bendy is funny too and has a cool design. Deal with it.