Top 10 Worst Commercials of All Time
The absolute worst adverts ever made in the history of television! Ads that are either offensive, terrifying, or so bad they're actually hilarious. Feel free to add more.
This 2006 ad is notorious for being unbelievably annoying and repetitive. HeadOn is supposed to be some sort of product that can relieve headaches, but I'm pretty sure everyone started to get headaches from viewing this irritating ad. It features a woman placing the product on her forehead while the words "HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!" are repeated over and over again. This ad caught a lot of people's attention and started an internet phenomenon, resulting in a lot of parodies.
"HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!" God, even after all these years it's still stuck in my head...

It sounds like they hired a version of Lady Gaga who chain-smokes cigars and forced her to sing the song in the commercial.
And it looks like this backfired on them.
I've never eaten at Quiznos, but I honestly have a reason not to now that I know about these unholy monsters. They first appeared on the web singing a song called "We Like the Moon". Quiznos apparently thought the video was funny so (as morons) they decided to use the Spongemonkeys in their commercials. Thank god they were removed completely due to complaints from viewers.

This one just doesn't make sense at all, and it's creepy.
This ad just scared people away from gaming.

This commercial (directed by Alfonso Cuaron) is offensive towards autistic people, and it sparked a lot of controversy. Not only that, most things in that video are untrue.
Not everyone with autism is the same. We're just as variable as people without. For example, some of us are quiet, some are loud, some of us are anxious, others are calm. Some of us are great at socializing, others struggle.
I understand the intention of this advert, but I think it sort of sounds like they're saying all autistic people are the same way, which I don't agree with.

This ad is wrong on so many levels. A 70s ad where it advertises Love's Baby Soft, a product that's supposed to make you smell like a baby. If that wasn't odd enough, it also shows a full-grown woman in baby clothes licking a lollipop seductively.
What message were they trying to convey? That babies are sexy or something? I don't want to know.
Oh my god, why did you remind me of this commercial's existence?!

Another Super Bowl commercial, and this one is highly racist. It shows two pandas with stereotypical Chinese accents. This ad was branded as offensive and racist and was quickly pulled from the air. SalesGenie stated that they never thought anyone would take offense because the pandas themselves are Chinese. Yeah, like that's not stereotypical at all!

The animation in this knee brace commercial gives Clutch Cargo a run for its money.
Grandma, slow down, I can't keep up! Maybe you could use a knee brace, too!

This backfired terribly, knowing how many people dislike this show.
I didn't really mind it that much, but I think this was just Cartoon Network trying to force people to watch a show they didn't like.
My version of the commercial:
Person who talks: It is your birthday, but of all the things you get, nothing can be anywhere as good as this gift.
Robin: We have a gift for you.
Person: We are cancelling and never airing Toddler Titans No! And replacing the airings with classic shows like Steven Universe, Regular Show, and Adventure Time.
Cyborg: Sounds crazy enough to work. I like it.
Person: No more Toddler Titans No! Your new least favorite show.

Disgusting. This would make you NOT want to buy Little Baby's Ice Cream. I wouldn't be able to have Little Baby's Ice Cream without this ad playing all the time.
I was like, "Hold up!" when he said, "I eat little babies... ice cream."
Didn't watch the commercial, but that man or woman seems creepy.

Nobody is going to trust a commercial about a Super Why ripoff character with poorly animated skills.
There is no way I'd ever buy antivirus software from some rip-off of Super Why.
I thought I was the only one aware of this atrocity's existence.
The Newcomers
Kicking a soccer ball into someone's phone to make them order Subway is not a way to make people want Subway. If anyone kicked a ball into my phone, they would get hit in the face with a ball, and their nose would be broken.

This commercial sucks. It drives me nuts. I mute it when it comes on.
This commercial is so annoying. It is annoying when she screams, Start the car!

A British advert even creepier than the other two I've mentioned below. It features a very human Humpty Dumpty speaking in high-pitched gibberish.
I've already mentioned this in my anti-Kinder Surprise list, so I'm just going to say this: It's like the British really hated children and wanted to do abusive parents a favor by psychologically scarring them for life instead of beating them. If this is what they really intended, then boy, did they succeed! Good job, Britain! A+! Gold star!
Since these things are sold in Canada, I think it's safe to say that I (as an American) am more comfortable living in my own country, even if Trump is our president...

To be honest, we don't really see these anymore - thank God.
I think the McDonald's executives were probably high when they came up with this.

This ad is obnoxious, stupid, and it looks like it was edited in Windows Movie Maker.

Commercial: Grubhub perks
Me: Uh, you never come to anyone I know's house when they order, so don't say perks. Plus, why is that kid looking scared? And why the ugly designs? Mayo is gross.
Commercial: Give you deals on the food you love. The kind of deals that make you boogie.
Me: Why would anyone boogie over deals?
Commercial: Man dances.
Me: Woah, dude, your digestion will go fast. I tried chewing while dancing. That happened.
Commercial: Shows lady doing a choking hazard.
Me: Woah, ugly design again. Also, you can choke doing that.
Commercial: Lady bends while drinking a shake.
Me: Not a good idea while pregnant. Also, another ugly design.
Commercial: Shows kid confused, then joins.
Me: No, cringe again.

This commercial aired during the 2015 Super Bowl. Everyone knows those types of commercials are supposed to be fun, but this one wasn't. It features a child narrator who turns out to be dead, and it caused backlash among viewers. Nationwide even responded to the backlash, saying that it was supposed to start a conversation. If that conversation was about how Nationwide scared people, then yes, it succeeded.

I mean, this was a Super Bowl ad, so of course it would be strange.

I remember first seeing this ad when it first aired. I get this is a fish deboner, but my God, could they not have made a better name? Is anyone going to take a product called "Wunder Boner" seriously? Even as a kid, I laughed at this.
I saw this ad before on YouTube. I was watching a video where the rule is not to laugh or grin, and I didn't even laugh at it because I don't have a dull, rubbish, dirty mind! But the ad was disgusting and odd.
Gee, I wonder what's next? The Master Baiter?

A political ad by Texas Governor Rick Perry that was made during the time he was running for president in the 2012 Republican Party presidential primaries. It caused controversy for addressing gays in the military and religion in public schools due to Perry's disapproval of the former. As of June 2017, it's the 23rd most disliked video on YouTube, and I can see why.
Most of the stuff in this video is untrue!

It would be a lot better if it were Kids 4 Kars because these annoying kids need to be donated instead of cars.
What are you going to drive, a Power Wheels? No one likes this commercial.

This commercial featuring actor Brad Pitt advertising the perfume Chanel No. 5 is known for being needlessly dramatic and over-the-top. Even the dialogue itself tries way too hard to sound poetic. This ad was so bad that it was parodied and mocked for years.
He was the highest-paid celebrity for an advert back in 2012 when it first aired. They made a mistake.