Top 10 Worst Shows On CBBC
CBBC has declined in quality and features many disappointing shows today. However, which one truly takes the cake and writes "you're adopted" on it with icing?I think Cheryl Taylor made a huge mistake. What was she thinking when she commissioned this?
If I were the president, I'd erase Ludus from all channels and take it out of everyone's mind!
In this show, everyone bullies. CBBC - Home of the best children's shows? None are good!
I fall asleep every time I watch it. Terrible show.
This show is very over the top, with the children getting whatever they want. If they were in the real world, I dread to think what would happen if they didn't get their way.
My sister always watches this, but I don't because it is so boring, unfunny, and it sucks.
Oh no, this is the worst program ever on CBBC.
How this show ever got to being aired on television is beyond me. It is the worst children's show I have ever seen. Completely stupid, cheesy, and horribly scripted. My five-year-old can't stand it.
You can't watch two minutes of the show without gagging or cringing until you curl up into a ball. The sad part is that the "actors" seem to be such talented dancers, but this show is not doing them any justice. I just hope for their sakes that they realize what fools the creators of the show have made them out to be and move into other shows or movies with a better script.
Stupid. Everything is fake. In one episode, Bobby Lockwood is happy with a sad face.
Basically, a knock-off version of Twilight without vampires.
Everyone thought this hideous show was over, but they made a remake of it.
Basically, a knock-off version of Travel Man.
The Newcomers
This is not just the worst show on CBBC. It is the worst show in the world! Its jokes are not funny at all. I hate it.
This show has no story, just bad pranks. Prank Patrol was more professional and better. Barney Harwood is a legend!

By this, I think you mean Dennis and Gnasher Unleashed. It ruins The Beano! Pie Face looks completely different from the one I loved and adored. Also, Rasher is a girl now - what a shock! Despite this, it did give me a few good laughs, especially when I read old Beano annuals and managed to find some that portray this show well! For instance, in a Beano Annual (year unknown): "The Bash Street Kids in: A Load of Junk!" Janitor: "WHAT A HIDEOUS MESS!"
I hate this show so much, especially the new one.
It makes no sense at all. It's like terror on a dish.

Who would ever air an American baby show about easy math on a British channel aimed at kids seven and older?
The simplest math seems to take a billion years. Most people know what 5 + 11 is without using their fingers.
Aw, this is horrible, and it's about math. It's 2019. We have calculators!
Dodge is better than the silly, dirty joker Hacker. Why did Dodge go to Cbeebies? I want him to go back to CBBC! Nevertheless, Dodge is doing a good job in Cbeebies.
I never liked Hacker, and then CBBC put him everywhere, much to my annoyance. I moved over to CITV.
Hacker is an annoying pest, just like his brother, Dodge.
One of the worst shows ever because of the actors.

The show is really cringeworthy and has a lot of immature humor as well.
This is the crappiest baby show ever! They treat you like babies and act like little kids, handing out 'wonderful gold stars!' Who wants baby gold stars? Who even likes school, anyway?
The worst show, following Just Kidding. It sucks.