Top 10 Strongest Land Animals
This is the list to see which animals are the strongest.
I've just seen a video of different animal fights and their violence is unbelievable. Animals fight for their lives and only then would you see their real power. Tigers are rarely attacked hence you rarely see them fight with all of their strength. When little animals get hurt they become two times faster and more fierce, something you can rarely see in lions and tigers also because of their courage. Same thing applies to other large animals. But, taken all into account, speed, stamina, prowess, ability in general, tiger takes the top. It beat lions almost always and lions beat crocodiles and rhinos... Other comparison is only imaginary because lions do not meet bears and so on.

Nothing can really kill them well, except for humans and lions that are really hungry, hungry lions has a small chance of killing a elephant but I think humans are more of a big problem (as you know, we can send species to extinction). Lions don't mainly pray for elephants as they are big and can trample over you, to make it scarier, they are even more intelligent, just don't get fooled by the cuteness of the elephant or underestimate its power for being a herbivore, it's known to destroy cars and start a rampage killing humans in a village.

These creatures are made for battle. They have a brute paw swipe. A simple tiger's paw swipe rips a person's neck off. The lion has a much more powerful swipe so it could do tons more damage. Furthermore, they always take on everything. Tigers prefer not to attack. Lions also, are smarter being more social and have much more muscle. Their mane furthermore, protects, them from any serious bites. Rather, they train to fight. Lions are also, faster and taller. They are also, about the same length as a tiger. If you see more documentaries you can see lions often kill and scare away do nile crocs in the water. Furthermore, lions kill elephants and giraffes. Male lions do 99% of the work on these lethal attacks. The lion truly is the king of the beasts.

Black Rhino was very important because they show a great source of income from ecotourism. There were only 5,000 left in whole world. We need to stop the people from their greedy thoughts, that is one of the way to protect the rhino and other species that is living in the wild.
Now just a minute.
A rhino cannot fight of 15 lions. That's too much.
Bengal tigers have taken down adult rhinos all alone.
Though African rhinos may be larger, you talking about FIFTEEN lions, that's too much for a rhino.
I don't consider rhinos very strong but they are I don't consider because when they and miss that will be a big mistake and a score for the attacker. Now you know!

Definitely a serious contender for the #1 spot. Brilliant, strategic, and absurdly powerful animals who can win nearly any fight because they have enormous pain tolerance ceilings, which allows them to endure what most other animals cannot. Speed is their weakness though. However, their keen senses and terrifying displays of territorial dominance frighten away all who even consider approaching their territory. It's hard to bet against an animal with the ability to forge crude weapons and wield them mercilessly.

While their jaw strength aren't as strong as crocodiles, it's still strong enough to break a crocodile in half (over 1800 pounds per square inch).
They have tusks that are around 3 inches in length. They can also run about 20 mph and use their heavy weight (over 6000 lbs) and speed to ram into things at ridiculous force. They can't swim, but they can walk underwater at around 5 mph, which is fast for an animal that weighs more than 6000 pounds. They can open their enormous jaws wide enough for a small child to stand in. Imagine how large of a chunk a hippo can take a bite out of an animal. They're really aggressive so you can easily anger them to the point where they'll start chasing you away from them. They're also super robust (withstanding to attacks) because of their huge bodies. A crocodile's bite be strong, but there ain't no way it can cause quick fatal damage by biting on a hippo's body, especially when crocodiles can't even open their jaws that insanely wide to begin with. The animal that, ACTUALLY, kills more people than any other animal except for humans themselves are hippos (mosquitos are responsible for more deaths than a hippo, but a mosquito doesn't actually kill any one intentionally). Also, to add insults, the hippo doesn't even eat meat.

Crocodiles has the most powerful bite in the animal kingdom, by exceeding over 3,500 psi. Alway's remember, don't get bitten by these things, even once, the teeth of the crocodile are designed to gripped. If you get bit'd by this, you can almost never escape, you will be drag in to the water and they will spin around in circles underwater, known as the famous dead roll, it will keep on ripping your flesh until you bleed to death. If you escaped and survive, you must be lucky. They can be big too, can grow over 22 feet and 4,400 pounds. Don't underestimate their speed for their short legs, they can actually run up to 17 kph (10.5.63 mph), as fast as a human can run. At least it was only for short burst. There are three main movements of the crocodile, the belly crawl, high walk, and gallop. They can kill a great white shark too! Don't go in the water before checking.

Polar bear weights 350-700kg of pure muscles.
The brown bear, which can kill siberian tiger (the largest tiger, ~300kg) with 25% chances, weights in average 390kg. The Russian records say that in a fight between a tiger and a brown bear, the bear kills tiger in 25% cases, the tiger kills bear in 50% cases (often taking the advantage of bear's hibernation, and unexpected attack), in the remaining cases both animals survive.
As for the tigers and lions -- tigers ARE stronger (compare the weight!), but lions mane disallows them to reach the throat easily, and tigers are less determined, have lower durability to complete the fight.

The grizzly bear is far more powerful than any other species of bear. Grizzly bears have concave faces, a distinctive hump on their shoulders, and very sharp claws that can be over 5"-6" inches long (per Animal Facts Encyclopedia). These claws are much straighter and longer than those of other bears, which is why Grizzlies can't climb trees very well, but they are much better in a fight. The "Kodiak bear" are grizzly bears that inhabits the islands of the Kodiak Archipelago in southwest Alaska and because of their environment, grizzly bears in the Kodiak region tend to be about 5% larger on average than other grizzlies. But grizzly bears from any part of North America can get and have gotten as large with the same access to food. The largest grizzlies have weighed up to 1500 pounds and stood 11 feet high, with skulls 2.5 feet wide. They have thick fur, including in vital areas like the neck, and an amazingly dense bone and muscular structure, and have many inches of fat which prevent most attacks from doing more than superficial damage to them. But despite their size, the distinctive humps that grizzly bears have are where the bones and muscles have adapted to make grizzlies powerful runners, capable of chasing down large, nimble prey such as caribou and moose. Grizzlies can run 30 miles per hour. The humps also give grizzly bears far more upper body strength than normal bears. The bite force of a grizzly is about 1,200psi with 2"-3" teeth, enough to "crush a bowling ball", but biting is not a grizzly's main weapon. Grizzlies are incredibly strong. They can crush or decapitate a full grown bull's or moose's skull with a single blow. They can lift up to 80% their own body weight over their head and throw it. Most predators, like lions and tigers, have a thin bone structure to maximize speed. In cage matches in the past once a lion or tiger pounced on a grizzly it wasn't able to harm the grizzly more than superficially even if... more

A kodiak bear could crush a bowling ball with a bite. Decapitate a moose with swipe. It should be #1. Bears often kill tigers is Russia where the 2 coexist. Tigers only kill hibernating bears and subadults. A kodiak bear can easily kill a elephant as tigers and lions have done so. It is also, smarter than all but the elephant in this list. They have sacrificed agility for brute strength. They also, have speed though. They run as fast as any tiger or cat. They have blunt, but longer claws. Same eyesight, as cats but better smell than dogs. They are the ultimate land predator.
The Newcomers

They can kill a full grown male lion in one kick plus they have amazing speed and stamina
If they are that strong god knows what they good to to a full army of lions jesus

Sorry guys. Rhinoceros beetle is stronger than what you think. Not 100, but can lift 850 times their own weight.
However, dung beetle is stronger, because it can lift 1141 times its own weight.
Equivalent to a 70 kg person pulling six double-decker buses full of people.
If you consider the ratio of it's body weight to the amount of weight it can lift, it is by far the strongest animal in the world. Can an elephant lift 8 million pounds? Don't think so.
In the bug world, this animal should be #1, but it can be crushed against a human alone. Think it through, this beetle stands no chance against the other animals on here.
Black bears have all around meaning that even though their not as strong a gorilla but their a little faster and have more dexterity giving them an advantage. Also although they are not the faster than puma or lions they are a lot stronger.
I've seen one in real life not threatening but I still backed away. Still totally adorable!
Panda would totally crush them.

Jaguars are the 3rd most strongest big cat on earth. Beleve it or not jaguars are stronger than leopards, and people just say that leopards are stronger because they are mare well known and the name.
Jaguars are actually really amazing they can swim, climb and run really fast. They are cute too.
Note: not as fast as a cheetah!
When I saw this jaguar first I don't think so it's a dangerous animal.. Going forward am started noticing the way how its catching other animal.. Maginificant
People are thinking attacking animals and not strength. Ox is hands down the strongest. Maybe not a fighter, but makes a good case for the strongest
This should be AT LEAST 4 they carry a lot and are used just for lifting heavy stuff

The green anaconda is one of the strongest if not the strongest animal on a Earth. I mean with just its body, it constricts things to death! Overall, Constricting snakes are the best
But venom has nothing to do with the strength of the species. But I do agree on the anaconda.
Snakes rule! Its venom can hurt you but it depends on the snake.

Humans can develop better stamina than most land animals if not all. Our ability to sweat through our skin to remain cool is a pretty unique ability in the animal kingdom. Native American and Mexican tribes were able to chase large land mammals until the animal dropped due to exhaustion (sometimes 100+ miles). A human can consciously develop their body to become stronger, more resilient and more skilled at fighting. Pound for pound a human should be towards the top. Can't match the power of large cats, bears or anything of that nature, but could have a chance with a simple weapon. Not all humans as there is probably the greatest gap in human capabilities that we have ever seen right now but picture someone like Dwayne Johnson. The human body is also made for grappling and that skill can be greatly developed and allow a human to stand a chance against anything around its own size.
If a normal ant is only so dangerous then think what a leaf cutter ant can be.One bite can last you 12 months!

You are not right leopard are stronger than many animals you vote for
Leopards could haul a 2000 pound bull eland that's more than a average cow maybe

Now wait a minute.
You can praise the Cheetah for speed, but strength? Nope.
Animal experts doubt that a cheetah could even fight a wolf, while the strongest big cat, that is the tiger is too powerful even for 4 wolves.
Just because you vote here doesn't mean that you fill in crap.
But yes, cheetahs are super speedy. No problem in outrunning ostriches. They top at 115 kmph. Betcha your bikes don't reach that much.
Fastest land mammal. They are heavier than a human and are classified as one of the smaller big cats. They are also part of the cat family so I am going to say they are extremely strong for their weight, size, speed and flexibility, as all cats are.

They are very cunning and adaptive. They are also ambush predators and can learn signs from humans that particular one is dangerous.
Are you kidding me? A wolf is NOT in the top ten. A fox in the top ten!? This should be number one, It runs super fast, and has a huge BFQ (Bite force quotient). Ths animal RULES.
I think Wolf is a strong because they have grops and they are together and group is the power they can kill animals together.Thank you for giving me to say anything and also HUH, HUH?!

Even bear cannot escape from its charging. But cheetahs and tigers can.