Most Annoying Twisteds in Dandy's World

Yep, I've been immersed in another fandom, and I feel like this game needs a little more attention. So, here is a list of the hardest and most annoying Twisteds in the game.
The Top Ten
Twisted Glisten Twisted Glisten speeds up and becomes aggressive when alone, detected by a full meter above his head.

I can't tell you how annoying I think this guy is. His gimmick is that you have to keep at least one player near him to keep him company. However, if no one is around and his meter fills up, he'll get mad and start becoming hostile.

The problem is that he will also get hostile when all the machines have been extracted, regardless of whether a player is near him or not. Not to mention, Glisten is FAST. He's probably one of the fastest characters in the game, so if you're near him when all the machines are extracted, you're pretty much screwed.

Twisted Dandy Twisted Dandy roams aimlessly and can insta-kill players when certain shop conditions are met.

His instant kill is off the charts. When you reach store levels that he doesn't like, he'll become twisted and do anything to get those tapes back.

He needs to be number one overall.

The reason Dandy is number two here is mainly because of his rarity. You can't really encounter him unless you want to, as he only appears if you don't buy anything from his shop three times in a row.

However, he is still dangerous since he's the only twisted that can kill a player in one hit.

He can kill you in one hit.

Also, he's very rare to get unless you're on a Dandy's run and just ignoring him.

Twisted Pebble Twisted Pebble is a fast roaming dog with a loud bark, and loses interest quickly if out of sight.

While this character has no special gimmicks, he is still very dangerous and annoying because he is the fastest twisted in the game and has a CRAZY detection rate. He can spot you from halfway across the map.

He's too fast and can spot you from a long distance. He deserves to be the most annoying.

Twisted Vee Twisted Vee bombards players with pop-up ads and slows them down upon spotting them.

From what I've heard, this one is also very annoying because of the pop-ups she can put on your screen. I've also heard that she will automatically come running toward you if you fail a skill check while extracting.

She slows you down, and that's just too annoying for me, especially because I love being the distractor and always getting slowed down

Her pop-ups are just so annoying. And she slows you down if she spots you.

She needs to be ranked higher.

Twisted Astro Twisted Astro drains machine progress if alerted by a failed skill check and applies debuffs to players.

OK, he drives me crazy just as much as Twisted Pebble does.

He sucks your ichor up if you mess up the skill check. It is very annoying.

Astro will steal your extraction progress if you fail a skill check, which makes extractions very frustrating.

Twisted Goob Twisted Goob can grab players from a distance and pull them in for damage every 10 seconds.

He pulls you in, and if I'm going to the elevator, he can pull me in the other direction, leaving me unable to make it to the elevator.

Similar to his normal counterpart, Goob can extend his arms and pull people in to attack them. This can be very aggravating, especially if you're only at one heart.

He can grab you if he spots you. The fact that he can grab you from a long distance away to take your heart is nerve-wracking.

Twisted Shelly Twisted Shelly applies a speed-reducing debuff to all players on the floor and has high mobility.

She's really fast, and that's the problem.

Also, the confusion spell - or whatever it is - makes it hard for me to get machines done quickly.

Shelly can apply confusion to every player when they enter the floor, which causes them to extract slower. She can use this to her advantage to kill people.

I don't like the confusion she puts on everyone on her floor. It makes the floor feel so much longer than the other floors.

Twisted Scraps Twisted Scraps uses her tail to attack from a distance and requires line of sight to connect.

Similar to Goob, Scraps can use her tail to attack players from long range, which makes her just as aggravating.

She makes me go behind islands (or things that are in the way) so I don't lose a heart.

Same thing as Goob, but she just hits you with her tail from afar.

Twisted Toodles Twisted Toodles chases players on all fours, making her one of the fastest and most threatening Twisteds.

She's fast, appears more often because of her lower rarity, and is hard to spot. She should be ranked higher as well.

Faster than the walk speed of a 4-star plus 15% with trinkets. Has range hacks every time I verse her.

I just hate this creepy baby. She's pretty fast and has a decent detection range too.

Twisted Gigi Twisted Gigi steals a random item from the player's inventory and can pick up any items they pass over.

This is especially a nightmare for me when I have a medkit in the first slot or a bandage, and this character steals items by using their hand to take YOUR items. And the twisted speed is a whopping 19?

I don't find her that annoying, but stealing items, especially a healing item like a Band-Aid, is very frustrating.

If she steals your medkit, it's like taking two hearts of damage. She can also steal a stamina item right when you need it.

The Newcomers

? Twisted Ginger While she lacks abilities, Twisted Ginger makes up for this with her extremely high attention span.

She is SO hard to shake off due to her high attention span.

? Twisted Rudie Twisted Rudie lacks abilities but shares Brightney's higher-than-average detection rate.

Basically a common toon, but he also has Brightney's light thing, so he has a better detection rate.

The Contenders
Twisted Sprout Twisted Sprout summons ichor thorns from the ground to attack nearby players every 10 seconds.

As long as you keep moving, you can pretty much stay out of his way.

Twisted Flutter Twisted Flutter has the unique ability to not pause while roaming around the floor.

She's hard to hide from. Even though she doesn't seem like much of a big deal, she is a major problem.

For people who have encountered her, you know the struggle it is to run from this butterfly.

Yeah, they're really annoying, especially when I'm trying to get to a machine.

They will endlessly chase you until you die, hide, or get in the elevator.

For some reason, because of her, I lose a lot of stamina. Then she sees me again, and I either lose a heart to her or die.

Twisted Finn Twisted Finn leaves a trail of ichor, slowing players after they interact with machines on his floor.

I can never see this guy, especially during blackouts. Slowing the player down after completing machines is also super frustrating.

He's hard to spot, especially during a blackout, and he also slows you down when you finish a machine.

After a machine, he slows you down, making finding another machine harder than normal.

Twisted Rodger Twisted Rodger disguises himself as a research capsule and applies debuffs to any players who try to pick him up.

He's always a problem. Being disguised as a research capsule makes it hard to tell if it's really real or just another Twisted.

Easily another annoying one. This guy likes to disguise himself as fake research capsules, and if a player picks one up, he'll appear and use his eye beam to attack them. He also applies debuffs.

Makes me check to make sure there are stripes on the capsule. Takes too long and is therefore annoying.

Twisted Tisha Twisted Tisha roams and idles near machines, without unique abilities but can be annoying in solo runs.

I don't like her stopping midway through her walking to a whole other part of the map.

I find her super annoying since she can camp in certain areas. It's especially frustrating if she's near a machine.

Twisted Cosmo Twisted Cosmo roams aimlessly and lacks unique abilities but shares characteristics with other common Twisteds.

He's not that hard. He's just always there when I'm extracting ichor.

Plus, I never know when he'll pop up and attack me.

I feel like this guy can see everything. When he spots me, I usually have no idea where he's looking from.

Twisted Looey Like Twisted Shrimpo, Twisted Looey lacks abilities, but has a heightened detection range.

This Twisted appears on floor Q or 2.

Twisted Teagan Twisted Teagan steals a significant amount of Tapes from players upon attacking, reflecting her greedy nature.

She can steal tapes from you, which is really annoying, especially if you're not trying to provoke Dandy.

Twisted Razzle and Dazzle Twisted Razzle and Dazzle, when activated, attack players with vines from the ground causing damage.

They're pretty easy not to provoke as long as you don't get too close to them.

Twisted Poppy Twisted Poppy mirrors Twisted Boxten in behavior, roaming without unique abilities and maintaining average mobility.

Two words: range hacks. I'm so far ahead, and then she just pauses, and I lose a heart.

Twisted Boxten Twisted Boxten, a common Twisted, roams without special abilities and has average speed and detection range.

This guy is very annoying for some reason. Every time he loses interest, he sees me again, and I get low on stamina.

Twisted Connie Twisted Connie haunts completed machines and will hit players with an unavoidable attack if they try to interact with one.

I don't like her being kind of transparent. It makes it hard for me to see her when she's coming around the corner.

Twisted Brightney Twisted Brightney increases the chance of a blackout on her floor by tampering with the lighting system.

Extremely hard to escape because her light allows a huge visibility range. You have to run about a mile away to get out of her sight.

I just find her super annoying, but she is easy to spot due to always giving off a red glow. She can, however, increase the chance of a blackout happening.

Twisted Shrimpo Twisted Shrimpo chases players longer due to his higher attention span, despite being slower than other Twisteds.

Playing as a toon like Brightney is a nightmare if this guy appears. Her poor stealth, plus Shrimpo's high detection range, makes it really hard to deal with him.

Super slow and makes me turn around to make sure he doesn't mess with anyone on a machine.

He's pretty annoying because of his high detection rate.

Twisted Bobette Twisted Bobette will chase after players when they pick up an item.

Her mechanic makes her broken. Pick up an item, and she'll start chasing you.

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