Top 10 Hottest Female Video Game Characters

She's so hot! Most of the time, she's in this huge, awesome armor set, but underneath the suit, she's the hottest video game character ever. I love Samus because she's cool, powerful, and very hot.
Now THIS is correct. The sexiest video game character ever. Pretty face, smooth legs, small waist, tight ass, and huge boobs.
Blonde hair, smooth body, pretty face, cute ass, huge boobs. What more do you want from this sexy bae?

Damn! She's the hottest game chick in video game entertainment! One thing that makes Lara Croft sexy is her wetsuits. Now that's what I call a sexy video game character!
Very smart, sexy, loyal, badass. She knows over 15 languages and over 10 fighting styles along with survivalist skills, among many other great traits.
I have a thing for brunettes, but blondes, especially Samus, are pretty damn hot too!

Everything about her is hot: her hair, her backside, her breasts, her curvy figure, her arms, legs, everything!
She's almost an overwhelming amount of hot.
I sure wish real woman looked like this.

You've got to give it to this woman who is not afraid to wear an outfit that nearly completely exposes her backside.
She's so much hotter than Chun-Li, and she's got a nice ass. Plus, who doesn't love a girl in pigtails?

Rosalina is such a lovely character. The reason Peach is ranked lower is because Peach is more sweet than sexy. She's a lot more romantically appealing.
The celestial stunner from the Super Mario series is really hot in her motorbike gear from Mario Kart Wii, and she makes acrobatic stunts!
Scarlett Johansson would be the perfect casting choice for this character if Illumination includes her in a future Mario movie sequel.

She's my favorite Mortal Kombat character because she's strong, beautiful, and fast! I especially like her outfit in Mortal Kombat 9. She's an incredibly hot Asian girl with an outfit that shows her half-nude, revealing part of her breasts.

So hot, Sakurai wouldn't let her into Smash.
She is so sexy, I just can't believe it!
Duh. Her name is the Alluring Ninja.

Of all the Darkstalkers characters, Morrigan is definitely the hottest and sexiest. She puts most everyone else on this list to shame. Never mind the fact that she's a succubus, but I really don't care.
Why the hell is Morrigan dead last? Have any of you actually seen what she looks like? I mean, come on! She should at least be in the top 5.
Right, but she's even hotter with that blonde hair.

She is so hot, short hair or beehive style (that's my preference). Also, her glasses make her sexy, and don't forget about that backside.
I'm a girl, but I still have a right to comment. Anyway, she is probably one of the sexiest girls in the video game universe.
She has guns on her heels, goes to church on Sundays, looks sexy in a nun outfit, and gets naked when she uses her hair powers.

She definitely deserves the spot. Since she is the most demanded female character, she has been a guest in various games like Digimon, Street Fighter X Tekken, and Queen's Blade. She's one of the most popular characters in Tekken.
Why is she last? She deserves a higher rank.
She is my lifetime waifu. Even more cute and beautiful than the rest.
The Newcomers

She is supposed to be in her 40s and still has the body of a 20-year-old. She is smart, deadly, curvy, and has that I don't give a damn personality. What more could you ask for?
She is just utterly hot. Love the way her leather catsuit enhances the luscious curves of her flawless body.
Is it possible to get any hotter?

My lovely Sonya should be in the top 3! She has had many different looks and outfits, but she always looked hot! Amazing woman.
Seriously, how could any human being's legs be that powerful? It boggles the mind.

I knew Zelda would eventually pop up. I mean, The Legend of Zelda? It's named after her! She's so hot they named a game after her!
Zelda is hot and has many counterparts and disguises. She also has mystical powers, and don't tell me that's not hot or easy!
A blue-eyed blonde princess who holds the Triforce of Wisdom. She has it all: good looks, brains, and riches! What's not to love, man?

She's hotter with her mouth mask.

She's all looks, no brains. How did Bowser Jr. come into existence? Was there a game made 9 months before Sunshine?
She has a sweet princess attitude. She is pretty but doesn't brag.
She is starting to reveal more of her sexuality.

Tracer is fast, sexy, and funny. And she can time travel. There are so many reasons to love her.

Catwoman from Batman Arkham City is similar to Kitana from MK9, so sexy. But when the sequel in 2015 came out, she was still kind of hot but not as sexy as she was in the game released in 2011. So yeah, sexy as hell.
Yes, yes, yes! She is so hot! Look up sexy Catwoman. She's always one of the first to pop up.
She is a cat woman. You won't like her if you don't like cats.

Why have Angelina Jolie when you can have Rosamund Pike? That's the question you might face when choosing between Lara Croft and Skylar Saint Claire. Rosamund Pike is a lot classier.
Samus is just a bunch of pixels in an 8-bit game. Skylar is more human-like and has a seductive accent similar to Rosamund Pike's.
Try to imagine what Rosamund Pike would look like in a video game. That's how hot Skylar is.

I like strong women who don't use their bodies to get attention and sacrifice a lot for others. Lucina is pretty much as good as video game women get, though Rosalina and Palutena aren't far behind her.
And you know what's crazy? All three are in SSB4! Finally, we'll have some girls that aren't weak princesses.
Cute and hot, she's not the type I would smash or anything, but really hot still. I would kiss her!
She is a sexy girl that knows how to use a sword. What's more to ask for?