Top 10 Best YouTube Gaming Channels
The best channels on YouTube that focus on gaming content.
He is hilarious, and even though many people may think that watching gaming channels on YouTube is extremely nerdy, PewDiePie makes it hilarious and fun to watch for anyone. I am extremely addicted to his videos, and they can always put a smile on my face.
As soon as I discovered him from a friend, I was instantly addicted and subscribed. I have been subscribed to his channel since he had about three million bros, but now he has over eleven million, and I am glad to be a part of the bro army. BROFIST.
Why is PewDiePie No. 1 on the list? He should be No. Infinite. We should all worship the great PewDiePie instead of God. Did you know that he was born under a triple rainbow and could walk at three days old? At two, he could fly a plane and, in college, he wrote (in his six days of college before graduating with a Ph.D.) 198 of the best orchestras known to mankind. His IQ is immeasurably high but is estimated at 286.

If there's one person that keeps humor around me all the time, that person would be the one and only Markiplier. For years, I've been watching his videos every day (mostly when I'm in a bad mood) to keep me happy. He is proud, awkward, funny, kind-hearted, and beloved. He is good at making friends and really good at games.
He may seem like a screw-up to most games, but who the hell is stopping him? Haters, who never understand the sense of humor, always come to his videos to put in crappy comments about the guy. But guess what, haters: he's not gonna stop anyway. So, don't comment or watch his videos to make him feel bad (even though it barely affects him).
I really hope Mark is reading these comments and cherishing them. Nobody can be as nice and good as him.

I got turned on to VG two years ago and have been watching since. He and his friends are hilarious and make it much better than those playing solo and providing commentary. I, too, really like how he doesn't show himself in his videos as I don't care what he looks like while playing or what his facial expressions are. Just a good group of dudes having fun playing together.
He's also humble about his success and doesn't push for his viewers to "like" or "subscribe," like the majority of these "let's play" folks out there. He also does some great video editing work, and it's gotten better and better over time. My only complaint is that he doesn't put out enough videos. It's a decent amount, but I binge on his videos and crave more. Keep up the good work.
I also want to give a shoutout to his friends. They don't get the love they deserve, and this channel wouldn't be as great as it is without them.

Jacksepticeye is one of the funniest, most amazing, and most appreciative YouTubers I have ever seen. He is so considerate of his fans and is constantly telling them how much he adores them. He is very connected with his fans, and most of his day is spent interacting with them.
He makes two videos a day, and not only does that provide something for viewers to do, but the videos are also consistent and always at a certain time of the day. I enjoy him more than PewDiePie, even because he is, for the most part, respectful and loving toward his fans. Now at 9.9 million subs, I think he'll continue to do great things like the BOSS he is!

RoosterTeeth is arguably one of the best gaming channels due to its variety and amount of content, as well as the community. The company has several branches, each of which produces its own shows, including gameplay, podcasts, animation, and even game shows. Nearly anyone can find some show that they enjoy produced by the company.
The community is extremely vast and welcoming. There's even a yearly expo hosted by RoosterTeeth! In addition, the channel is very modest. They ask for help only when necessary and don't go around flashing their success. They help other creators and promote interactions on their website. I can't express my appreciation for the channel enough. If you can, I'd really suggest giving their content a look.

Nova is my favorite YouTube gamer and has been for a really long time now. I remember when I first watched one of his early video series on "Dead Space 2." Since then, I've been watching his channel grow from series to series, and I'm now enjoying his "The Last of Us" series.
I do watch other channels like PewDiePie, Slyfoxhound, Toby, and the Creatures, but I definitely prefer UberHaxorNova because, for me, he has the best personality when he plays games for us viewers out there. Never ever stop making videos for us, James, a true UberHaxorNova fan.

This guy is just hilarious. He and his friends make a game like Minecraft extremely hilarious because of the jokes they like to say. However, the most hilarious thing about SkyDoesMinecraft is his laugh. It literally sounds like a cross between a monkey and a parrot.
Sky Army! He does Minecraft mod showcases and gets a ton of views on them. A very fast-growing channel that managed to reach 1.3 million subscribers in less than a year!
He is so awesome, and every time he has a new video, I always make time to watch it because I just love his work!

This, so far, is one of the best gaming channels out there. But with his game reviews, top 10s, and his other gaming channel, Game Grumps, he is certainly one of the greats along with the others many people acknowledge. Personality-wise, he is a wild and fun guy to be with, and not just fun with IT'S JONTRON. No, he's just the guy who would be cool to hang out with in real life. Just look at Game Grumps.
I haven't found a better channel than JonTron. His videos seriously NEVER get old and make me die laughing every time. Ah, JonTron, love you. I haven't found another YouTuber even CLOSE to him!

The only reason this is at 65 is because of haters. MatPat puts an insane amount of time and thought into every theory. The haters have been there from the start, saying things like, "His theories can easily be disproved," or "You can tell his channel is directed towards kids because only kids would believe this crap." To that I say, screw you, haters. He's an insanely smart guy, and it shows in his theories.
What?! This guy should be somewhere in the top ten! Not somewhere between thirty and seventy! He is smart, relatable, and has solved almost all FNaF mysteries. Scott Cawthon confirmed his theory on the person behind the Purple Guy (Spoiler: It's Phone Guy). His videos are high quality, fun to watch, and sometimes have surprises in them. Why else does he have more than five million subscribers? He's the best!

This guy is full-fledged proof that you do not need to cuss to be funny. During the spawn of gaming channels, people often followed the formula that cussing is everything. Now there are exceptions, people who naturally cuss a lot like Game Grumps and Markiplier. But this guy's channel is perfectly clean, with the exception of some subtle dirty jokes.
He makes video game reviews, top 10s, and updates more frequently than most game reviews. He isn't over the top but makes smart and witty jokes to entertain the viewers. For example, "I want to get a paint job, *CLANK!* Holy crap, could they make that any louder, I mean seriously, that's the sound effect, I didn't turn up the volume. But wait, what color should I choose? What color, red, blue, yellow, I don't know, uh, PURPLE! (note: Putt Putt was originally purple)"
The Newcomers

This channel covers a wide variety of games. You should definitely check it out.

Dream is just the best player ever. He knows parkour and everything.

His upload time may be once every month or something like that, but each video is a treat. I enjoy his Sims 4, Grand Theft Auto 5, and anything else that comes out of his channel.
The pure amount of effort this man puts into his videos is ridiculous. He deserves so much more just for the sheer amount of work he does.
He is the most hilarious, awesome gamer on YouTube of all time. I like his Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto videos.

Dashie should be way higher than the 44th spot. Don't take my comment for proof. Go and watch his channel. He also has two other channels full of hilarious content. He's his own person, not concerned with what others are doing in their gaming videos, and also tries to steer away from what they are doing because he doesn't want to be one of those guys.
But, as I said, just go to his channel, and you'll see that he deserves a higher ranking.
This channel is by far one of the most uplifting channels around. Dashie has a way of connecting with the audience that isn't really there. He has coined terms like BAYYUUMM!, Chiyyuuuhhhss, and Diugghh, among many other things that you will eventually say too. However, Dashie doesn't only say obscenities. No, he also adds in very corny humor that is so bad… you have to laugh with him.

He's always laughing about something, and even as just a viewer, you really feel invested in his schemes and pranks. The Nanner-Man has always been there on YouTube, and even though he's a smaller channel, you can see how much effort he puts into his videos. Even if you should never trust Nanners, trust me when I say that he's one of the best guys out there.
SeaNanners is the original. If you don't know who SeaNanners is, well, shame on you. He has over one million subscribers and was one of the first gamers on YouTube. He is still around and still has a ton of fans. Number one in my book.

Chuggaaconroy isn't like all of the popular Let's Players on YouTube. He doesn't play the most popular games. He doesn't use annoying facecams on his videos, and he doesn't make annoying jokes or yell like the other Let's Players, most of the time.
He was one of the main pioneers of Let's Playing on YouTube and, for a while, was the most popular LPer on YouTube. His Let's Plays mix informative and useful commentary with humor that will make you laugh so much, you can't even breathe. Throw in a couple of epic fails and some epic wins, and you have possibly the best gaming channel on YouTube.

KSI should definitely be higher up on this list. He has five million subscribers, plus he's the best FIFA gamer on YouTube. Also, his second channel has everything from Grand Theft Auto V to Slenderman. This man is a YouTube gaming legend!
He is the most original and funny commentator there is. If you are a football fan, then KSI is the guy to watch. He is insanely funny, and you are guaranteed to have a laugh, or a hundred, while watching him. Enjoy!
He isn't afraid to voice his opinion and show the world who he is. He can always crack a joke and make so many people laugh.

Why is Smosh Games so low on this list? Shows like Game Bang, Gametime With Smosh, Backseat Gaming, and others are hilarious. It even has Ian and Anthony failing miserably at games along with four other people. Smosh Games needs to be in the top 15 somewhere without a doubt!
You can see the heart and joy that pours into every video. It's obvious they just want to have fun, and I have fun with each and every video I watch. The individual personalities clash to create a sort of chaotic harmony of hilarity.
Smosh Games should be at the top. They have quality editing and sound in their videos, and a majority of them are hilarious. Not to mention, they actually get along pretty well with each other.

Jordan is my favorite YouTuber out of anyone. People say a person's fan base reflects who they are, and that couldn't be truer for him. He is logical, animated, and innocent. He's the smart kid in the back of the classroom of YouTube, the one that everyone knows about but few truly take the chance to get to know him personally.
If you want an extremely down-to-earth guy that will make you smile, play along, and maybe even sing a little, then this is the kind of channel you want to watch. He doesn't curse very much and he does fantastically on his own and with other YouTubers. He's also extremely likable, and if you don't want to get mad at who you're watching, then again, watch this guy! He is as honest as he possibly can be. He's committed and consistent, and he always updates his fans on information and news. Just give him a look-see, okay?! He's really an epic person.

He is an absolute beast at games and still entertains the people all the while trying to be the best at the game at hand. He doesn't just sit around and make stupid noises while he fails immensely at a game just to get a laugh. Nope, this guy isn't a fake, and he's really cool. He also interacts with his fans through social media and the comments.
He is the most entertaining out of all of them and is a complete beast at Call of Duty and Minecraft. I enjoy all of his videos. He well deserves all his fame and subscribers.

KYR Speedy is definitely top three. He has three million subscribers and gets two million views on each video. One of the funniest guys around, he plays with the crew and makes the daily post something to look forward to.
One of my top favorite YouTubers for gaming, and for good reason. He's a very funny guy with a great character that I really like. He and the crew are very funny, and it's very entertaining to watch them have great times together.
Should be number one. This guy is probably the funniest and most entertaining guy on YouTube! He and his crew are ten times better than PewDiePie. Go check him out!

Super Mario 64 is the best Nintendo 64 game ever and is at least the top two best video games of all time, just behind Pac-Man World. Machinima just made it even better!
I like their videos as a whole. All of them are HD. Depending on the series, they are pretty funny. They are typically short and to the point as well, which I like.
Great! I love his top five creations. Please vote. He deserves it. He is epic!

Daithi De Nogla is one of the funniest and most enjoyable members of the Vanoss crew to watch. His sudden outbursts, rages, dirty remarks, and jokes, mixed with his rather unique Irish accent, all sound downright hilarious.
He always makes me laugh. I love his voice. I personally think he is the best, and he is one of my favorite YouTubers. If you don't watch his videos, you should. I can guarantee you will like him!
He is cool, and Nogla has a thick accent.

If you watched his "how an AVGN episode is made" video, then you know that this guy puts a lot of effort and money into making this series. Most of the channels above wouldn't even exist without him.
King of the gaming channel, 'enough said!
How is this not in the top 15 at least?
Simon and Lewis are hilarious and are my favorite two YouTubers. The rest of the YOGSCAST is also fantastic, including Sjin, Duncan, Hannah, Hat Films, and Sips. They don't only focus on Minecraft. They cover a wide variety of games.
Many people don't like Minecraft videos. I'm not exactly a fan of them either, but these creators make them fantastic because they just mess around and mock one another. They are underrated, mainly because they're identified as a Minecraft channel. As I said, many people do not like this, but they deserve a lot more recognition than they currently receive.

This is my personal favorite for several reasons:
1. You know he really cares for his fans.
2. He can talk incredibly fast. This sounds weird, but he did a brief history of Luigi (I think), and he talks insanely fast in that video. What's even cooler is that after the video, he revealed the recording was drastically slowed down, and that he could talk even faster if he wanted.
3. He posts amazing top ten lists every once in a while.
4. His rivalry with Brutalmoose is always hilarious.
You will be convinced he belongs in an insane asylum after watching some of his videos, but you will be entertained.
He is an absolute hilarious goofball that is always fun to watch. He never can and never will get old. He doesn't change and says whatever he wants. Very enjoyable all around.
Mitch is just one rank above him right now, and that should stay the same for the rest of your YouTube list lives.