Top 10 Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Spell Cards

The Top Ten
Pot of Greed

One of the first and best spell cards ever printed. This card can fit into any deck and be considered broken in any format in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh.

The ability to draw two cards in a game where card advantage is the most important thing is extremely powerful.

A +1 that can be used at any time without restriction in a game where card advantage is the most important factor.

There would be literally no deck not running this card if it were not banned.

Drawing two cards in any deck in any situation against any deck is obviously too good. The player who happens to draw this just has an unfair advantage.

Mystical Space Typhoon

Really like this spell. I can use it as a quick-play spell on your turn.

Heavy Storm

Completely broken and banned for a reason. Yes, there are more counters to it than Giant Trunade. However, with Giant Trunade, the cards are only off the field for one turn.

While that can be enough for an OTK, if you fail to OTK (remember that hand traps exist), you've gone -1 for probably nothing.

If you are lucky, you can activate it when you don't have any Spells or Traps so you can destroy only your opponent's Spells and Traps.

Lightning Vortex
Monster Reborn

I have this and never noticed its power. I don't get why Call of the Haunted isn't number 2.

I hate how it is banned. In the anime, the guy got a Slifer back one time with it. Cool!

Lets you revive a monster from your graveyard or your opponent's graveyard.

Painful Choice

Not as iconic as the card above, but definitely the most powerful spell in the game in the current and foreseeable meta. It's Foolish Burial x4 and replaces itself.

It provides an easy setup for any graveyard-centric decks, of which there are plenty.

You choose five cards in your deck. Your opponent chooses one of these to put into your hand, and you discard the other four.

It lets you win on the first turn by sending the right cards to the discard pile. Banned for a good reason.

Wins on resolution in several decks. One of the few cards that can be considered better than Pot of Greed.

Don't expect this card to ever be unbanned without a big nerf.

Graceful Charity

Probably better than Pot of Greed in the context of modern Yu-Gi-Oh. With seemingly every monster in the game having a graveyard effect, this card is just utterly broken.

Drawing three and discarding two is too good in graveyard decks. You basically get a filled-up graveyard, make your hand consistent, and gain card advantage if you use your graveyard.

Maybe the best card of all time.

Arguably better than Pot of Greed for a majority of decks.

Change of Heart

Multi-function like for Tribute Summon (like Soul Exchange), and opens the way to direct attack.

Takes any monster from the opponent, making them almost defenseless!

The Forceful Sentry

With the hand being basically a sacred place in Yu-Gi-Oh that should not be manipulated by the opponent, this card is not okay.

It also plays around graveyard effects.


Destroys all your opponent's monsters for no cost. Banned for a good reason.

Currently limited to 1 rather than banned. Great card.

Destroys all your opponent's monsters. Can't get better than that.

The Newcomers

? Super Polymerization

Defined the term "Spell Speed 4." It would not be as powerful without its Fusion monster lineup, which allows for its versatile play against many "break-my-board" setups.

One of the best cards for going second.

? Delinquent Duo

It's a +1 in card advantage and interacts with the opponent's hand. Both of these effects being in one card is incredible.

Your opponent starts with only four cards in hand.

The Contenders
Book of Moon
Pot of Duality

Might as well just have three of these in your deck. Doing that basically gives you a chance to choose your next draw card out of the top three, instead of having it random.

Someone here says he runs 55 Pot of Duality in his Exodia deck and that it nearly always wins...

You're only allowed to activate one Pot of Duality per turn.

Hidden Armory
Harpie's Feather Duster

Destroys your opponent's Spells and Traps, which is devastating against Trap-based decks.

I have one but can't use it. This sucks. I'd love to use Graceful Charity plus it has good benefits.

Destroys all Spell and Trap cards on your opponent's field for free. Banned for a good reason.

Chaos Greed

Can't beat Pot of Greed but still a good card in a deck that focuses on banishing everything from everywhere.

Spell Absorption

Awesome in a spell counter deck.

Dark Hole

I have it. It saved me from Winged Dragon and Obelisk. Boom. Two fried Egyptian God Cards, anyone?

Seal of Orichalcos

Beast card. Every one of your monsters gains 500 ATK every turn it is on the field (it is a continuous Spell Card). It cannot be destroyed once per turn.

The only drawback is you have to destroy every Special Summoned monster you have on the field. It is still the best unlimited spell card.

This card is obviously cool and dangerous because the loser loses their soul to the shadows, but it can work both ways.

It also helps you gain Life Points and monster points and can't be destroyed.

It is a powerful asset to a deck because it adds damage to all characters on your side of the field.

Swords of Revealing Light

One of the best stalls for time and lets you add to your field. You could XYZ Summon or Synchro Summon during those three turns, which is really OP.

But it gets destroyed easily.

I love this card when I have it. When used against me? Gulp!

I have it. I had Slifer in my hand once, and I summoned it face down. My friend got crushed.


It makes Gemini monsters effect monsters. That's awesome!

Serial Spell

Your opponent loses half their Life Points when this card is activated.

Double Spell

Use your opponent's spells.

Lets me use a Spell card from my opponent's graveyard by discarding one Spell card.

Swords at Dawn
Emergency Provisions
Final Destiny
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