Best Friday Night Funkin’ Mods of 2024

Another year, another list! Let’s see how this year did!
The Top Ten
Hit Single Real

I think we all have to agree that there is no other mod that takes the top spot like this one. This mod pretty much opened up a new era for Friday Night Funkin' mods and still remains one of the best lyrical mods to date.

Flavor Rave V2

A bit of a personal bias, but I think this is one of the best mods of 2024.

A beautifully well-crafted OC mod from Team TBD, the makers of Doki Doki Takeover, with six very fun, likable characters all specializing in different musical genres! And when those genres just clash together, it is absolutely phenomenal.

Gorefield V2

Definitely one of those mods that made a huge comeback after not getting any updates in the past few years.

I've never really been into this kind of stuff, but I still think it's very cool. Especially Cataclysm - the visuals on that one are just stunning.


Out of all of the Aethos mods we got this year, I have to say this one's probably the best.

While I never really watched MaxDesignPro, this mod was just really pleasing to watch for some reason. It doesn't mean it's one of my top five favorite mods, but I really enjoyed it.

Soft V2

One of my favorite AU mods is back! It was really nice to see Soft make a return after all these years, and I definitely enjoyed the story a lot as well.

Especially with the addition of the new character Sven, aka Soft Senpai.

Step Right Up: Adventure Isle

This mod just has so much potential! It's amazing how much work goes into even a single song. It probably took Team Horizon a full year to make this mod!

It's very beautifully crafted and a great mod for horror fans!


While I was already kind of familiar with the whole giving FNF songs lyrics thing due to watching a lot of Juno Songs in my spare time, I really like the idea of this mod a lot.

Basically, it's just the first three weeks of FNF, but now all the characters have lyrics. I like the little detail that Boyfriend doesn't curse around Skid and Pump due to them being very young. The other songs are also really good, especially the one for Dadbattle.

FNF: The World Below

Another small bias, but this one personally comes from someone I have been following a lot. It's also very underrated and has a beautiful art style. Plus, there's a whole section where you have to choose what you want to do with Girlfriend at the end.

Rhythmic Revolution: Revival

OK, whoever posted this one is absolutely spot-on.

For those who don't know, Rhythmic Revolution is actually the revival of the Human Imposter mod by Bluebirds. Basically, picture all the characters from the Versus Imposter mod, but now they're all human.

Fire in the Hole

I never thought I would say this, but this one wasn't actually half bad.

I really enjoyed how, originally, all the songs were just random covers of different songs, especially the one of Satellite Picnic as a Don't Get Spooked and Hotline fan. Anyway, I like the whole story of Boyfriend just going around battling all these different people, and then Abnormal just shows up and kills them all.

Plus, besides Silly Billy, this one also, in my opinion, has the best lyrical song.

The Newcomers

? Last Night Prayer
? Shattered Lullaby
The Contenders
Funkin' Peanuts: Janky Build

I haven't seen it, but I've heard it's pretty good.

FNF Weekly

I didn't honestly play this one that much, but I feel like I had to add it because it's another popular one. I do like the idea of them adding a different week every real-life week. That's really clever.

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