Top 10 Pac-Man World Re-Pac Changes from the Original Pac-Man World

Recently, a new remake of the PS1 classic, Pac-Man World, came out: Pac-Man World Re-Pac. This remake brought quite a few changes to the original game, and more than I personally expected. It's a remake that actually makes the effort to update this game for a new generation, instead of simply being the original game with new graphics. In this list, we will list some of these changes.
The Top Ten
Changes to all of the bosses

The biggest change in Pac-Man World Re-Pac compared to the original game is how it changed its bosses. I think most people would agree this is probably for the better, as the bosses in Pac-Man World are one of the weaker aspects of the game.

For example, Windbag got a new, trickier second phase. Anubis Rex now gives you space to move around. You can now maintain the fire button in King Galaxian's fight instead of spamming it. The Clown Prix is now in first-person, allowing you to have a better view of the track. Krome Keeper is almost completely different, being much harder and more epic. Toc-Man now uses the Metal Dot and the Super Dot in his boss fight.

I would like more remakes to bring changes like this directly to the level design and bosses of their games because that's just neat!

Fixing the game over system

In about 95% of platforming games with a life system, if you get a game over, you will restart with a couple of extra lives just for convenience and to avoid instantly getting another game over after one death. This is like a staple of platforming games with life systems.

For some reason, however, in the original Pac-Man World, if you save the game with 0 lives and get a game over on the next stage, you will restart the game with 0 lives. This isn't as annoying as you might think but is still quite annoying. In Re-Pac, however, any game over will restart you with 4 lives, which is nice.

The metal dot now respawns

In the original game, once you used the metal dot, it would not respawn. This meant you wouldn't be able to get any remaining collectibles that required this power-up. This is no longer a problem with the remake since the metal dot will now always respawn after it runs out. This means you get infinite tries to get those extra collectibles in chests underwater or elsewhere.

New swimming controls

From what I've seen, the controls for swimming in Re-Pac are quite different from the original, and Pac-Man is generally faster underwater. This, alongside the changes to the metal dot, makes Down the Tubes a much better stage.

New hover move

Pac-Man can now briefly hover in the air. It can help you with precise platforming while not being broken to the point of ruining the old level design.

Rescuing the Pac-Family is now optional

In Pac-Man World, Pac-Man's family was kidnapped by the ghosts. In the original game, you had to free the family members from their cages in the stages they were in, or else you wouldn't be able to finish the game.

In Re-Pac, you no longer have to do that. Rescuing them is more of a fun little side quest if you want. This is a good change if you aren't like me and don't want to check everything the game has to offer. It also makes the Toc-Man boss fight harder if you don't save your family members.

New alternate ending

Saving all the members of Pac-Man's family creates a new ending where Pac-Man forgives Toc-Man's wrongdoings. Not saving them gives us essentially the same ending as the original, except you will see Pac-Man's family being freed by the ghosts.

Giant Pac-Man

Eating a super dot will now make Pac-Man giant. This doesn't change much in terms of gameplay, but it does make getting the super dot ever so slightly more spectacular.

Easy mode

If you aren't very good at platformers, you might like this change. There is a new easy mode that gives Pac-Man an essentially infinite hover, and platforms are added to prevent you from falling to your doom. The best part is that it is completely optional, so it doesn't hurt the game if you want a challenge.

New music

There are some new themes, like a new boss theme for Windbag and a new credits theme, which are pretty good. The music in general has been slightly remixed, which I quite like.

The Contenders
Jumping trick
No English dialogue
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