Top 10 Biggest Video Game Controversies of 2017

2017 was a landmark year in gaming. It has to be the best year in gaming of the decade so far. We saw a lot of exciting releases and even the launch of the Nintendo Switch, which fulfilled its promise of being both a home console and a portable gaming system.

However, even in a fantastic year like this, there were bound to be some scandals and embarrassing moments. Here are our choices for some of the biggest controversies in what was otherwise one of the best years in gaming.
The Top Ten
Loot boxes controversy - Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)

Don't forget EA's response to a complaint about this on Reddit:

"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes. As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch.

Among other things, we're looking at average per-player credit earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay.

We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums, and across numerous social media outlets. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can."

I am proud to have been one of the 672k+ people to have downvoted this statement.

Streaming restriction backlash - Persona 5

One of the reasons why Persona 5 is so addictive is because of its well-told story. It has characters that you can actually get attached to and is filled with unexpected twists and turns. I should know because I played through the game twice.

However, when the game launched, Atlus put out some restrictions regarding streaming practices. If they revealed any major plot twists (and the game has a fair amount), they would have the legal rights to issue a content ID claim or even a channel strike or account suspension.

However, gamers took this the wrong way, and Atlus later apologized for this. Streamers were now allowed to show content up until its final act.

"Make America Nazi-free Again" tagline backlash - Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus was one of the most anticipated titles of 2017, and it delivered on all fronts. However, the advertising campaign didn't exactly do the game any favors.

Taking a page from Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign "Make America Great Again," the uninformed masses took this the wrong way and thought that Bethesda was promoting the late Führer's xenophobic ideals. The company's response? "Get over it!" Now that's how you retaliate!

Free speech! This broke it and supported it at the same time.

Jim Sterling's 7/10 review backlash - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was an awesome game. It won countless Game of the Year awards and got perfect to near-perfect reviews from almost all publications.

However, there are some people that'll just nitpick things to death and find flaws with even the best masterpieces. Jim Sterling from Jimquisition is definitely one of those people. The main problem he found with the game and amplified was the weapon and shield durability.

On top of that, he also made a huge fuss about the game's difficulty. Sure, these might be issues from time to time, but did he really have to be that harsh? He certainly learned the hard way that getting Zelda fans angry is the equivalent of serving pork ribs at a bar/bat mitzvah.

Take-Two halts modding - Grand Theft Auto V

GTAV is still one of the best video games on the market. Even years after its release, people are still playing it. One of the reasons why is because people love modding the game. When you're able to mod things, the possibilities are endless.

However, Take-Two tried to change that by filing a cease and desist order against OpenIV, the program used for modding. This didn't sit well with people, who thought that modding for the game was officially dead. However, nothing came of this and OpenIV was still pumping out the mods.

Alleged copying of mechanics - Fortnite

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds was one of the surprisingly awesome games released in 2017. A mix between "Battle Royale" and "The Hunger Games" made this one of the best multiplayer games of the year. It was released in March 2017 as an early access title with a full release at the end of the year.

However, on July 25, 2017, along came Fortnite as an early access title, which played more or less identical to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. This should've been a cut-and-dried case, but here's the monkey wrench.

While PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds came out first, it used the Unreal Engine 4, which was Epic Games' legal property in the first place. And Fortnite was developed and published by Epic Games. So this is going to be a tough one to call.

Controversial setting - Far Cry 5

At its peak, the Far Cry series was one of the best first-person shooter series on the market. Many consider Far Cry 3 to be the best of the series, though people argue that franchise fatigue started setting in sometime around Far Cry 4 and Far Cry Primal.

With the announcement of Far Cry 5, it looked like things were going to turn around. But one thing that didn't sit well with the announcement was that it would take place in modern-day United States.

In the past, the series took place in exotic, faraway locales, like the lawless archipelago of Rook Islands plagued by pirates led by Vaas in Far Cry 3, as well as the dystopian Himalayan country of Kyrat, ruled by the tyrant Pagan Min in Far Cry 4.

This time, the game takes place in Hope County, Montana, where Joseph Seed leads a cult called Eden's Gate to convert the people of the town under his religious denomination. As you can tell, getting religion and politics involved in video games is always dicey.

Rushed development criticism - Mass Effect: Andromeda

During the 7th generation of video games, the Mass Effect series garnered much acclaim, despite some obvious issues. However, Electronic Arts has dropped the ball big time as of late (as if this was a surprise to anyone).

While the latest game was released for 8th generation consoles, it sure doesn't look like it. Dull animations and technical issues plagued the game at launch, with people even calling it one of the most disappointing games of 2017.

Character design controversy (female bust size) - Xenoblade Chronicles 2

The Switch was definitely a money-making machine for Nintendo. From awesome fresh first-party titles to old third-party favorites, the house of Mario pretty much dominated 2017, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 definitely gave JRPG fans a reason to own a Switch by the end of the year.

But one thing that garnered attention for the game for the wrong reason was how big Pyra's breasts were. Sure, her bust size might not have ventured into macromastia territory the way Brunhilde's massive bosom did in Valkyria Revolution, but it still caused quite a stir in the gaming community.

Some even suggested that the game be censored before its North American release. We need to come to grips with how complaining about buxom young ladies in anime-esque games is like complaining about -40°C cold snaps in Canada. They can be an annoyance, but there's nothing we can really do about it.

Production halted on mini console - NES Classic Edition

The NES Classic was one of the bestselling toys of 2016. 30 games in a miniaturized NES was a really sweet deal. However, it sold out extremely quickly, and despite high demand, Nintendo announced in the summer of 2017 that they would halt production of the unit.

They claimed it was so they could focus on producing Switch consoles, which were an awesome seller. But it was really baffling because this was what helped put Nintendo back on the map for many gamers.

Thankfully, they announced that production would resume in 2018, as well as the release of the SNES Classic. Let's hope they don't do this again.

The Contenders
Return of Bubsy backlash - Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back
The Better Together update issues - Minecraft
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