Wacked Up Game Show Season 1 Episode 5

2storm 2storm: Last time on Wacked Up Game Show we I mean they had to stay in a scorching hot room. Dapperpickle broke his teeth. And ultimately the M8 disciple went home. Will Britboy effect Britgirl or will she just shrug him off? And what about Therandom will he finally crack? Figure out this time on WACKED UP GAME SHOW!
"Theme Song."
At Sexy Abs.
Alexandr: I love my abs.
Danteem: I HATE YOU!
"DisneyFan1994 falls asleep."

At Breakfast.
2storm: So today you will be eating jello.
Puga: Yes something good.
Dapperpickle: It is to good to be true.
2storm: It is it will be served with pepper.
Positronwildhawk: I am allergic to pepper.
2storm: Then you won't eat today.
Positronwildhawk: Fine I won't eat then.
2storm: Ok.

At Linnea's Office.
Linnea: So you have five cavities still and all the teeth you broke had cavities.
Dapperpickle: Nus.
Linnea: That means we have to rip you penis off in order to remove those cavities.
Dapperpickle: No on
Linnea: No just kidding but you will have to marry me.
Dapperpickle: B what.
Linnea: No just kidding again.
Dapperpickle: Oh!
Linnea: What?
Dapperpickle: Jurs kiid8ing.

After Breakfast.
2storm: So Dapperpickle is still out.
Serial Killer Central: BOO! (In unison.)
2storm: So todays challenge is a version of dodgeball. One person from your team will have 5 Balls.
Puga: Not including the one you have.
I'm Racist: YOUR RACIST!
2storm: You then hit the other team that is running across the court whoever wins 2 out of 3 rounds will win that game then you will face the winner of the other game. Once your Seeker throws all five balls the rest of the can pick up the balls and throw them. If you get across the court your team gets a point.
At Lopsided Building Gym.
Martiglez: First Round is Team Braniac vs.
ProPanda: Team Sexy Abs.
Positronwildhawk: I will be seeker.
Therandom: I will be seeker.
Martiglez: Sexy Abs is on offense first.
Positronwildhawk grabs the balls. Therandom and Danteem run across court with Therandom using Danteem as a shield. Positronwildhawk narrowly missing Therandom's head. Alexandr then runs a few feet then is hit in the arm. Then DisneyFan1994 runs across dodging a ball. Positronwildhawk then hits TOPTENSFAN square in the face then he starts bleeding.
Martiglez: Positronwildhawk is disqualified.
Positronwildhawk: What did I do?
Martiglez: Sorry 2storm's rule.
Positronwildhawk: **** you Martiglez.
He then walks away.
ProPanda: TOPTENSFAN go to 2storm in his office.
ProPanda: Team Braniac pick a new Seeker.
Velitcabel: I will do it.
Martiglez: So it is 3-0 Sexy Abs. Braniac it is your turn.
Velitcabel starts it off but is hit right in the middle. Then Britboy is hit in the same place. I'm Racist then makes in through narrowly missing.
I'm Racist: I am the best player ever.
Martiglez: 3-1 Sexy Abs Round 2. Sexy Abs it is your turn.
Therandom and Danteem do the same thing but this time Danteem is hit then Velitcabel immediately hits Therandom. Then he misses Alexandr on the first try then he hits him the second. He then misses DisneyFan1994 but I'm Racist gets a ball and chases DisneyFan1994 and taps her with the ball.
ProPanda: 3-1 Sexy Abs. Braniac your turn.
Velitcabel runs and dodges a ball then I'm Racist goes without being noticed. Therandom then hits Britboy.
Martiglez: 3-3 Tie. Round Three Sexy Abs go.
Velitcabel then hits Danteem. And Therandom runs across narrowly making it across. Velitcabel then hits DisneyFan1994. Then he hits Alexandr.
Martiglez: 4-3 Sexy Abs. Go Braniac.
Velitcabel quickly gets across but then Britboy is hit. I'm Racist then starts jogging and he jukes a ball then spirits across.
ProPanda: Team Braniac wins. Team Sexy Abs in eliminated.
Therandom: Dang I thought we were doing so good.
Danteem: You were the freaking seeker you couldn't hit worth your life.
Therandom: Fine you seek in the Consolation match.

In 2storm's office.
TOPTENSFAN walks in.
2storm is kissing his girlfriend.
2storm: Go away!
2storm: Go to Linnea.

In the Gym.
Martiglez: Team Serial Killer Central vs.
ProPanda: Team True Love.
Puga: I will seek.
Bobbythebrony: No I will seek.
Puga: How about we switch out?
Bobbythebrony: Fine.
"Confessional" Bobbythebrony: I didn't even want to seek I just got to prove I'm a man.
HT Outlaws: I am going to hit them in the face.
Martiglez: Round 1. True Love is first.
Bobbythebrony throws a ball at Britgirl but misses but then hits her with another ball and gets her out. Skullkid775 then makes it across. Bobbythebrony then hits HT Outlaws. Valetine is then hit.
Martiglez: 1-0 True Love. Central you guys are next.
HT Outlaws then misses both Bobbythebrony and Ms. Wiseguy. Bronson then runs across. HT Outlaws misses Puga with 2 balls.
Martiglez: 4-1 Central. True Love your turn.
(The same exact chain of events happens in the rest of the rounds)
ProPanda: Serial Killer Central wins 12-3.
Martiglez: That was a murder. Consolation Match is True Love vs. Sexy Abs. The Championship Match is Braniac vs. Serial Killer Central.

(Consolation Match)
Martiglez: True Love is first.
Danteem misses HT Outlaws then he misses Britgirl and Skullkid775. He hits Valetine.
Therandom: And you call me terrible.
Martiglez: 3-0 True Love. Sexy Abs go.
Therandom immediately runs across Danteem is then hit. Alexandr is then hit. DisneyFan1994 is hit.
Martiglez: 3-1 True Love. True Love go.
Danteem misses HT Outlaws then he misses Britgirl and Skullkid775. He hits Valetine.
Martiglez: 6-1 True Love. Sexy Abs go.
Danteem gets across and so does Therandom. DisneyFan1994 is hit. Alexandr is then gets across.
Martiglez: 6-4 True Love. True Love go.
Danteem misses HT Outlaws then he misses Britgirl and Skullkid775. Valetine then barely gets across.
Martiglez: 10-4 True Love. And there is no way Sexy Abs can win. True Love wins.

(Championship Match)
ProPanda: Braniac is first.
Puga misses I'm Racist who gets across. Velitcabel then gets across. But Britboy is then hit.
ProPanda: 2-0 Branic. Central is next.
Bobbythebrony is hit then Puga is hit. Ms. Wiseguy is then hit. Bronson then gets across.
ProPanda: 2-1 Braniac. Braniac is next round 2.
Puga misses I'm Racist, but hits Velitcabel, but it takes two tries. He hits Britboy.
ProPanda: 3-1 Braniac. Central is next.
Bobbythebrony is hit then Puga is hit. Ms. Wiseguy is then hit. Bronson then gets across.

ProPanda: 3-2 Braniac. Braniac is next round 3.
I'm Racist gets across with Britboy secretly behind him. Velitcabel then gets across.
ProPanda: 6-2 Braniac. Central is next.
Bobbythebrony and Puga get across. Bronson then gets across. But Ms. Wiseguy is hit.
ProPanda: 6-5 Braniac wins the game Sexy Abs meet at Elimination. Team Braniac wins a group dog.

At Sexy Abs House.
Therandom: Danteem you cost us that challenge seriously we lost 10-4.

At Elimination.
2storm: So marshmallows go to Alexandr, TOPTENSFAN, and DisneyFan1994.
"Confessional" Therandom: It can't be me.
2storm: Is it Therandom or is it Danteem.
Martiglez: THERANDOM!
Therandom: Yes!
Danteem: I guess I have to go.
ProPanda then shoots him out the cannon.

2storm: So will Dapperpickle and TOPTENSFAN get out of the Linnea madness? How will team Sexy Abs cope with the loss? Will Team Braniac enjoy the dog? Figure that out next time on WACKED UP GAME SHOW!


Great episode. - visitor

Great one - Martinglez