50 Followers: ROAST ME

AlphaQ Ok first of all. A huge THANK YOU for 50 FOLLOWERS. I'm so happy right now I could spank Tyga. Ok...ok...jokes aside for now. Here's what I'm gonna do for my 50 Followers Special. YOU ALL GET TO ROAST ME. Yes, just for fun. But don't worry if you think I'll get offended. It takes A LOT to get me offended and I'm not easily triggered so it's alright!

Rules: Roasting doesn't mean burning my ass on a campfire of stove or anything.

Also DANK U 2: Zach808 for being my 50th follower...you have a nice frog I wanna keep...


You must have been born on a highway because that's where all the accidents happen - TwilightKitsune

Great diss, but in my school it's very overused. But good job though. - AlphaQ

If you ever want to Learn about Mistakes, you should ask your parents - PeachyBlast

Have you ever seen that clown that hides from gay people? Yeah, didn't think so. - visitor

You should change your name to BetaQ - visitor

Cahz yo nem is Bela. Wot. - AlphaQ

"Beta" means the opposite of alpha, emasculated and wimpy. - visitor

Actually it's "Omega". I have a bad version of me called OmegaZ. - AlphaQ

AlphaQ? More like AlphaEw!

Sorry, not good at roasting. - ProPanda

It's alright. Not bad for your first time. - AlphaQ

This isn't my first though. - ProPanda

Oh, how many times have you roasted someone before? - AlphaQ