Isis should go and kill themselves

AnonymousChick Dear ISIS:

You may have many supporters, dangerous bombs, and and infamous name, but we have what you don't- love. Yes, it sounds cheesy, but if you love someone, someone loves back and more and more and them you have a team. The world doen't know this yet but we are strong enough to beat you and bet you 100 times more. Yes it is scary and horrible what you did in france and what you are doing in African countries, but I for one am NOT scared. If it came to it, I would not only fight for my country, but for my entire planet.

We all are human, what we beleive in doesn't matter. My friend has Justin beiber blankets for heavan's sake. No human is better than the other based on what they beleive in. It's about what they do. If you're smart enough to create this much fear in this planet, you should be smart enough to realize that although we are scared, we will fight. Adolf Hitler failed in world domination, every villan failed in the stories, AND SO WILL YOU.



Yeah! What she said! - Skullkid755

ISIS you are all gonna pay! - bobbythebrony

You said it, AnonymousChick. Die, ISIS! - visitor

Hitler is better than ISIS. At least Hitler had a good intention lol. I will join Anonymous Philippines in the war soon! Hahaa! - visitor

القضاء على الإرهاب
éradiquer le terrorisme
erradicar el terrorismo
आतंकवाद उन्मूलन
Ausrottung des Terrorismus
εξάλειψη της τρομοκρατίας
искоренению терроризма
erradicar o terrorismo
テロを根絶� - ます
kutokomeza ugaidi
eradicate terrorism
Everyone should paste this on their profile page. - visitor

Soviet Union Unite! We now have to deal with Isis instead of grammar nazis - Nateawesomeness

I hope each member dies painfully. - visitor


Also, if you love someone, they don't necessarily love you back. Loners like me know that the hard way...
But still, you said what needed to be said - ProPanda

Yay AnonymousChick! You just earned yourself a fan. Let's go kill ISIS. - TwilightKitsune