Lord Of The Bad Lists S01E02: What is wrong with gays? (Top Ten Reasons Not to Be Gay/Lesbians)

BlueDiamondFromNowhere Hi, and this is my second episode of ''Lord Of The Bad Lists''.


I don't see what is so wrong with being homosexual. I know it's not everyone that accepts homosexuality like I do and that movies makes fun of them with stereotypes, but homophobics don't need to bash homosexuals by making a list of reasons why people should not be homosexual. It's like making a list of why people should not be gothics. It offent people who are and the creator just bash them. The only valable excuse is that religions don't accept it, but the items on the list are really pointless (Having to put up with idiots that makes top ten lists about why you shouldn't be gay is number 1, really?!). I'm glad most of comments are people who accept homosexuality, but some of them annoys me so much.

Lesson of the day: Accept anyone for who they are, and don't bash a group for lame reasons


Next episode: A rant about the list of  Top 10 Most Overrated Users of TheTopTens




