Lord Of The Bad Lists S02E04: Music Artists You'd Like to Perform at the 2012 London Olympics

BlueDiamondFromNowhere Hi, and this is my fouth episode of the second season of the serie and my eight episode overall.

The idea of the list is actually good. However, there is a problem that ruined the whole list.

First of all, most of music artist aren't british. I am not racist, but I think that someone from the country in where the olympics will be should perform (if the olympics are going to be in Japan, they shall take japanese music artists). I see Lady Gaga at 11th place, Justin Bieber at 14th place (I am even wondering why does he gets tons of really positive comments while he is hated by everyone) and Hatsune Miku at number 1 (Who is she, by the way? I mean, I was looking all over the internet and there is no singer named Hatsune Miku).

The thing that bothers me the most is that even after the 2012 olympics, it STILL gets votes! We are now in 2015 and it's STILL the most popular list ever. People need to get over it. And because of that, there is new music artist that weren't even famous that are on the list.

Note: If you are voting, doing favorites and remixing that list, let me say that 2012 is OVER since THREE years. GROW UP!

Finally, what bothers me the most is that there is tons of clones of that list. People make predictions of where will be the olympics and who will perform. No one can make predictions like that. And I am not even sure of most of your favorite music artist will still be here or even if TheTopTens will still be here in 2024. There is other clones of that list that aren't even olympics (music artist you'd like to perform at the 2015 AMA, music artist you'd like to perform at the 2015 bonaroo festival and the list goes on and on).

I am getting sick of how popular that list is and why it is so popular?

Lesson Of The Day: When it's before the hour, it's not the hour. But when it's after the hour, it's anymore the hour.

Next episode: VOTE: Users who should kiss OR TV shows for Teenagers

