TheTopTens: Shopping Competition Part 1

BlueDiamondFromNowhere Admin: Hi and welcome to TheTopTens Shopping Competition! I am your host, Admin and this is my co-host, Visitor!
Visitor: Hi and let me present you our 20 contestants! The first one is a mature Pretty Little Liars fan that loves fashion, books and music. BlueDiamondFromNowhere!
BDFN: Hi, everyone!
Visitor: The second contestant is a creepy girl that loves Preeepycastas or something like that.
Admin: It's called CREEPYPASTA, idiot!
Visitor: Don't call me an idiot!
Admin: Nevermind, it's forever_smiling13!
forever_smiling13: Hi, this is me! And can you please stop fighting?
Admin: Fine. Let's present simpsondude! A cool Maroon 5 fan and a Total Drama fan!
Visitor: I was suposed to present the contestants!
Admin: It's too late.
simpsondude: Hi! I never thought the hosts will always fight like this.
Visitor: It's a pretty long story. Nevermind, here is a girl that loves cartoons. I've never guessed that until she told me that, here comes CartoonGirl!
CartoonGirl: Hi!
Visitor: Our next contestant is a Total Drama fan and a pianist. Here she comes, Turkeyasylum!
Turkeyasylum: Strike 1: I am not a pianist, but a percussionist! Strike 2: I am a boy.
Admin: I've thought he was a girl.
Visitor: Me too. Nevermind, the next contestant is a guy that loves horror movies. here comes samanime!
samanime: Hi!
Visitor: One of our contestant is also a Pretty Little Liars fan! I've never guessed that until she told me that. PrettyLittleLiars_BiggestFan!
PLL_BiggestFan: Hi. I feel so sweet today!
Visitor: And our next contestant is a science lover and electronic music fan. PositronWilhawk!
PositronWildhawk: Hi.
Visitor: Our next contestant is a Victoria Justice fan. Again, I've never guessed that until she told me that. VictoriaJusticeFan!
VJFan: Hi, guys! 
Visitor: Our next contestant is a cool guy that loves Beyoncé. JayTop10Lists!
Visitor: Our next contestant is a nice Songebob fan. Garythesnail!
Garythesnail: Hi, everyone who is watching!
Visitor: Then, here comes letdot52! He is a christian and he loves electronic music.
letdot52: Hello!
Visitor: Next, we have someone that hates Big Brother. Again, we never thought he could hate that show. BigBrotherSucks!
BBSucks: Hi, I hate Big Brother.
Visitor: Again, here comes a cool fan of Owl City, Keyson!
Keyson: Hi.
Visitor: Our next contestant, we didn't knew where he came from until he told me. Here comes Britboy!
Britboy: Hi.
Visitor: Our next contestant is a fan of Pokémons. Here comes mew28221!
mew28221: Hi, everyone!
Visitor: Then, let me present keycha1n. She has a talent at drawing.
keycah1n: Hi, everyone!
Visitor: Our next two contestants are a bit similar. They both love music. One of them is a fan of rock music, wich is gemcloben and the other was part of a rockband, wich is Mumbizz01.
gemcloben: Hi, guys!
Mumbizz01: Hello, everyone!
Visitor: And our last contestant is a girl with a sweetheart...Her name is Britgirl!
Britgirl: Hey, guys!
(Britboy whistles)

Britboy: Britgirl is so HOT! I hope she and me becomes the first couple of the show

(back to the show)
Admin: Thanks, visitor! Well, you have to team up with someone. It will be your teamate for the whole show. With the eleminations, it can have changes. I recommend you to team up with someone who has similar tastes as you. GO!

Admin: Some teams were easier to make than others. Here are the teams that were made!
  • forever_smiling13 and samanime (The Dark Team Of Horrors)
  • Britgirl and Britboy (Briteam)
  • Turkeyasylum and simpsondude (Total Drama Team)
  • Garythesnail and CartoonGirl (Cartoon Team)
  • gemcloben and Mumbizz01 (Rocking Team)
  •  letdot52 and PositronWildhawk (ElectroTeam)
  • BlueDiamondFromNowhere and PrettyLittleLiars_BiggestFan (Pretty Little Team)
  • BigBrotherSucks and VictoriaJusticeFan (Team VictoriaJusticeYES_BigBrotherNO)
  • JayTop10Lists and mew28221 (Anonymous Team)
  • keycha1n and keyson (The Best Team Ever)
Visitor: We wasted half of the show on the presentation of the teams, Admin. You shall do something not so big today.Admin: Well, our challenge is...

To be continued...


Go rocking team! - visitor

That sounds lovely. Good Job BDFN. - CartoonsGirl

Nice - visitor

Nice job, can I make a cameo? If you give me a cameo, thank you, and if you don't that's ok. Also, this is good don't stop making this. - visitor

WE ARE THE KINGS OR ELECTRO! Sadly they didn't mention that I have a dog :( - letdot52