This Is How I Stumbled Upon TheTopTens: My 100th Follower Special ( Again!)

Pony You know how I got into TheTopTens? This list called " Best Fast Food Restaurants". I was interested into fast food restaurants ( of all things, God knows why I got into this) at the time. So i found this list. I didn't have an account by the way. This was in 2013 or 2014. After that, I frequently visited this list, until I made my own account- MrBrony8675309. At first, I didn't do much, but by the start of the following year, I made my first ever list: "Top Ten Best Things About The 2010's". It was a sleeper hit, literally. PositronWildhawk, a stranger I didn't even know, commented on the list, making the first comment I received.
I started to get really popular. Despite having only about 12 followers, my lists were voted on and even my first list was number 9 on the hottest lists. I was excited! But then.... I accidently locked my account. I was so unlucky, but then I made a new account- MusicalPony.
This was my most famous account. I tried to capitalize on the success of the last account, but that didn't really work out. I looked at all of these popular users, and said " Hey, why don't I just follow people and talked to them?". So I did, and pretty soon I started to have friends like Nintendofan126, Turkeyasylum, and SevenLizards. I made lists like crazy, until I made the infamous list known as " Funniest Ways To Kill Nicki Minaj". It was mixed, it was really popular, at the same time it was actually controversial, especially for BigBrotherSucks. Realizing my mistake, I took some time off.
After that embarrasing moment, I knew I had to make better and more lists. So, I visited the site more frequently. I was on TheTopTens every day. Slowly after that, I started gaining the respect of other users. SevenLizards even made a list called " Best Lists Made By MusicalPony". Once again, I felt like I was the top of the world. I even reached 100 followers on April Fools Day ( no joke!) and celebrated it.
But then, I accidentally locked my account AGAIN. I felt like all those achievements were gone now, and I even considered staying away from TheTopTens again. Yet, I had the brilliant idea to make a third account- Pony. So I made it, and it felt like starting over. Some people tried to help me get back on MusicalPony. While I couldn't get able to log back on, I did found out to log back in my Pony account. In other words, I would be able to get back online if I accidently locked again. So I started making lists, and then I found a new way to communicate- Commenting. I was so prolific in commenting that it only took about 3 days to get 100 comments. I also made a list called " Why Pony Is The Worst Top Tenner". Everybody took it seriously. Ironically, it was this list that started EVEN MORE users to respect me. I was on every day, like always, and by the end of April, I had the same amount of success as MusicaPony. I even made a backup account, and my 4th account overall- PinkFloyd87. Once again, I reached 100 followers ( for the second time!). I just want to say thank you all for supporting me. I haven't felt this much support in a long time, and honestly, that really touches my heart. From the bottom of my heart, I just want to say "Thank You".


Congrats my friend! - cosmo

Congrats! (again! ) - visitor

'Grats. - IronSabbathPriest

Well, you don't actually have 100 followers on this account... Yet. - DapperPickle

Thanks guys! 😉😉😉😉😊 - Pony