Top Tens Battles 15 - Mind Destruction 10

Skullkid755 Theme song plays with a bloody sword's image until the show starts.

"Sorry, I was acting while dating you! I hate you, so I'll execute you right now!"
Flashback ends.
"Then you guys saved me." - SirSkeletorthe3rd
''Join us." - Martinglez
"Fine, just to get revenge on my betrayers." - Skeletor
They leave the building as fast as possible.
Therandom summons an Alpha Vehicle and everyone gets into it.
They are being chased by bully monsters and everyone excluding Therandom who is flying shoots at them.
"I hope Nuked 5 has given me some shooting experience!" - Skeletor
"So, the anti admin is trying to wipe us all out. But we can't kill him with the sword in it's condition.So how long will it take to get to Turkeyasylum's place?" - Britgirl
"Well, according to my calculations, in our current conditions,15 minutes!" - PositronWildhawk
"Well,better than infinite minutes." - Britgirl
"Hey, something fell out of TopTenPizza's purse back there.It was a card for the Feminazi Club." - Keyson
"She's a Feminazi, she could have told me her secret right before dumping me!I want her to die so much!" - SirSkeletorthe3rd
He took the card and tour it apart.
At the arena, where the anti admin and his servants were working, TopTenPizza got a message on her phone saying
"thief found."
She set her phone to send missiles to Skeletor.
In a few seconds, they had to dodge the missiles.
"We'll get killed or crash because of those missiles!" - Speed
"Wait, a signal was sent from the card according to my phone, so it must be that!" - PositronWildhawk
SuperMinecraftkid was behind them in a plane.
Speed threw the torn card into SuperMinecraftkid's plane.
The missiles went to the plane and caused SuperMinecraftkid to crash into a lake.
"No! They ripped off Minecraft! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!" - SuperMinecraftkid
After a few minutes, they landed at Turkeyasylum's meme factory.
The word Meme Co. is on the front of the building.
"Well, if I can get my hand on a puppymonkeybaby spell and over 9000 enchantment, I will have a lot of regeneration energy." - Skelly
Therandom gets out his membership card to get into the place.
"I buy memes a lot here for 25% off here." - Therandom

Info for readers -
a meme is a spell that allows you to be more powerful and must be written down, stored in a meme vault, and have your DNA on it to work for you. The purpose of each meme is to give you more power energy, and anyone who has had memes injected to them rarely survives, but when they do, they get a super natural power that is powered by memes. Each meme has a time limit to prevent overpopulation. You use a meme by getting rid of all of your power energy, which makes it work automatically and then stop powering you up after 5 minutes.

Back to the story.
They went in and met up with TurkeyAsylum.
TurkeyAsylum - "What do you want? I am aware of the latest apocalypse and have opened my place up as a shelter.
But, there are 7901 bully monsters heading right for this place and will just destroy the force field I have set up."
SirSkeletorthe3rd - "Well, we need to get enough memes to not get killed anytime soon."
TurkeyAsylum - "Would you like a puppy monkey baby spell, which would last for 2 weeks before wearing off, or something else?"
Therandom - "Anything."
TurkeyAsylum - "Well, I found out trolls have a high amount of power energy, and I could convert their corpses into memes for all of you.They will probably last for 2 months and give you 75% of your maximum power energy back within 3 minutes.
And one troll will do that for all of you."
SirSkeletorthe3rd - "TopTenPizza has so far killed 15 users and is a troll I use to support but stopped once I joined these people. We'll execute her and give you her corpse."
TurkeyAsylum - "Okay. I just need her corpse.
Therandom - "We will complete the mission."

To be continued.


Toptenpizza wasn't actually a troll... - visitor

Cool post - Martinglez

Great - bobbythebrony

TopTensPizza is a legitimate user, but is a Feminazi. Also I am the memes. I'm a meme machine - SirSkeletorThe3rd