50 Follower Special (Why I love and how I found this website)

Skullkid755 You saw the title, and yes, this has been done before, but here is my 50 follower special!
So, here is how I found this website. I was searching the Internet, for pages like "Best /Worst Network shows, "Harry Potter vs Lord of the Rings". I became addicted to the website, and made just a few comments as a visitor. Also, made a list as a visitor called "Top Ten Reasons Why Harry Potter is Better than the Lord of the Rings"(was obsessed with the franchise back then). I did this back in Spring 2015. I told my friends about the list "Worst things to find in your bath" by PositronWildhawk.
And then, in Summer 2015, I made myself an account without my parent's permission. Most of the stuff I did was just make some lists and remixes. I commented too. I was also not very social on the website and rarely messaged or talked. I met some people on this website after a few months in late December 2015 and early 2016. I made friends with Martinglez and SirSkeletorthe3rd, and eventually Speed and more users. I have now started to spend lots of time on this website.
I also made a few posts at first but didn't like them so I deleted them, but I'll revive them. And now this section of the post is complete.

Now, why I love this website. I love this website, because,well, it isn't popular and overused. You see, if enough people use this website, it will end up like Face Book with middle aged people posting pictures of their babies, Instagram where people abuse selfies, and Twitter, where idiots abuse #tags and YOLO ( good meaning, badly used). I also meet nice people on this website like Speed and Ralphbob. Also, you can write stories and reviews. So, now you know why I love this website.

Thank you my followers, if I don't follow you but you follow me, message me or comment on my lists & posts so I know.
Hope you enjoyed this post, I'll edit it later on to give links to the revived posts.


Dude, no offense, but a 50 follower special isn't nessecary. - visitor

Well, I guess it didn't have to be for 50 followers, I could have called it "my biography as a user", but, I guess I should try something more spectacular as a special event, get ready for Spring Break, because the finale of Mind Destruction arc will happen throughout that week. You can't let a dragon drag on. - Skullkid755

Usually people do this at 100 followers, or their 1 year anniversary of being on the site, or sometimes on their birthday - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Nice - Martinglez