100 Followers Special!

TheFourthWorld Hola! It's me, TheFourthWorld. So, I got 100 followers yesterday or... the day before that but then since I was busy, I am only able to do this post today. Anyways, since I don't know what to do, I'll just start by giving shout-outs!

So first, I would to give a shout-out to Zach808 for being one of my best friends on this site. He's one of the users I talk to almost everyday and he's really nice to talk to. He also has great remixes and posts, so you should definitely check him out!

Next up is lovefrombadlands. She was one of the first users I looked up to. She's also one of my friends here on this site and she also has great posts. You should really check her out!

Next is B0S5J4M3S. He's one of my friends here on this site. He's also great to talk to and he's funny. He also has entertaining lists. You should try checking him out!

So the fourth (Oooh fourth! jk) user I would like to give a shout-out to is htoutlaws2012 because he gave me some advice for me to become a better user. He's always willing to help the newcomers. So, thanks Mr. Outlaws! Also, he has great posts, lists, and remixes so you should definitely check him out!

The fifth user is SixDegreesOfInnerTurbelence. He's also one of my friends here on TheTopTens. And you should check him out!

The next user is kempokid. He has really good posts, lists, and remixes. He also deserves more followers! You should really, and I mean REALLY check him out!

Another user I would like to give a shout out to is MarioNinja101. Well, we don't really talk much, but I still consider her as a friend because we support each other and we are really nice to each other. Right, MarioNinja101? lol. Well, she also has helpful posts, so if you want some advice, you should really check her posts out or you could message her!

Those are the only people I would like to give a shout-out to right now so anyways, um... I really don't know what to do so, let's just check B0S5J4M3S' list "Best Ways to Celebrate Getting 100 Followers"!

So, let's check the first item on the list which is "Make a Post on It".
Well, I'm already making the post right now so... let's skip that item.

The next item is "Make a List About It"!
Well, I don't know. There's already this list so I can't think of another list about celebrating 100 followers. I'm so creative, right? lol jk.

The third item says "Say Yay!"
Well, I guess I can do that.

The next item says "Be Active that Day".
Sure! I'll try to be active today.

The fourth item is "Tell Your Friends".
Well, my friends here already did noticed so I don't think there's a need for me to do that.

"Do a Pimp Walk".
What's a pimp walk?

"Write a song about it".
I'll try...
Thank you for your support
Wait... what rhymes with support? I'm not really good in writing songs...

The next item says "Sing Best Day of My Life".
Well, sure!

"Get Sunglasses that Say 100 on Them"
I don't have glasses...

The next item says "Play a Song that Has 100 in the Title".
I don't know any song that has the number 100 on the title...

Then, the last item says "Sing 'Best Day Ever' song from Spongebob"

That's the last item on the list. And, I really don't know what to do. lol

Well, I guess I could answer some questions.

"What's your favorite list that you made?"
I don't know. Maybe my list "Top 10 Most Chill Songs" because I made that list a long time ago and yet people are still voting on it and are still adding items to it until now.

"What's your least favorite list?"
Maybe the list about best body parts of Justin Bieber. You probably know the reason why.

"Do you regret making any list?"
Well, I do kinda regret some of my lists which are worded horribly. Like my lists "Best Celebrity Best Friends" (because the word "best" is repeated) and "Most Hated YouTuber Singers" (because not all of the items included are singers).

"What is/are your favorite post series?"
I don't really read posts often. But, maybe "Lovefrombadlands 11/10 Reviews" by lovefrombadlands and "TheTopTens Idol" by SomePersonYouHate. I am also liking kempokid's new post series called "The Delightfully Depraved TopTens Killing Game" so far.

"How did you end up being on TheTopTens?"
Well, I was looking on a list about the worst things about One Direction and I wanted to add an item. But then, I couldn't. And so I thought that in order to add that item, I have to make an account. And I did.

"Who do you think is the most underrated user here on TheTopTens?

"How many followers do you think you deserve?"
I don't know... but I think I deserve less than 100 followers. Maybe even less than 30.

What's your highest voting on your list?"
I don't really keep track of my votes, but I think the highest is 37. I got those votes on April 12, 2018.

Well, I guess that's all. Thanks for supporting me! You guys are the best! Well, adiós!


Congratulations! - Sugarcubecorner

Thanks! - TheFourthWorld

Yay, you got followers! Congratulations! You deserve all of your followers! - visitor

Thanks! - TheFourthWorld

Congrats, you proved my words very well immediately grabbing up 100 just like lovefrombadlands mighty fine job. - visitor

Thanks! - TheFourthWorld

Thanks for the shoutout! You are awesome and we should talk more! :D - visitor

Okie. :D - TheFourthWorld

Lol I'm really late right now well congratulations on 180 followers nows - visitor

Thanks! :D - TheFourthWorld

Congralutations - Kevinsidis

Thanks! - TheFourthWorld

Wow you’re almost at 200. Guess I’m a little late but Congrats! - visitor

Thanks! - TheFourthWorld