Truth or Lie? Where did Turkeyasylum's Username Come From

Turkeyasylum So, for these Truth Or Lies, I will make 6 stories. Three are true, three aren't. So, I will begin this one:

So, it was Thanksgiving of 2013, and I had been thinking: where does a turkey come from? Well, we live about a mile or 2 away from a turkey farm, which we drive by sometimes. The way those turkeys are treated, it's like they are in an insane asylum. So I always called that place the Turkey Asylum. Later on, in 2014, I decided to use Turkey Asylum for a username fir the first time: when I tried to play Clash of Clans (That lasted a whole 2 days). I named it Turkey Asylum. Then, my family got an Xbox, and we had each made our own account. I called mine Turkey Asylum. Since then, Turkey Asylum, Turkeyasylum, and TurkeyAsylum are my usernames for stuff.


I'm gonna call it a lie. - Puga

Truth. - Garythesnail

It's a lie - simpsondude

Truth - JaysTop10List

Lie. - PositronWildhawk

Truth - visitor

Lie - PatrickStar

Lie. - GoldenRocket

Lie. - Minecraftcrazy530

Lie - visitor

It seems true but I'm not sure... - RiverClanRocks

It's a lie. - cosmo

Sounds convincing. I say its true. - nintendofan126

Obviously a lie - visitor

Lie - RalphBob