How NOT to Make Your TheTopTens Account

sadical Hi! It’s your favorite, most popular TopTenner with 1 follower, LitJakePaul2 here, and if you’re reading this, you probably already have an account on TheTopTens. I’m sure after seeing my epic account, you want to delete yours to be just like me! I had to hack sadical to make this post because she has more followers than me, and since I’m nice, I want everyone to know about how to be cool like me. Sadical isn’t a hater dabber like me, so I’m also being nice to her by putting an actual good post in her posts section!

Step 1: Deleting Your Account
You need to delete your account so you can make a cool one like mine. This is the easiest step! Send a message to Admin that says “YO IT’S YOUR LIT TEAM 10 FAN JAKE PAULER DELETE MY ACCOUNT NOW OR I’LL DIE AND CRY,” and then your account will go night night, and you can make another account.

Step 2: Your Username
Since LitJakePaul2 is so nice, he will let you make your username whatever you want! So do it now and follow me because I’m still cooler than you!

Step 3: Your Email
You don’t need to use a real email that’s yours, just use a YouTuber’s email so TheTopTens thinks you’re them and gets you free followers and good stats! The Fortnite Youtuber Landon accidentally forgot to blur his in a video, so you can just use his because he, like me, is also cooler than you!

Step 4: Take the L
Now you can’t have the username you want, because you used an email account that’s not yours! I can’t believe you fell for my trick!

Step 5: Get Dabbed On Because You’re a Hater
I’m sure you are mad at your now second favorite person LitJakePaul2, and you probably hate me! *dabs on you*

Step 6: Your Actual Username
There are different methods you can use for your username, and they are all equally epic and legendary. The first one is my personal favorite, the fan account for me. Some usernames for this beautiful idea include LitJakePaul2Fan, LitJakePaul2IsCool, and ILoveLitJakePaul2! The second method is to write random letters, it works every time! Some examples are tdidyify, dtiidtitf, and doyoyd. However, if you “accidentally” type in something bad about me with those letters, you better backspace it or you’ll have to listen to bad Bastille music instead of good Jake Paul music! The final method is to make your username involve some of your favorite things. You know: me, Jake Paul, Logan Paul, It’s Every Day Bro...

Step 7: Your Actual Email
You need to keep your account with this epic username, so use your actual email or I’ll tell everyone it, and the password so you will get hacked like sadical.

Step 8: Your Password
You need to make it something so you can’t get hacked, because they might make your account bad! Make it something impossible to guess like 1234... or better, JakePaulIsBad! No one would type that in, because it’s a lie!

Step 9: Using Your Created Account
What you need to do to prove you’re an actual user and not a piece of garbage pretend to be one is go to the search bar and type in “U: LitJakePaul2.” Then, you need to press the follow button!

Step 10: Your Profile Picture
You need a lit profile picture! Some things you should use are pictures of proof you’re following me and pictures of Jake Paul.

Step 11: Intro to Your Profile
You need to prove to TopTenners that you’re the second best user ever. To start out, you need an intro sentence. Do something like “I LOVE ❤️❤️❤️❤️ JAKE PAUL HE’S COOLER 😎😎😎😎 THAN U!” Oh, or even better: “I am my favorite user LitJakePaul2’s biggest fan! 🥳😖😝😤🥳😟😤😫😳😫😳😒🤯!” You need to use cool emojis to prove you’re more mature than everyone.

Step 12: Profile
Now, I bet you’re wondering what to do for the rest! All you have to do is copy and paste the lyrics to any Jake or Logan Paul song.

That’s all! Now, you’re officially a cool kid like me. Anyways, I’m off to tell everyone sadical’s password! And buy her Hot Cheetos otherwise she’ll change her password and I can’t hack her and make her account lit.

Stay chuggle gluggle!
