Top Ten Best Superman Movies

The Top Ten
Man of Steel

Such an amazing and epic movie. The ultimate Superman film! Everything is brilliantly crafted. One of my all-time favorites. I can watch it forever and listen to the soundtrack non-stop. Loved everything about Man of Steel, and the fight scenes are some of the best ever to grace the screen. My love for this film is tremendous!

You think? I loved this movie! It's one of my favorite movies of all time, and trust me here, I like a LOT of movies.

Awesome movie. However, its sequel Batman v Superman sucked.

Superman - The Movie

Good, definitely should be number one. True to the comics, good casting, great action scenes, plots the storyline for a good other five movies. Too bad the series fell apart with number three, not even halfway through the series. The costume was pretty much the only problem, but when you see Superman in tights, it almost adds a comic sense to the movie, not even including the other original jokes.

The music added a new sense of memory to the whole movie. As I say, a superhero movie is only as good as its villain. Lex Luthor was obviously well-cast. So yeah, pretty good movie, but best Superman movie. 7/10

Superman II

This movie was great. He sacrifices his powers to be with Lois, learns that three supervillains arrive, and finds a way to get his powers back. There wasn't all that childhood buildup that takes a third of the movie away.

This General Zod was the most arrogant and righteous villain of all time. He was awesome. Please vote the movie up.

The added storyline of the three villains makes this sequel one of the best of all time for any movie. In the USA, one of the TV networks showed an extended version of the film, including Superman flying past the Concorde on his way to rescue Lois in Paris.

Superman Returns

I would put it above Man of Steel and Superman 2 in second. The first hour is really enjoyable and it does not go too far south until the plane crash. Even then it isn't that bad.

This movie was much closer to the true essence of what Superman is than Man of Steel. The epicness of Superman isn't in large-scale battle scenes. It's in his humanity.

This is the closest Superman movie, hands down! Closest to the "Real" and "Original" Superman! How dare they change his clothes/colors!

Superman III
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

This was the best movie ever. Henry Cavill is the best, and he is also in Man of Steel. This should be at the top, so vote people, please!

Awesome movie. Ben Affleck is great as Batman. The plot is hard. I really like Batman's metal armor. The mojo is creative. Why do people hate this movie?

I liked it. I would say it's the fourth-best live-action Superman movie.

Superman IV - The Quest for Peace
Superman: Doomsday

By far one of the darkest Superman movies, and it really nails it. Seeing someone who has been known as invincible like Superman being beaten to a bloody pulp is pretty moving. The first 20 minutes could be a standalone short film, ending with his death.

This was the good one. I have no idea what Man of Steel is doing at number 1.

The Batman Superman Movie

It is a better crossover with Batman and Superman for one reason and one reason alone. He has the best supervillain ever: The Joker.

Not a movie. It's a 3-part episode of Superman: The Animated Series, but it's pretty good.

Superman/Batman: Apocalypse

The Newcomers

? Superman: Man of Tomorrow
? Zack Snyder's Justice League
The Contenders
Stamp Day for Superman
Superman and the Mole Men
Superman vs. The Elite

I hope more people see this film because it's the best Superman film.

Superman/Batman Public Enemies

I thought this movie was awesome. It perfectly portrayed Lex and the friendship and hardship between Batman and Superman.

Superman: Brainiac Attacks
Justice League
All-Star Superman

This is the best Superman movie, and it's not too old. I loved Superman and Superman 2, but the dated effects held me back. Hopefully, there's an animated version that looks new. This movie heavily focuses on the character, and the ending where Lex changes his ways and Lois talks about Superman and the Sun is beautiful.

The very beginning of the movie tries to start the story quickly, but it's still a fairly good start. I wish the comic where Superman saves the girl was included, but I still love this movie. He showcases the most Superman-like behavior possible with the time he has left and does a great job at it. I actually liked the pacing too. It takes its time despite being an hour and a couple of minutes.

Reign of the Supermen
The Death of Superman
Superman: Unbound
Superman: Red Son
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