Top 10 Funniest Movies of All Time
Movies that crack you up on just about every scene.
Pure comic genius went into this movie. I'm seriously not sure how these guys came up with half the material in this movie: killer rabbit, Trojan rabbit, how they get around on no horses, etc. I truly believe that this movie is the most enjoyable and funniest movie ever put to film and tape. It has the entire Monty Python cast, including the incredibly talented John Cleese, doing things that most comedy screenwriters today can't come close to matching.
This movie is not only just funny, it's much more than that. The Holy Grail has political satire, historical satire, most jokes are intelligent humor, and there is actually a good story. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is the funniest movie to ever be made, and unless God himself makes a comedy, I don't see anyone ever making a better one.

This movie is tied with Monty Python and the Holy Grail for my favorite comedy, but I voted for this because it's way too low. According to Forbes, there are three laughs a minute, and half of them are more than chuckles. Dumb and Dumber is a great and hilarious movie, but not that good.
I remember this scene where it showed the passengers watching a movie on the plane. The movie was an airplane crash compilation. Now, if that isn't funny, I don't know what is.
The film that defined comedy, despite coming out in 1980.
It stands tall, stands proud, stands unbeatable.

The Farrelly brothers' best. Jim Carrey's best. Biggest laughs. Best comedic acting. Great writing. A day seldom goes by without me catching myself quoting it. I'll never forget my first time watching this movie, and the 20 years and 100 or so viewings between then and now have never diminished any of its humor. Only Led Zeppelin has had a longer reign as an undisputed #1 on any of my lists.
Lloyd Christmas is the funniest movie character I've ever seen. Jim Carrey is one of the few actors out there who can have you cracking up just with his facial expressions. Great movie.

I don't really watch a lot of Will Ferrell movies because some of them are, in my opinion, not great. But this one made me laugh so hard that it was worth watching twice.
I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.
San Diego was discovered by the Germans in 1904. They named it "San Diago," which of course, in German, means "a whale's vagina." My favorite line in this movie.

It's basically a movie where a Jewish comedian pretends to be a character named Borat - an ignorant, naive, sexist, antisemitic, but well-meaning Middle Easterner - who travels to America to learn its culture and basically trolls everyone without their knowledge. It is a satirical view of all aspects of American culture and extremely hilarious too. My stomach hurts after watching this movie.
With Dumb and Dumber and other classics being straight-up funny, Borat introduced a unique comedy that was simply different and yet unmatchably funny. Plus, it was recorded with real-life reactions instead of following the script line by line.

The fact that this movie isn't in the top 5 is amazing. I mean, when isn't putting your balls on a drum set funny?
So funny. How is White Chicks even on here? I sat through it without laughing once. None of the top ten is funny except Superbad, Anchorman, and Happy Gilmore.
Simpsons Movie beat Step Brothers?! This is outrageously funny!

(After seeing a limousine) "Whoa, must be Burt Reynolds or something." Nice. And anyone who didn't vote for this got the price wrong.
I hate Adam Sandler movies for the most part, but this is not only a gem for him, but it's a fantastic movie overall.
May I bother you for a glass of warm milk?
No, but you can bother me for a glass of shut the hell up!

If you've had a tendency to overdo a good thing, then you can almost relate. I liked this one a lot.
Such a good comedy movie. It can even make a crying man laugh like a freak.
I never laugh in movies. Ever. To this day, this is the only movie that makes me laugh.

I love the scene when they're eating beans and everyone starts farting. Best scene in the whole movie!
"How about some more beans?"
"I'd say you've had enough."
The old classic fart joke never gets old!
I can't think of a movie any funnier! After watching this, it hurt not to smile! I laughed the whole time.
Anyone who does not vote this as a Top Ten should have their franchise revoked.

Actually, I wanted to vote for Zoolander, but having watched this a day earlier and laughed a lot, I'm voting for this.
I watched this with friends during a lockdown at school - we literally could not contain our laughter. This movie is a comedic masterpiece.
I laugh out loud when the awkward dude is singing to the guys doing drugs at that party in the room. It gets me.
The Newcomers

Oh, behave baby! This movie is the funniest movie of all time. Mike Myers plays his characters brilliantly. Dr. Evil is a funny, original character. Austin Powers is pretty funny because he is so ugly, and girls like him for some reason. I can'tget over those teeth of his!
My favorite scenes are the bathroom scene and when Austin meets the fembots. I laugh so hard every time I see those parts!
One Swedish-made penis enlarger. This sort of thing is my bag, baby!

40th! This has to be the most classic funny movie of all time! It's an outrage that it's rated so low! It should be top ten without even batting an eyelash!
Classic. Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, and Rodney Dangerfield together in a movie equals pure gold.
It never gets old! One of the few movies I will watch over and over.

Still funny after 33 years. Belushi, Tim Matheson, Tom Hulce, Kevin Bacon, John Vernon, Karen Allen, and Bruce McGill all were perfect. A classic.
Who are you people who didn't vote for this classic? Do you keep your taste in your shoes?

Napoleon Dynamite: Stay home and eat all the chips, Kip.
Kip: Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
Napoleon Dynamite: Since when, Kip? You have the worst reflexes of all time.
Kip: Try and hit me, Napoleon.
Napoleon Dynamite: What?
Kip: I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me.
What makes this such a great movie is that you could have surgery to remove your own brain and still laugh at the jokes while understanding the plot. It's also incredibly unpredictable.

It is pretty funny! But I laughed really hard during the part where Homer was escaping that angry mob, jumped into the sinkhole in the sandbox, and flipped everyone off. And who can forget Spider Pig? Animated genius.
The Simpsons Movie is hilarious, especially in the bit where Homer hammers a nail into his jeans, then brings off the tiles while screaming and running across the roof, and then falls off.
It's so hilarious at the end when Homer hammers a nail, then when he stands up, he finds it stuck to his trousers. He starts screaming and running until he falls off the roof.

I have seen it at least 400 times and still love it.
This movie made me crap out rainbows and sunshine because it was so funny.

It's funny how Ace is supposed to love all animals, but he's terrified of bats. The scene at the bat cave is one of my favorite parts. I also love when he's trying to get out of the mechanical rhino's butt!
This movie is very hilarious, and there is never a dull moment. Jim Carrey is great at doing what he does best. All righty then...
I love Jim Carrey. He is super awesome and super funny. When it comes to humor, no one can beat him in Hollywood.

I can't believe this doesn't have more votes. It's unquestionably the funniest movie of all time, more so than the Holy Grail by far!
This is my choice as the funniest film ever. I suspect it isn't higher up this list because religious people are still sulking.
Why is Life of Brian lower than Holy Grail? This is so much funnier, wittier, and superior (in its production and everything).

It's way better than a lot of people say it is. Unfortunately, the sequel sucked...
Any Adam Sandler movie is a good movie.
Funniest Adam Sandler movie ever!

"Frank! It's horrible. That's so horrible!"
"I know, Ed."
"My father went the same way."
The piano was funny. It should be its own song.

63? Are you kidding me? This movie should be #1, no less. This movie will make you laugh until you suffocate, fall into a coma, and if you survive, you'll have some jacked-up abs. Keep those votes coming. It needs to top the list. There's no excuse for it being this low.
MIB's super action mixed with its hilarious jokes makes it hard not to like. SCORE: 95%

This should be on top by far. It's very fake but extremely funny, and it's just funnier because it was shot in my own country. However, Leon Schuster's movies deserve the runner-up positions...
There ain't no movie as mad as funny as this one... Pure situational comedy, zero vulgarity...
My jaw was hurting after watching this movie. It made me laugh for the entire movie.

I have always loved this film, but recently watched the original Frankenstein for the first time. I fully realized how clever (and funny) this film is.
I was expecting this throughout the whole list. Did I miss it? I'd argue it for a top ten spot. Also, The Producers (original) should be in the top 100. Zero!

Kingpin, with Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid, and Bill Murray, is the funniest movie of all time that no one knows about!
This one's got a little of everything. It's one of my top three.

This is really funny. I kept myself laughing the whole time.
So fresh and funny, I cried and nearly pissed myself in the theater.