Top 10 Best Horror Movie Franchises
I'm proud to see this as the #1 franchise on the list. The movies vary in terms of production values and plot originality, but they make up for it with playful tension, clever kills, and a barrel of fun (with 'Part VI' being the best of the bunch).
Jason rules! Parts 1 through 7 and Freddy vs. Jason are all either very good or great. No other series has that much depth.
Top 10
1. Friday the 13th
2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
3. Final Destination
4. Halloween
5. A Nightmare on Elm Street
6. Evil Dead
7. Saw
8. Hellraiser
9. Phantasm
10. Alien
Glad this is number one. Even the ones where it ISN'T Jason are enjoyable. My favorites are actually 3, 5, and 6 (yes, I know 5 isn't Jason, but still good in my opinion). Overall, though, much more solid than the Halloween series, in which only 2 and 7 are good in my opinion.
THERE IS NO COMPARISON. The Nightmare on Elm Street series plants a new seed in horror. The idea of someone being able to crawl into your nightmares, control your mental state, and kill you from the inside is probably the most terrifying premise in horror. Not only is every entry enjoyable on some level, but the series introduces the most iconic horror villain of all time. Freddy Krueger has a personality unlike the unoriginal, generic slasher. If you are a horror fan, this is the go-to franchise.
How this isn't #1 is beyond me! Sure, they've had some crap movies, but what franchise hasn't? They are the perfect horror movies, and only about four of them are bad. The other six are some of the greatest horror movies of all time.
Halloween is awesome due to its surprises, psychology, and the music. The drama isn't bad either, especially the way they show Michael Myers' relatives' trauma.
What? How is Halloween not number one? I think the Halloween movies are the best, but not Season of the Witch. That one sucked. It didn't have any of the right people in it. Where was Michael? If he is not in the movie, then it's not Halloween. It's just a movie about something that happened on Halloween.
The first two were amazing, the third was awful, and the fourth was watchable. This is one of the few horror franchises that has something for everyone. All the killing and suspense for the horror fans, not too much blood or gore for the squeamish, and a lot of humor for everyone! Not to mention a great cast.
Scream is DEFINITELY the best for me. I watched this movie about a month before I chose my GCSEs (my subjects to take for the next three years), and this film was one of the main reasons I chose drama. For some reason, it made me REALLY want to star in a horror movie! Besides that, although this franchise is pretty cheesy, I still love it! I haven't seen the fourth one yet, but even though the third film isn't as good as the first two, IT'S STILL GREAT!
An unbelievable, entertaining, violent, amazing, and successful franchise, which would be the best of all time. I liked all the Saw movies and was not disappointed one bit.
To me, Saw is by far the best horror movie franchise I have ever seen. The unpredictable plot of the series always kept me awake when I wanted to sleep.
How is this not number one? It's one of the few franchises that stayed good all throughout and didn't get stupid like Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween.
The Alien franchise is a true classic. I love all four parts and still hope they make another one.
The original 'Alien' and 'Aliens' are classics. '3' and 'Resurrection' are lacking, while 'Prometheus' and 'Covenant' are underappreciated. The series has had its ups and downs, but I'll always be a fan.
It's a shame that a fifth film was never produced. I heard it was meant to combine Ash's trilogy with the 2013 film. I'm sure it would have been great. At least we have 'Ash vs. Evil Dead' to enjoy in its place.
Definitely the greatest horror franchise of all time. The original three movies are great, the remake is great, and the TV show is great!
A very well-done trilogy, the best-rated series on this list. Even the remake was good, though nowhere near as iconic as the original trilogy.
The only series that hasn't had an awful movie in the series. Sure, there were some asinine movies like the pregnancy thing and Chucky's son, but they still kept it entertaining. This franchise succeeds because it saw how silly the concept of a killer doll was and rolled with it, not trying to be serious and making fun of itself.
To me, nothing is better than Child's Play - a psycho doll possessed by a killer. All of them were good, except for Bride of Chucky.
I have only seen three of them, and they were awesome.
I love the concept of how there is a psychic who can see when everyone will die, although you will never know how they die until you see them get their head blown off or strangled to death.
The only series that has made a successful franchise purely about killing people in creative ways.
This series succeeds where Saw couldn't, as it manages to keep the deaths fun.
This is the scariest movie ever!
The best psychological horror movie and a very underrated sequel.
The Newcomers
Seriously, a demon ghost coming in and scaring your family and eventually killing you and/or your family.
Romero is pure genius, with a finger on the pulse of America with his original Dead trilogy.
This should be higher. I like most of the films, especially when people kill zombies.
How can this be at the end of the list? They have some of the greatest movies of all time. They are the first horror franchise, established the genre, and with the original Frankenstein, they have the purest horror scene of all time. They really belong at the top, but even if you disagree, they definitely should be in the top 5.
Classics such as Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Invisible Man. Also includes other greats like The Mummy, The Wolf Man, and Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Shouldn't be at the very bottom, but I have a feeling it was one of the last things added to the list after people lost interest in it.
This franchise has scary movies!
Ju-on is one of the best series out there. It should be in the top 5, perhaps even top 3.
The first three parts were awesome. Some others were not as good. Overall, it has more good movies than bad ones. It should be in the top ten, in my opinion. I'd even rate it in the top three.