Top 10 Most Hated Movie Characters
The top most despised and hated characters in movie history.Look, we can mostly agree that almost everyone on this list is a character we all want to knock out. But I have to go with Umbridge. I mean, almost everyone would rather see the awesome character Cedric Diggory die a gruesome and horrible death than deal with Umbridge and her insanities for two whole movies.
She abuses her power and makes a whole lot of crazy and ridiculous rules that made life at Hogwarts difficult for everyone. Her favorite form of punishment was forcing students to write using their own blood.
PLOT TWIST: I never hated Jar Jar, unlike everyone else. I'm not trying to say he was good or anything, but there are certainly worse. Keira Knightley in the same movie is actually worse from what I've heard from The Unusual Suspect.
I absolutely loathe Star Wars I, and 99% of that loathing stems from this pest. Lucas could have redeemed himself by having JJB die a really nasty death in Attack of the Clones.
He doesn't really have a purpose. He's just an annoying freak of nature that needs to die!
A control freak, inhumane, and power-hungry. She uses her knowledge of other people's weaknesses to make them submissive and obedient. She makes Billy Bibbit commit suicide after threatening to tell his mother about him sleeping with a woman, then shrugs it off like nothing happened, suggesting they go back to their regular routine.
She is cold, manipulative, and totally unfeeling. She is a very inhumane person and totally evil.
Randle McMurphy has been wrongly sent to a mental hospital. Not too bad, right? Wrong. Nurse Mildred Ratched runs her ward with a cruel and iron fist. She can take away all food, toiletries, and medications for days.
She turns a blind eye to the countless suicides committed at the hospital. But, worst of all, she isn't stopped. She is the face of the heartless institution, and you can never shut down her laws.
He took over Sunnyside Daycare and runs it like a prison camp. The most infuriating thing about him was that even after Woody and Buzz save him at the dump, he turns on them after they throw him on the ledge to stop the machine.
"Where's your kid now, Sheriff!" Enough said.
She's a spineless, worthless, pathetic loser. Fanfiction her is better than original her.
Now, it's bad enough for the poor people trapped in the supermarket that literal Lovecraftian beasts are just outside, waiting to feast on your flesh. But monsters come in all sizes, and Mrs. Carmody is proof of that.
The survivors of the mist outside shouldn't be worried that an 80-foot-tall crab creature could be waiting in the mist. They should be protecting themselves from Mrs. Carmody and her murderous, yet highly religious, ways.
Boy, Stephen King sure loved his religious fanatics: Margaret White, Lester Lowe, Mrs. Carmody, etc.
Stalky McStalkerson. Also, had he not heard Renesmee Stupid Name Cullen's thoughts, he probably would have murdered said baby without a thought for what Bella wanted.
A creepy, stalking, sexist, racist, murderous bastard who is supposed to be the hero.
I vote Edward because he doesn't deserve to be below Prince John.
The Newcomers
There's a good reason why Corrine never talked about her mother to her children. She always hated her own grandchildren because their mother married their uncle, deeming them as the product of sin.
In order to keep their existence from her husband, she locks them away in the attic where they suffer her cruel treatment, including smashing Cathy's music box given by her late father and later cutting off her hair with scissors. I would have been a lot more satisfied if the kids had killed her off along with their horrible mother.
He takes a sadistic delight in torturing others, especially inmates, and goes around acting like he's this tough guy and above everyone else. However, there are multiple scenes where he's shown to be a huge coward.
For example, when Wild Bill strangles Dean, Percy watches in fear and makes no attempt to help. When Wild Bill grabs hold of him and touches him, he literally pees himself. And when Paul and Brutal punish him by putting him in the padded room, he whines like a sissy. Yeah, real tough guy. Percy is a coward.
The movie itself is good, but it can be hard to watch sometimes because of her. She whines, screams, and complains about every little thing. She's the typical damsel in distress.
Norton's quote to Andy later: "It broke Captain Hadley's heart to shoot Tommy"? I know it's a lie, but bull! Everyone should know at that point that Hadley loves hurting people!
Hell, he's willing to throw Andy off the roof in front of two dozen people just because Andy stepped out of line. Some characters don't actually deserve to be on this list, but I'm glad Hadley is as high as he is.
Within the first couple of minutes, he brutally beats a prisoner to death.
Most cowardly piece of garbage ever. Never wanted to beat someone up so bad.
Even the coward community looks down upon him.
Made me burn with anger at his cowardice.
He almost had Charlie killed when they were floating and wasn't really sick while bedridden. That's bad grandparenting right there.
Ignoring the fact that she married her uncle, she was a terrible mother for bringing her children to her parents' house for them to be locked up and tormented by their grandmother. The thing that infuriated me about her was that later on, she leaves them up there to die while she plans to marry again.
Not only that, but she tries to poison her own children, and one of her sons dies - all to keep herself from being disinherited and losing her money.
For the record, Jar Jar was a good-natured Gungan who always wanted to help. He was very trusting. This led to him being manipulated by Palpatine, but it is a good trait. He doesn't deserve all the death threats and Star Wars parodies involving him dying in a brutal way.
Vernon is just a douchebag.
Worst Dursley character. The only Dursley character I can ever stand seeing redeemed is Petunia.
I hate him. He treats the word magic like a cuss word, and he treats Harry like Harry's gonna go off like a bomb any second. I would use the Killing Curse on him, but I don't want to be guarded by Dementors until they take my soul.
He dupes poor Anna into falling in love with him and then reveals that he never was in love with her. He was only going to marry her to take over the kingdom and just leaves her to die.
Loved the movie but really hated Hans. He was going to kill Elsa until Anna came in and saved her.
I hated it when he turned out to be another twist villain. Also, he had much better chemistry with Anna than Kristoff did.
How the hell is Jar Jar Binks more hated than this douche!?