Top 10 Best As I Lay Dying Songs

This is my second favorite As I Lay Dying song, really powerful song, keeps me hooked all the way through every time. However, my personal favorite is Morning Waits, but I don't see it.
This song is definitely the best of As I Lay Dying... No offense...! Nice solo with killing riffs... Jordan was at his best in this song... Just can't get this song out of my head! Should be number 1.
Best intro riff of all time. Unlike most metal songs, the lyrics are very profound. I didn't even know these guys were a Christian band until just recently.

The guitar, the drumming, the vocal cracked my heart. I should sue As I Lay Dying for this. They deserve a punishment for making tears fill my eyes. This song made me wet my pants.
Very melodic. Josh's voice cracked me up when he sang the chorus. Tim's screaming gave me a soul. The guitar work is great! Good job, Nick and Phil.
What! Don't you people know that this song has ranked No. 2 in the top 10 metalcore songs? It's the best song by As I Lay Dying and must be ranked number 1!

This song should be #1. What? Gets you pumped and is a great song to listen to. Listen to this and tell me the three above it should be above it. They shouldn't. Forever should be higher up too. Come on, people! This is hands down the best song though.
My favorite-sounding riff in this song! The ending breakdown is the first breakdown to make my entire back hairs stand tall. Not to mention it's the first metalcore song I conquered on guitar.
Everything about this song is perfection, especially the riffs and breakdowns. I think this is the best As I Lay Dying song and should be #1.

The first song I heard from this band, and it made me an AILD fan. Awesome! This will totally get you into metalcore. Great work by the band.
Dang... Hard vote between this, Confined, and The Sound of Truth. But I had to pick this. Jordan's drumming just blew me away.
This is the song that got me into As I Lay Dying. Hopefully, Tim can get the band back together now that he's out of prison.

This great song will infect your mind! Just awesome. Definitely deserves a place in the top 3! In my opinion, this is the best song from AILD.
Absolutely epic. Incredible breakdown. This is for sure As I Lay Dying's greatest song ever.
This song has something really melodic that doesn't have an explanation, magnificent song from another world! Also, it always resounds in my head as a pet more.

So many good songs... can't decide. But I guess my number 1 is this piece, Forsaken, Nothing Left, or The Sound of Truth!

This song changed my life. It challenged me to look at myself and be better, not just for the betterment of myself but for the benefit of all mankind. Every song on The Powerless Rise stripped away something that you thought defined you - exposing who you really are underneath, and none do this more than Anger and Apathy.
Not to mention the aggressive chugging, beautiful chorus, and breathtaking melodies (especially in the bridge) that bring it all together. Easily my favorite As I Lay Dying song, and perhaps one of my favorite songs of all time.

Paralyzed is by far my favorite song by As I Lay Dying. How isn't it at least in the top three?! The guitars in the beginning are totally epic, and the lyrics are awesome all the way through!
Paralyzed being so behind is surprising. It deserves at least a top 3 finish. The intro is the best intro of As I Lay Dying, if not in all of metalcore.
This has the most amazing guitar riff at the beginning. It is the fight song on my iPod. Long live metal!

Well, nothing in my opinion can be compared to The Sound of Truth, but The Darkest Nights totally seals the second spot with awesome guitar riffs and an epic chorus!
This song should be at least second. The clean chorus is so amazing, and the riff is so melodic. The Darkest Nights deserves a higher place.
The chorus itself should put this at number 1. So loud, epic, and just so smooth. Great song. Heard it live, and it just blew me away.

Best As I Lay Dying song in my opinion. The intro is so powerful and has a ton of energy. Everything is so amazing. I can listen to it ten times in a row and still love it.
This is an awesome song, powerful and awesome drumming. Brilliant song.
Growlings followed by clean group vocals... The best of As I Lay Dying. This song deserves a better place.
The Newcomers

Okay, we all know why this needs to be voted for. It's brutal, fast, and I absolutely love the guitar tone before the solo kicks in.
I call this guitar tone "Printertone" because it has that nice, tight sound like an old printer and a bee - not in a fuzzy way, but in a very delicious way.
Of course, the drums and especially the crazy solo are incredible!

I think this is my absolute favorite from the Shaped by Fire album. The groove is so good, and I like the lyrics.

This song deserves to be in the top 10 at least. Sweet intro and guitar, and it's overall just badass.

It is an amazing song. I could listen to this for hours without getting bored. The guitar and vocals are absolutely awesome.
Never gets old! I've listened to this song hundreds of times, and it's still the best song ever!
One of the most energizing and badass breakdowns in all of metalcore.

Come on guys, this rocks. Riffs and lyrics, everything. If I had to choose which is the best As I Lay Dying song, I would choose this but with big difficulty. As I Lay Dying rocks YEAH!
This song is by far their best, and you know it. If any of you were true fans, you would agree.
What's wrong? How could this song be at 24? If you are a true fan of As I Lay Dying, then this song should be in the top five.

This song gives me chills. Probably my favorite drum fill in metal, and they follow it up with one of my favorite metal riffs. Easily their most powerful song musically, and only behind Sound of Truth lyrically.
A very overpowering song. My band played this and Sound of Truth for our school and made them ours and AILD's fans. We headbanged a lot while playing and couldn't move our heads for three days after the show! Go AILD!
This song should be number one for sure... It's a rarity for me to sit in my car long after I've arrived at my destination just to hear that one riff after the chorus. Ahh, it's amazing.

#1 best song by them, ever! The guitar parts are amazing to listen to. The vocals are spine-tingling, and the depth of the song and the meaning are heart-crushing. Amazing song for those who are going through some love problems and for fans who just love an amazing metal song!
This song is just awesome. If you have fallen in love, it will make more sense to you. This song should be number one for sure.
This song hit so close to home and will always be my number one song forever!

A great return song, and it has all that makes As I Lay Dying great. It became an instant classic immediately after it was released.
A brutal independence song from the return of Tim Lambesis.
Great song! And, clean vocals are fantastic! Great work guys!

This song is so epic it's ridiculous. I've heard it's actually illegal in 14 states.
I think it should be in the top 10. This song is awesome, and it makes me energetic! People must hear this song if they are a real fan of As I Lay Dying.
Such meaningful lyrics... Really affect me.

It is unfortunate that the re-recording of this song did not make it onto a full-length studio album. However, it did make it onto a compilation album. I love this song. It was originally my least favorite of As I Lay Dying's original five from the split record with American Tragedy, but it has grown into my favorite.
The Beginning has the best guitar intro, and Forever has the best lyrics, but Reinvention is the best song as a whole. The lyrics are brilliant, the guitars are awesome, and, despite not having a chorus, or perhaps because of it, it has never gotten old to me. No matter how many times I listen to it, I am always up for listening to it again. I never get sick of it.

Honestly, As I Lay Dying hasn't really produced a bad song, and dozens of their tracks could contend for the top spot. Although this is true, 'Overcome' really showcases their true potential. The instrumentation is top-notch, and the vocals, both clean and unclean, really stand out.
Everything about the song, down to the dying seconds, deserves every part of the top spot. A cracker of a song/band. Rock on, dudes.
This song is a very fast-paced masterpiece. From the hardcore-reminiscent screaming to the amazing and catchy clean vocals in the chorus, this song is by far my favorite from this As I Lay Dying fan.

This song has to be one of their best and most underrated songs. The guitar is just sweet throughout the song, and the chorus and ending are, simply put, badass.
My second favorite song ever. Confined changed my music life, so that'll always be my #1. But this is a very close second. So, so, so underrated.

WHAT?! Why is this song down here?! Condemned is one of the best songs As I Lay Dying has ever made. Just listen to the bass and the combined guitars! And that break...
Very brutal and fast. I love it. The riffs are hard to play at such speed. The drumming is top-notch.

Should be in the top 5. Amazing song from their best album. The solo is amazing. This song will get you pumped up from the start to the end.
Sickest solo and lyrics As I Lay Dying has written. In my mind, the only song that comes close to this is Forever.

Twenty-six?! What? This is by far one of the greatest songs As I Lay Dying has ever done! The thrashy opening riff, the headbanger breakdown, the crazy double bass - it's all here!
Way too low on the list. Better song than anything produced after An Ocean Between Us.
This is an amazing song. Why isn't this in the top five of this list?

The guitar riffs are amazing. It is exciting and should be rated higher than this. The fast tempo and gut-wrenching bass guitar beats are outstanding. The screaming is excellent as always.
Total badass song! I saw the name of the song while flipping through YouTube, and the name itself gave me chills. Definitely one of the best As I Lay Dying has ever made.
What the hell. This song is awesome.
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