Top Ten Best American Idol Auditions

So amazingly talented and gorgeous. I've loved Adam Lambert since his first Idol audition. So unique, talented, and gorgeous. I couldn't wait for Idol each week to see what Adam would do next. Adam always stayed true to himself. He had it figured out before he even started on the show.
It's too bad that Idol kept wanting the same type of singer to win. No disrespect because they are all talented, but there is nothing memorable about most of them. I know they all have their fans who may say otherwise, but Adam was in a league of his own. Although many who support others will likely disagree, there is no denying Adam's talent.
Most of them wanted to play it safe, and as a result, in my opinion, so many of them sound the same and sing the same kind of song. Nothing makes them stand out from the others. I find many of the singer/songwriter types boring and uninteresting, but again, I know they have their fans.
The whole point of American Idol, I thought, was to find the next superstar. Well, they found it in Adam Lambert. No one can deny his global success, which very few from Idol have achieved. I think it would be safe to say that Adam has achieved the most global success of any of the others from Idol.
He has sold out solo world tours with his own music and, also as the frontman for Queen, they are selling out arenas around the world. Watch some of the YouTube videos of their performances. They are performing for thousands, with everyone singing along. Adam has them all in the palm of his hand. It's there to be seen, and no one can deny that.

The most memorable audition in American Idol history. It really is a mistake how Simon Cowell outright rejected this guy. But at least William Hung responded with class, not sass. Yet it was Simon's idea to form One Direction on The X Factor, not to mention the fact that he distributed the Teletubbies song in the UK. Simon Cowell is a hypocrite.
William Hung's "worst" rendition of a song is better than the best One Direction song (and perhaps anything Simon Cowell produces).
Enough said.
His magically euphonious vocals have moved us deeply. From the couch to the floor, we were wetting ourselves.
Platt is the best, including "Pants On the Ground!"

It was really the first time a contestant played around with the judges and the host, and she was able to back it up with some amazing vocals.
Kelly Clarkson's audition was superb, and she continued to wow the audiences and the judges from then on. The absolute best.
Oh my gosh, her audition was so memorable! "I was just happy that the British man didn't make me cry." So humble and adorable! KELLY FOREVER.
James Durbin's audition showed his tremendous talent, and I saw it right away when he started singing. I knew then that he was going to go to Hollywood, and I was going to keep watching. His performances were all stellar and memorable. I remember every one today as if they just happened, even though it has been about six years since he performed them.
The day will come when everyone will see the talent I saw, and his career will really take off. I look forward to that day.
From day one, I knew there was something special about James. He lit the stage up every performance. He could sing the phone book and make it into a full-blown concert! He should have won, in my opinion. I have watched him grow for six years, and now his time has finally come. I thank AI for introducing us to our American Idol. DURBIN ROCKS!
Clearly, this man can sing and should have won that year. He has a voice that just comes out naturally when he sings. It is truly a gift from our Lord.
It was a shock when this boy opened his mouth and was actually able to blow the roof off.
I feel Clay Aiken should have won American Idol the year he was on American Idol.
The Newcomers
She was so nervous and looked mortified walking in and talking to the judges, but when she sang that first note, you knew she'd be around for a while.
Yes, her audition was amazing. From her personality to her singing, she's like a breath of fresh air.

Anybody with any knowledge of music probably got chills during her performance of Killing Me Softly. She didn't make a huge performance out of it. She just stood there and sang as if she were talking in a normal conversation, and it was great.

She didn't bother with a big vocal song. In fact, she picked it as she was walking into the door. She did a very nice job with it.
I picked her to win from the very beginning. She has a really good personality and voice! Good thing she won!
Carrie is phenomenal. Her voice is like an angel. I loved her version of "Alone" by Heart.

He sang The Star-Spangled Banner, and it was the first and last time he proved he was a force to be reckoned with, receiving applause from all three judges and a standing ovation from Randy and Paula.

The most memorable audition from American Idol Season 10. He was awesome, funny, and very cool. When JLo told him, "You have a deep voice," he was like, "I get that a lot!"
This guy should be on the top! He is amazing! His voice sends shivers down my spine.
I think her audition was great, how she sang back and forth with Steven Tyler. She was only 15! What do the rest of you think?

Based on pure vocals, this may be the best original audition.
The judges said that for the second season, they'd like to have some great voices who did not fit the pop star image. She gave that to them with this powerhouse performance.
I don't like her in general, but that voice was literally astonishing in a good way.

She sang a country song and a jazz standard and showed her beautiful voice and versatility in just two songs. Without knowing that she'd later disappoint, if you were told she'd be out in just fifth place, you'd be shocked.
I loved that she put her own twist into the songs she performed.