Top 10 Best Dead Kennedys Songs

The Top Ten
Holiday in Cambodia

Love this song. It has everything a good punk rock song needs. Love Jello's vocals. The intro is what made this song the best song ever.

If you don't feel the lyrics, you are not punk and should go listen to Justin Bieber.

The Dead Kennedys are one of those rare occurrences in music where their most popular song is their best.

Love this song so much. Best song by miles.

California Uber Alles

Honestly, I just like the story behind this song. It was a response to some neo-Nazis thinking DK was a neo-Nazi band. Nope!

Kill the Poor

Good top 3. Only the order is screwed up. "Kill the Poor" is their best. It's the best satire I've ever heard with great music behind it.

Police Truck

Awesome song from an awesome game. Should be much higher on the list!

This should be second, after Holiday in Cambodia.

Nazi Punks F**k Off

The Napalm Death version is awesome too.

Chemical Warfare

I think "Chemical Warfare" deserves to be here. Amazing intro, fast-paced, loud music, with a big touch of dark humor. That's Jello all right.

Every song from "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables" deserves to be here (except "Ill in the Head", because let's face it, the lyrics are good but the music is boring). I honestly don't know why "Holiday in Cambodia" is labeled as being from the album "Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death" because it appeared in "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables" first.

And ha! To you for not being able to put "Penis Landscape" as the album art for "Frankenchrist".

Too Drunk to F***

How has nobody voted on this yet? The first song I ever heard by DK, it started a trail that would eventually lead to DK being ranked high among my favorite bands. The song is fast, the lyrics are relatable, and the name makes stupid music from today look like lullabies. 10/10!

Are you serious? Just listen to that guitar!

Moon Over Marin

Should be up there near the top. It's not the typical DK-sounding song, but very powerful.

Soup is Good Food
I Kill Children

Most underrated Dead Kennedys song.

The Newcomers

? Viva Las Vegas

One of my favorite cover songs of all time.

? Life Sentence
The Contenders

Killer riff and bassline. Riot is my favorite Dead Kennedys song by a long way.

I Fought the Law

I don't think this song is the best, but I'm surprised it's not on the list.

This isn't even a Dead Kennedys song. It's a Clash cover.


California Uber Alles is better, I think, but this song has the best bass part I have ever heard. The intro noise with Jello's scream is great too.

We've Got a Bigger Problem Now
Moral Majority
Bleed for Me

Excellent rhythm, great lyrics. Build-up in the beginning. Possibly the best song from Plastic Surgery Disasters.


How come this is not even on the list? This is one of the many amazing songs they could come up with even after Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables set up such a big benchmark.

The quintessential DK song: loud, fast, hardcore punk mocking the materialist in all of us.

Pull My Strings
When Ya Get Drafted

One of the best on Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables.

Short, biting, Dead Kennedys at their finest.

Forest Fire
Trust Your Mechanic
MTV-Get Off the Air
Chickens*** Conformist
Let's Lynch the Landlord
The Prey
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