Top Ten Best Effects Guitarists
This is a man who knows his stuff. He doesn't just play a pentatonic scale for every solo or riff he does. He experiments and uses what he calls the happy accidents that occur during rehearsal and practice.
If Morello is ever overtaken, then this list should be deleted. Bellamy is good, but Muse wouldn't even be around if it wasn't for Rage or Morello. Best guitarist ever, in my opinion!
Just plain godly. He and Tim can do some seriously wild stuff.
Bellamy pushes effects to a whole new level. Muse conveys so much power, energy, and emotion each time they perform a riff or a solo live, even one that they've played a thousand times before.
That's why Bellamy is my favorite guitarist - he figuratively (and sometimes literally) throws his guitar over the top of the barrier of what a guitar is supposed to sound like.
The funny thing is, his favorite guitarist as a child was, in fact, Tom Morello. Obviously, the knowledge has rubbed off on him, with solos in the songs Supermassive Black Hole and Thoughts of a Dying Atheist.
For David Gilmour, it was a test - a test to see how many pedals he could fit into one effects unit. When he plays, it's a trip to the dark side of the moon for us.
Dude can make any effect work - with the vibrato bar, using pedals, or without any kind of pedals. He has very good control over the pitch.
Although his mainstream career spanned only four years, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of popular music, and one of the most... read more
Just remember that this is about the best effects guitarists, not just guitarists. This man was a pro of pyrotechnics and full-on sonic freakouts. Just listen to his rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner.
He was using pedaling effects more than anybody else in his time.
Like lilbullet111 wrote, just listen to his masterpiece "Surfing with the Alien." If you hear it and still don't think he deserves the top spot, go and listen to many of his other songs - he uses really good effects!
By the way, I respect that Tom Morello is in first place because he always makes strange and awesome effects while playing.
Including Surfing with the Alien, his song Searching also has awesome uses of the whammy pedal. I often see people get mad for pedal effects after listening to Joe Satriani's songs.
Sure, he doesn't use that many effects, but I'm going to include him here for his expert use of the whammy bar. The amazing thing is, he could maneuver it fantastically, and it seemed that his guitar didn't even go out of tune!
WAAH! WAH! Yeah, this guy can do a lot of good solos without the wah pedal, but with it, he can do awesome things like Enter Sandman or Don't Tread on Me!
Not a fan of his, but I admire his use of the Wah pedal.
The man behind the music of one of the most influential bands of all time, The Edge can play. Best known for his echo effects, this guitarist is pretty awesome.
Never uses the same effect twice.
The Newcomers
King of distortion, in my opinion. This man knows how to mix crazy, heavy sounds with blues and feel. His great use of octave pedals for Seven Nation Army just makes him known worldwide.
He's done things on guitar that no one else ever thought about, starting in the early '80s! Take that, Tom Morello! (I do respect both guitarists, though.)
Tom Morello seems to have taken tons of the noises Thurston made at least a year before he did. Thurston ROCKS. If you don't think he's the best, then you obviously don't know who started it all. (It's Thurston!)
Sonic Youth guitarist Thurston Moore brings the word sonic to a whole new level. It's truly amazing how far you can take technical abilities these days. And man, he knows how to make a guitar scream.
Tom Morello and Jimi Hendrix definitely deserve high places on this list, but where is Jonny? Seriously, this guy puts so much psychedelic emotion and touch into his melody with the nuances of his effects.
Listen to the guitars on Paranoid Android and Subterranean Homesick Alien, to name a few!
I'd say that this legend is the king of the quiet-loud contrast, notable in songs like Smells Like Teen Spirit and Lithium.
Pure, clean picking, and all the notes are touched. The slides, pull-offs, and everything else are just awesome.
He often uses a pedal to control his guitar solos, especially during double guitar solos.