Top 10 Best In Flames Albums

Strongest opening on any album ever, on par with Megadeth's Rust in Peace when it comes to an epic intro. "Moonshield" is the best song on the album! But "December Flower," "The Jester Race," and "Artifacts of the Black Rain" are amazing.
The Jester Race is the second album by melodic death metal band In Flames. It is the first album to feature Anders Friden as the band's vocalist and Bjorn Gelotte as the drummer.
Highlights: Artifacts of the Black Rain, Moonshield, The Jester Race
The greatest of the band! Personally, one of my favorite melodic death albums because of the strong opening, the insane riffs, and the unforgettable solos.

Number 6? Seriously? Clayman is an unbelievable, classic melodic death metal album! In my opinion, it should be number 1, but at the very least, it should be in the top three. Great album.
Highlights: the whole bloody album.
This is their best album. Sure, The Jester Race was good, but Clayman has all good tracks you won't want to skip any. Not just my favorite In Flames album but one of my favorite albums ever!
Bullet Ride, Only for the Weak, Satellites and Astronauts, and Another Day in Quicksand are the best songs. But all songs are great!

Highly recommended! Contains some of the band's best work. For me, Ordinary Story, Coerced Coexistence, Insipid 2000, and the amazing bonus tracks Clad in Shadows and Man Made God are some of my favorite tracks from their entire catalog.
Colony is the fourth album by Swedish melodic death metal band In Flames.
Highlights: Colony, Embody the Invisible, Ordinary Story
Absolute best tracks on this one: Embody the Invisible, Scorn, Zombie Inc., Ordinary Story, etc.

After a few albums of experimenting with a lighter sound while still maintaining their melodic death metal style, In Flames created Come Clarity. This album is lighter but still reminiscent of their older, heavier material. However, it also has some of the band's softest moments. It is a beautiful mish-mash of death metal, clean vocals, clean guitars, and top-notch production. Vocalist Anders is also at his best here, delivering some of his most brutal and incredible clean vocals. There isn't anything noticeably wrong with this album, and I think it easily stands as one of their best.

This album has everything that the early period of In Flames stands for: awesome riffs, outstanding melody transitions, and a very good mix between growl and clean vocals. Food for the Gods is a great example. A fast and genius main riff with both growling and clean vocals. A song with great melodies is Jotun, which is also one of the greatest tracks on Whoracle.
My childhood in one album! But I really think it's wrong to compare Whoracle, Colony, The Jester Race, and Clayman to each other because they are all masterpieces sent from a higher power or something. Jotun, Words Within the Margin, and Gyroscope are the highlights of this album, but all the songs are legendary!

Reroute to Remain (Subtitled: Fourteen Songs of Conscious Insanity and on The Reissue: Fourteen Songs of Conscious Madness) is the sixth studio album by the Swedish melodic death metal band In Flames. The album saw a major change in musical style and was In Flames' first considerable step in the direction of mainstream music. It was met with rejection among many of their fanbase.
Highlights: Cloud Connected, Trigger, System
All songs are really good on this album and there are no negative things to say about it.

Perfect combination of their modern alternative sounds with some old-school riffs and lead guitars. Anders is screaming and growling again (title track, A New Dawn, Darker Times, The Puzzle), and the lead melodies from their first albums have returned (title track, Deliver Us, Fear Is the Weakness). Overall, their best album with the title track being my personal IF favorite.
I like every album of theirs, but this is the album that made me take notice of this wonderful band. Yes, it might be rather mainstream-metalcore, but if this album wasn't around, I probably never would have heard of them, which is kind of sad.

Highlights: The Quiet Place, My Sweet Shadow, Evil in a Closet, In Search for I, F(r)iend. I hate how everybody says this album is their worst. This album was SO awesome. F(r)iend is one of the most badass songs ever by In Flames, and The Quiet Place is pretty much their most popular song.
Soundtrack to Your Escape is the seventh studio album by the Swedish melodic death metal band In Flames.
Highlights: The Quiet Place, My Sweet Shadow, Touch of Red
This is a really cool album. I wish people liked it more because it is one of their best albums with some of their best songs ever.

It baffles me that this isn't considered In Flames' best album. Incredibly strong songwriting from start to finish, a consistent and clear-cut style all the way through, very tight musicianship, and a blend of everything the band does well. I know that people are often attached to the band's older work, but for me, this is a real high point in their discography.
This album to me is their finest work. Not because it contains more than a few popular songs that seem to be included in the band's "live" setlist, but because I think it's a perfect blend of heaviness and melody, with great guitar riffs, time changes, and just a solid album from start to finish.

How is this legendary album below 4 terrible albums: Reroute to Remain, Sounds of a Playground Fading, A Sense of Purpose, and Soundtrack to Your Escape? Those all suck. Lunar Strain is their best album, period. Subterranean is a close second.
This should be up there next to The Jester Race and Whoracle. Their first four albums (including Subterranean) are their best in my opinion.
Lunar Strain is the debut album by Swedish melodic death metal band In Flames.
Highlights: Behind Space, Lunar Strain, In Flames
The Newcomers

Like all their best albums into one.

This is one of the albums I'll listen to all the way through from anybody, even though I skip This Is Our House.
The best they have done since Clayman.
No question, I, the Mask is brilliant!

Heavily underrated album and possibly their best since the '90s era. It's a different style now, but this album has everything that makes a superb album, especially great choruses.
Underrated! This album was 13 times better than Siren Charms. It deserves to be number 9 at least.

Siren Charms may be their lightest album yet, but lyrically, it contains deep emotion. If you don't mind listening to alternative metal, Siren Charms is one that offers great relaxation with occasional shreds and light screaming. If you listen and pay attention to the lyrics, you can hear deeply entrenched emotion. This is the "Feels" album.
I like it when bands play a diverse range of music and don't pigeonhole themselves in one style. This album is their most mature piece of work and shows growth as musicians. Yes, it's softer than their early stuff, but it still kicks ass.

Amazing collection of some great tracks.

Biosphere kills! Stand Ablaze and Everdying are also pretty awesome. I wish it wasn't an EP but a full-length album.
I just heard this and I have to say it is a masterpiece.
Perfect, cold, calculated. Gothenburg's coldest melodeath, with a touch of black metal.