Top 10 Best Josh Groban Songs

The Top Ten
You Raise Me Up

This song makes me think of my youngest son, Jon, whom I lost in 1992. He was only 22 years old. We were living on Lake Michigan, and he was coming home from work at 6:00 in the morning on Lakeshore Dr., only a mile and a half away from home, when several deer ran across the road. He tried to miss them and hit a tree!

They couldn't airlift him to the hospital because of all the trees, and he didn't have his seatbelt on, so they had to get him out with the Jaws of Life. When they got him in the ambulance, they checked to see if he was bleeding internally. It came out negative, but in reality, he had a ruptured spleen, so he never got the blood he needed. He lived about two hours.


Even though the main lyric is "Remember Me," the title of the song is "Remember." It is from the 2004 movie "Troy" and is possibly the most hauntingly beautiful song in the history of music. It makes me cry every time.

It's a great song. When I feel alone, I listen to it. Wow. Nice composition and great lyrics. Thanks, Josh. You are awesome.

The first time I heard this song, I was mesmerized. When I found the artist who sang this haunting song, I listened to him ever since.


This song really gets me into believing in the Christmas spirit and always makes me want to cry.

One of my favorite Christmas songs. This song should be in 1st place!

February Song

I've been listening to Josh for about an hour, and this song is just mind-blowing! It makes me cry, for real.

This is the song that made me fall in love with Josh. So beautiful and one he wrote himself.

This song is fantastic. I hope he sings it when he comes to Boston in July.

You are Loved (Don't Give Up)

This song helped me remember that, although I don't know anyone so far who likes me, there will someday be someone out there who will love me. For now, I know that God will lift my heart, break the silence, and shine to guide me in my times of trouble. Thanks, Josh!

This song is so inspirational and beautiful. His delivery makes it so powerful that I feel so much better about myself after listening to this gem of a song! Love, love Josh Groban!

Love it! It is so beautiful, and the lyrics are so right. If I feel a bit down, I listen to this song, and it lifts me.

To Where You Are

I first heard this song in 2002 on my way home at 2:00 in the morning after being with my mom, who was dying from colon cancer. I immediately pulled out pen and paper and scribbled down the artist and the song name. I had never heard of Josh Groban before.

She died the next night, and on my way to make funeral arrangements, I heard it again. I bought the CD and told my dad, brothers, and aunt that I had a song they needed to hear. I played it for them, and we agreed to have it at her funeral. My dad then told me my mom had the CD. It must have been a sign (and I usually don't go for that kind of thing).

I've been a fan ever since, have been to two of his concerts, and even got to shake his hand at one. Thanks, Josh, for such a beautiful song. It makes me think of my mom every time I hear it.

In Her Eyes

I liked it the first time I heard this song. The lyrics were so romantic, and I listened to it over and over. Josh is such a great singer of our time. I couldn't think of another singer who could sing it like JG!


Incredible song. As an incredibly huge Groban fan (pre-Illuminations mostly), it's easily in my top five. Along with February Song, it's my top two on the album. I can't not like it.

One of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard, if not the most.

The atmosphere this song creates is unique.

So She Dances

Makes me think of my daughter dancing. Beautiful.

Broken Vow

What an amazing voice he has. From the National Anthem (Detroit Lions-Green Bay) to O Holy Night and all those in between, it's just really hard to pick 1 or 50 favorites.

No one compares to his voice. Outstanding talent.

Brings tears to my eyes. I love this song.

The Newcomers

? When You Say You Love Me

This is my favorite Groban song of all time. Try looking into your significant other's eyes while this song is playing in the background, and you both will melt!

This is one of the most beautiful romantic and/or wedding songs!

The very first time I heard this, my heart skipped a beat.

? Bigger Than Us

What an amazing song!

Sung by an amazing singer!

The Contenders
Remember When It Rained

Brilliant song and arguably the second most impressive in terms of his vocals, only bettered by Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.

I love this song. It's amazing, just like all his other songs!

Love the melody and lyrics! It's a very deep song.

Per Te

This is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard in any language.

Beautiful song. He sings like an angel.

I Believe

I Shazamed this song in a grocery store because it was so beautiful I had to know what it was and who the singer was. It's magical, and I don't know why I didn't discover JG sooner, but I'm so glad I did. I'm going to buy more - he's right up there with Andrea Bocelli.

When I first heard the song You Raise Me Up, I decided to find out more about Josh Groban. This is what I discovered: his songs are meaningful, full of wonder, and melodious. I just can't get enough of his songs!

Absolutely amazing version of this Stevie Wonder song! It makes me want to get married just to have this as my wedding song.

My Confession

This is by far the best song Josh has ever sung. I can listen to it all the time. There are others I like a lot, but this humble song is so powerful. It's really a hit that should be popularized. It changes lives.

I can listen to just this song for hours, and it still feels as amazing as the first time I ever heard it.

This song deserves to be number one. Simply amazing!

She's Out of My Life
Hidden Away
You're Still You

One of the best love songs I have ever heard.


Beautiful, uplifting song with great lyrics, a good beat, and terrific orchestration. And of course, incredible vocals.

This song always helps me get calm when I'm frustrated. In my opinion, this is the best song.

This song is beautiful from the beginning because it lets you listen to classic sounds like the violin and other modern sounds. The lyrics are perfect and inspire you to fight and see life from another point of view.

O Holy Night
Higher Window

Great inspirational song. Awesomely uplifting.

I love this song just so, so much.

With You

I can't find words to describe my pleasure for this song. Thanks, Josh.

Anthem From Chess

"My land's only borders lie around my heart!"

Oh my God, this is too good and brilliant!

Changing Colors
Un Alma Mas

I love every song, Josh. Now maybe this is my favorite. It goes very well with the softness of his voice. I really, really love this song.

I love all of Josh's songs. I especially love this one because I'm Italian.

Now or Never
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