Best Paramore Albums

Vote for your favourite Paramore album or which you think is the best.
The Top Ten
Brand New Eyes

Paramore is my third favorite band of all time. Green Day is my favorite, My Chemical Romance is my second, and Paramore is my third. These three bands are really tied for first, but I always end up ranking them like this.

Brand New Eyes by Paramore is my third favorite album ever. Every single song, music video, lyric, and vocal is flawless.

Billie Joe Armstrong, Gerard Way, and Hayley Williams (actually they're tied) are my three biggest heroes of all time.

I give Brand New Eyes by Paramore a 10/10 and Paramore as a band a 10/10.


Best album they did and probably will ever do. This was their best sound, but they lost it when they struggled to stay together and afterward.

Really sad because there's no replacement for the energy and amazing vocals this album brought, and it's all been downhill since this one.

I love this album. It's always been my favorite since I became a Paramore fan a year or two ago.

It has most of my favorite Paramore songs and is just an amazing album.

This album has the most positive lyrics, and the tunes are very upbeat. It can help you through anything, and it has certainly helped me.

I became a Paramore fan because of this album.


Great album and a great comeback for Paramore. I understand why many fans were disappointed with this record because they've changed their style. Now they're pop/pop-rock. However, lyrically, this album is terrific.

Maybe there are some filler songs with little to say, like Fast in My Car, but the rest is great. I agree with those who think this isn't their best album because Brand New Eyes and Riot! are classics with their most enjoyable and meaningful songs.

Growing up is natural, so I don't think their change in style is wrong. Paramore is doing it right.

After Laughter

Smart album. Clever lyrics include themes like depression, exhaustion, and celebrity worship, contrasting with upbeat '80s-inspired beats.

Another classic Paramore album, in my opinion.

This album is brilliant. The fact that some of the most upbeat songs have the saddest, most real lyrics proves that Paramore is still one of the most relatable bands out there.

Awesome album with a new but potent sound, but still with lyrics that are relatable and meaningful.

All We Know Is Falling

Definitely this one. It has all of my favorite songs, ones that you can never get out of your head.

It should at least be above Riot! because that's just the album everyone knows. It's popular to like that one. All of Paramore's songs are amazing, but the ones on this album are better.

Best album by far. Most original and non-mainstream sounding, though Riot and Brand New Eyes are good too.

I'm not a fan of album #4. It's too pop for me.

Here We Go Again is my favorite Paramore song, and my second is Conspiracy, both from this album!

It definitely deserves more votes!

Singles Club

Their only album that was online-only and not available in stores. It consisted of four tracks:

1. Monster
2. Hello Cold World
3. Renegade
4. In the Mourning

It has Monster - it couldn't get any better!

The Final Riot!

Watch the video for We Are Broken and tell me this isn't their best.

This Is Why
The B-Sides Album

This extremely rare album is a compilation of their B-sides over the years. Some of their best songs are B-sides, little hidden gems that only people searching, or those forced to listen by a friend, will hear. (I regret nothing - I made a Paramore fan in the process!)

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