Best Songs From Avril Lavigne's Under My Skin

The Top Ten
My Happy Ending

A great song, and I like playing it on the guitar. But I want to remind everyone that the most popular song is not necessarily the best one.

Nobody's Home

This is a sad song, but it's very true. Many young people feel like this, and Avril has tapped into their minds. Well done, Av.


Don't Tell Me
Take Me Away

Am I the only one who thinks this is her greatest song? She rocks!

Slipped Away

The best Avril Lavigne song, mostly because I lost my grandfather, who was really close to me, and Avril wrote this song about the same experience (about her grandfather who died), so I can relate to it.

I really cried listening to this. It's her best song of all time and should be on top.

This song should be a single. For me, it is better than "He Wasn't."

Freak Out

UNDERRATED! It should've been a single! It has the perfect emo sound.

He Wasn't

This is better than quite a few of the songs! In my opinion, My Happy Ending is the only one to top it!

The vocals on this song are great. It is far more hardcore than most others on this list.

This is one of her best songs ever! How is it not higher!?

Fall to Pieces

The Newcomers

? I Always Get What I Want
? Who Knows
The Contenders
How Does It Feel
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