Top 10 Best Emo Bands

My Chemical Romance has always been, and will continue to be, an inspiration to Killjoys and listeners everywhere. They have helped many teens and troubled minds overcome suicidal conditions and face the world with their music. As a teen myself, I have my own pains, struggles, and issues to deal with. My Chemical Romance makes these challenges bearable and has helped me get back on my feet countless times. I am thankful for that.
Even though they have separated and broken up, they have left a legacy - an unforgettable one. They made history. Their fandom is still alive to this day, alive and still rocking it. The Black Parade isn't dead because Killjoys never die.

They're my inspiration, and listening to them helped me when I was going through a dark period. Their lyrics send shivers down my spine in the best way possible. Especially Carolyn, The Mortician's Daughter, and Lost It All.
Then there are the fun songs like Rebel Love Song, In the End, Fallen Angels, and Days Are Numbered. Anyway, they're my favorite band, and I highly recommend listening to them.
If you listen to the lyrics of any BVB song, you will hear a sonnet from the gods. The band in general is much better looking than My Chemical Romance. Just look at the main singers. Yes, I am, in fact, fans of both BVB and My Chemical Romance. However, Andy Biersack is infinitely better looking than Gerard Way. I will give Gerard credit. He has god-given vocals that need to be shared with the world. But Andy is an angel that was sent from the gods to bring everyone happiness and to make your inner thigh quiver when you see his face.

Panic! At The Disco has been creating music since 2006. Many of their great songs weren't considered "mainstream," and as a result, they didn't receive much publicity. Every album is different and keeps us on our toes. Some of their best songs include "Nine in the Afternoon," "The Ballad of Mona Lisa," "This Is Gospel," "Girls/Girls/Boys," "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage," "That Green Gentleman," "Miss Jackson," and what is considered their most successful song, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies."

Fall Out Boy receives a fair amount of criticism, but they still impress me. As someone else mentioned, they have the power to instantly change your mood depending on the song you choose. I find that Fall Out Boy songs improve with repeated listening, allowing you to pick up on the background beats and appreciate them fully.
Their lyrics are generally good and not a point of concern. Admittedly, Patrick's singing can sometimes be hard to decipher, but it's mostly decent.
They should really be number one. Fall Out Boy pioneered emo. Listen to lyrics from some of their songs like "Hearts and Wrists Intact" or "A note on my wrist that says do not open before Christmas." They made emo mainstream.
I have nothing against My Chemical Romance, but they aren't really that emo. They are more alternative, though. At least you have Black Veil Brides on the list!

Paramore is amazing! Although I only know the lead singer's name and am not part of their fandom, I have heard a lot of their songs. The instrumentals are pure and amazing. However, like many good bands, they have flaws.
Hayley Williams' voice is good, but it isn't natural. It's stressed and forced. The only time I've heard it sound natural is in part of The Only Exception, which is probably their best song. They are not really emo. They are pop-punk. Some of their slower songs are considered emo, but not all slow songs are emo. The slow songs have an emo tempo and somewhat emo instrumentals, but they aren't lyrically emo.
In conclusion, Paramore is a great band but has room for improvement. They will never be perfect, though, because nothing is perfect.

The current members include the former Escape The Fate singer Ronnie Radke, Max Georgiev, Christian Thompson and bassist Wes Horton III. Former members of the band include Derek... read more
I LOVE Falling in Reverse! They are the best band ever, and I am not emo. But I was surprised that this band really spoke to me. It's awesome because my best friend, who is emo, showed me this band.
The funny thing is, everyone judges and doesn't like people for who they truly are. You just have to look beyond the looks. That's why I love this band. It truly has a heartfelt meaning to it.
If everyone would take a listen to this band, I'd be very grateful. They are like the second-greatest band to My Chemical Romance in my mind. They don't seem to be getting the recognition they deserve. Yes, Escape the Fate was a good band started by Ronnie Radke, but they're nothing without him.

I love that this is the only real emo band on this list. It's a major fail, but oh well. They're all good bands. Especially My Chemical Romance and Escape the Fate - they're amazing. They may not be emo, but they're amazing nevertheless.
As for this band, it's unquestionably the best emo band on the list, as I've previously mentioned. Again, haha.
Let's be real: in a perfect world, Jimmy Eat World would be number one. While I don't want to undermine the success of bands like My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy, they have shifted more towards pop vibes, unlike many other bands on this list. Jimmy Eat World, on the other hand, has stayed true to their roots.

Pierce the Veil is one of the best bands out there, and the fact that not a lot of people have actually listened to them is honestly really annoying. Personally, I think everyone should listen to at least a few of their songs!
While listening to their music, you can easily connect to the lyrics and just let yourself go. Pierce the Veil has saved my life and led me down a new path. Their music is always there when I need something to connect to!
I'm not exaggerating when I say Pierce the Veil has saved many people's lives, including mine. Their lyrics are so deep and easy to connect to! It doesn't hurt that they're all really attractive. But seriously, they are my favorite band, and I wish I had found them sooner. I listen to them every day and think more people should too.
Going back to the whole "life-saving" part, there was one day when I felt terrible and was crying. I was listening to "Tangled in the Great Escape," put my knife down, and have been clean since that day. Because of that, here I am. I love this band so much and think they should have a much higher ranking.

This is sad - not because it's emo - but because there are only about six emo bands on here: Sunny Day Real Estate, Rites of Spring, American Football, Texas Is the Reason, Mineral, and early Jimmy Eat World. The rest are not emotive hardcore/post-hardcore but instead a bunch of half-decent pop/punk Fueled by Ramen bands that are simply mislabeled. They have very little in common with any actual emo bands.
Honestly, listen to the six bands I mentioned and become well-versed in the genre before voting. That isn't to say you will enjoy it more than the pop/punk bands. Some of those bands range from decent to great according to some people. However, you should be able to tell they should not be lumped into the same genre.

This band is simply amazing, and no one should argue with that. They have depth and they blow my mind whenever I listen to them. Monte Money has become an incredible guitarist compared to his playing in past years. They deserve a higher rank than this, so vote for them!
Escape the Fate rocks hard. Listen to The Flood and Won't Back Down. These are two seriously cool songs by a seriously cool band. Please uprate them. They deserve a higher spot than this!
Because they're soft but can rock the hell out of you. I had never heard of the band until I was looking things up on YouTube and found them. My favorite song is You're So Beautiful!
The Newcomers

30 Seconds to Mars and My Chemical Romance are my favorite bands ever! 30 Seconds to Mars deserves to be at the very top, along with My Chemical Romance. The lyrics are unique and beautiful, and Jared Leto's voice is! Let's not forget about the music, which is also absolutely brilliant. While I wouldn't say they are emo, they do touch on this genre in some of their songs.
30 Seconds to Mars is a band that has sold over 10 million records worldwide. They hold a Guinness Record for the most live shows during one album cycle and have enjoyed sold-out tours and numerous headlining festivals. The band has received 81 awards, including MTV awards for the videos The Kill, Kings and Queens, and Up in the Air, all directed by frontman Jared Leto himself.
With originality and energy, they are by far the best band compared to all those mentioned above and below in this list.

I'm currently listening to this band, and I love it so much. It has been my favorite band for a while, and I don't regret finding it.
The lyrics are absolutely amazing. They talk about topics other than what the regular public listens to, and I personally think Kellin's vocals are some of the best I've ever heard. I also think Gabe is an amazing drummer, and everything is just overall perfect in this band.
They were one of my first post-hardcore favorites! It's really interesting and cool to hear falsetto vocals instead of the norm. I like how they try to bring in the acoustic audience with some of their work while maintaining the alternative audience.
Their lyrics are so beautiful that when I first heard "If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn," I cried. They are just all-around awesome.

Bullet For My Valentine is sort of an emo band, but that's a bit of a stretch, really. They're actually Metalcore, which is essentially if all the punk aspects of emo were replaced with metal aspects. The genre is very closely associated with emo, and followers of emo music tend to also listen to Metalcore. One of my favorite songs is Tears Don't Fall pt. 1!
Favorite band in the whole world. I would say you need to at least respect them enough to put them in at least second or third place. These guys have been inspirational to me. So much of my life has revolved around them. Bullet may not be so much an emo band, but they still have to be the most amazing band out there.

The melodic emo-pop slowly invaded rock radios everywhere in the nation. The few that made it (and stayed) on the radio are the better-known bands such as My Chemical Romance. You can keep getting your music spoon-fed to you on the radio and television. Great music like Hawthorne Heights requires some searching to be found.
Incredible band.
Hawthorne Heights, Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, The Used, Matchbook Romance, Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eat World, Embrace, and Rites of Spring deserve to be at the top of this list. Not those stupid poser bands.

What the... People are really stupid and don't know the meaning of 'emo.' Emo is a '90s genre, and most of these bands only came out in 2005 when emo was already dead. Bands like Sunny Day Real Estate, The Get Up Kids, early Jimmy Eat World, Braid, Jawbreaker, At the Drive-In, The Promise Ring, and Texas Is the Reason are emo. Not My Chemical Romance and Suicide Silence.
Some bands, granted, are newer and can be classed as emo. For example, Brand New, The Hotelier, Foxing, etc. This list is embarrassing. American Football made the most legendary emo album of all time. They only made one with nine tracks, and it defined the genre. You kids need to go back to school. Rant over.

Yeah, this list is absolute crap. Brand New is not only one of the best emo bands, but one of the best ever, in my opinion. I can't stand when people who don't realize what emo music actually is come on here and vote up stuff that's not even close to emo., I officially give up on you.
This is more emo than any other band on this list. Listen to The Devil and God or Deja Entendu, legendary albums by a great emo rock band.
This is completely wrong. The greatest emo bands are Brand New and Sunny Day Real Estate, period.

This band is insanely good. In 2009, they released the album "Stand Up and Scream," which is just amazing. In 2011, the album "Reckless and Relentless" was released. It wasn't as good as the first one, but in my opinion, it's still the second-best album ever made.
In 2013, they released another gorgeous album named "From Death to Destiny." Unfortunately, the singer Danny Worsnop had shifted their style to something a bit more hard rock at this point, so the album fell a little behind the other ones. (Remember that everything I say is still just my opinion.)
In 2015, Danny Worsnop left the band. While I can't disagree with his decision since he didn't have his heart in the band anymore, it initially seemed like the worst thing that could happen. But it was the complete opposite! The young singer Denis Stoff joined the band, and I think Denis is just what AA needed. Denis, with his high screams and abundant energy, successfully brought AA back to the glory days of "Stand Up and Scream," giving the band a kickstart you would never be able to imagine!

I've been listening to ATL since I was 14. I can honestly say that I've never met another band more dedicated to their fans. These four boys not only make amazing music but also completely have my heart.
I love them so much. I've seen them live. I don't care what people say. They are one of my favorite bands. My favorite song has to be Therapy because it's just so amazing and emotional. Plus, Jack is my spirit animal.
I started listening to All Time Low six years ago, and I can definitely say that these boys have taken over my life. I love this band so much.

Obviously, people need to know what emo really is. I looked at this list and most of the stuff here (Good God, since when did Fall Out Boy become emo, huh, trendies?)
Cap'n Jazz is a true emo band. Their lyrics may be childish, but they make sense. If you're not the hippie who claims to have listened to emo.
Because emo isn't supposed to sound like pop.
One of the originals. Why don't we just rename the genre for "real" emo to something else? Make it ridiculous and let's not let anyone steal it this time, okay?
Cap'n Jazz is probably the only band that actually deserves to be on this list.

One of the best yet underrated emo bands out there is Dashboard Confessional. Some bands I grew up with slowly transitioned into pop punk or punk rock, but Dashboard has remained true to the scene. Chris Carrabba's vocals are incredibly emotional and resonate with me every time I hear them. Songs like "Remember to Breathe," "Turpentine Chaser," "Hands Down," and "Vindicated" are especially impactful.
His vocals are often accompanied by either an acoustic guitar or a full band. Carrabba has stated in interviews that the songs he creates are "outlets" for his sadness. This emotional authenticity gives the songs their power. In my opinion, Chris' acoustic versions of his songs feel even more raw and are brimming with emotion. Dashboard Confessional is one of those bands that not many people listen to, but their music is truly great.

How is this so low, especially next to so many bands that aren't in the genre? This is one of my all-time favorites. The only explanation is that people haven't heard of them. If you are still reading this and you are interested in learning about the band or just the emo genre in general, I cannot recommend enough that you listen to their song "Parking Lot."
Seriously, I couldn't agree more. How the hell did Mineral end up at 76, well below such non-emo bands like Escape the Fate and Black Veil Brides? Where are bands like Rainer Maria? Or Still Life? How about Boys Life? Maybe Christie Front Drive? Or even Elliott? Or the obvious ones like The Promise Ring? Not even any love for Jejune?

The Used is definitely the best emo band I know of. It's a close call between The Used and My Chemical Romance. My favorite song is probably either I Caught Fire or Find Away.
The best band ever. I found out about these guys a few years ago, and I can still listen to their music over and over again. Look these guys up.
Screamo kings! Unmatched musical arrangements and vocal delivery. It's hard to pick a top track. They have a song for every dysfunction.

Evanescence is the best band I've ever listened to. The songs are so deep and meaningful that they are perfect. Songs like Hello and My Last Breath exemplify what perfection means. Amy Lee's voice just matches the lyrics in every song. It's her that makes every song sound so unique and artistic.
I was looking for Evanescence to be under My Chemical Romance, or at least to be in the top 5, not the top 20! I've liked Evanescence for 13 years now. Amy Lee has just gotten more and more amazing. No other band has had this much emotional impact on me. This pisses me off.
I love the sound of Funeral for a Friend so much! The guitars, the drums, everything. The first couple of albums are totally ripping!

Their music is so original, and the lead singer, Tyler Joseph, is AMAZING. The rapping is on point, and I personally think they should be in the top five. I mean, Josh Dun is one of the best drummers out there, and everyone should know their name. I am the only kid in my class who loves Twenty One Pilots, and in one of my classes, a kid asked me, "Why are they called Twenty One Pilots when there are only two people?" I literally got up and stormed away into the corner.
My other friend asked, "What's a Blurryface?" and I was triggered at him for the rest of the day. Also, TOP is not emo. They're TOP. Everyone calls me emo, and yeah, they deserve way more credit.