Top Ten Best Kansas Albums

Vote for you favourite album by the band Kansas. This band has a very diverse and fulfilling set of albums that all have their own nostalgic, great feel. Name your favourite here, and maybe tell us why. Feel like I left a great album out? Tell us why. Rate your favourite and send it to the top.
The Top Ten

This album has to be my number one because of the sheer number of songs I enjoy on it. It is home to my absolute favorite Kansas song, Miracles Out of Nowhere. The rest of the tracks just build on each other to create an absolutely incredible album. I must admit my opinion is slightly biased, as this was the first record I ever bought by this band. I think the nostalgia alone makes me love this album to death.

By far their best album. Absolutely incredible, from production to superb songs, only just slightly ahead of Point of Know Return for No. 1.

Point of Know Return

This is quite possibly the best Kansas album (excluding compilations) throughout their 40+ year career. Notable songs include the title track, the acoustic guitar ballad Dust in the Wind, the extremely underrated Paradox, the political comparison piece Sparks of the Tempest, the somewhat eerie Nobody's Home, and the slightly preachy but certainly true Hopelessly Human.

This album is simply incredible. Dust in the Wind is a lyrical and instrumental masterpiece. Picking a number one album is difficult. We are all Kansas fans here, so deciding on the top spot is very challenging. I have to say, though, personally, I enjoy this album very much. It is so close to being my number one, but I cannot put it above my favorite album, Leftoverture.

Song for America

Well, this album may be called Song for America, but it really spoke to me, a Canadian. This is a great album with a bunch of really, really great tunes. Of course, the title song "Song for America" is absolutely incredible - it is seriously amazing. Thank you, Kansas.


This is a really good album... I don't think I have invested enough time in listening to it to really give an honest review. But as of now, I do enjoy the majority of the tunes.

Best album ever. Oh, those young years.


The final album to include the original lineup, and they did not fail to impress. This album has a plethora of great tunes.


This is one hell of a debut album, and it set the tone for the ones to follow. This is an incredible album and contains some of the band's most instrumentally diverse songs. I actually really like the album art from this record as well - very nice.

The Prelude Implicit

The first Kansas album in 16 years sees the band creating music in the vein of Point of Know Return and Monolith while also mixing in a more modern sound - and they succeed brilliantly. This success is due to the songwriting contributions from all the band members, with much of the credit going to newcomers Zac Rizvi and Ronnie Platt. The album also benefits from the brilliant musicianship and stellar production, thanks to Rizvi and founding members Phil Ehart and Rich Williams.


Interesting album, but in my opinion, it doesn't quite have the same spectacular qualities as the others. Of course, this is simply my opinion, but I just prefer some of the older albums from the early '70s.

I love this album - don't know why it's so low down!

Vinyl Confessions

I don't really know why I love this album so much. I don't like it as much as the early '70s albums, but that is likely because I generally prefer that decade of music. However, this album is one of my favorites from the '80s, and it features the band's third highest-rated song on the Billboard Hot 100 (right behind Carry On Wayward Son and Dust in the Wind).

Somewhere to Elsewhere

After 21 years, all the original band members reunited to record a new album, and it was the best one since Point of Know Return. The standout tracks include Icarus II, When the World Was Young, The Coming Dawn, Myriad, Look at the Time, Disappearing Skin Tight Blues, and Distant Vision.

"The Coming Dawn" is on this album - one of the best Kansas songs ever and one of the best songs by any band! "Icarus II" is great too, as is "Distant Vision." I would put it in the top 10 for these three tracks alone - and it's certainly better than "Freaks of Nature!"

The Newcomers

? The Absence of Presence
? Drastic Measures
The Contenders

Although it is technically Streets 2.0, Power brought Kansas back to the public with some great songs, including the rock masterpiece Silhouettes in Disguise, the title track Power, the very '80s love song All I Wanted, the instrumental Musicatto, and the acoustic ballad Taking in the View.

In the Spirit of Things

This is a brilliant album. Phil Ehart once said that it was one of Kansas' best. Some fans might argue that what makes Kansas great is their unique prog rock music, as reflected in albums like Leftoverture, rather than this more mainstream AOR style. However, there is no denying that this is a quality album, well-produced and featuring many great tunes. "Ghosts" and "Bells of Saint James" are my favorite songs on the album. I would put this in the top 5!

Forgot to mention that the virtuoso guitarist Steve Morse plays on this album (as well as the "Power" album) - another factor that makes this album great!

Always Never the Same

I love this album! It works so well with the orchestra. It is so good to hear different, orchestral versions of my favorites "The Wall" and "Dust in the Wind." There are new songs on the album too, and Steve's vocals are in top form. This is another album that should be in the top 5!

Freaks of Nature
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