Top Ten Most Meaningful Twenty One Pilots Songs
What song by pop duo 'twenty one pilots' has the most meaningful message?This list was quite difficult to sort, they've got so many meaningful songs, and leaving out so many was annoying. Tyler Joseph is a very deep thinker, and struggles with spirituality, and that makes for some insanely good lyrical content. He seemingly finds it very hard to speak truth without offending anyone and being too preachy. An issue that rises quite often when talking about the meaningfulness of Tyler's songs, is that a lot of the meaning is only known to Tyler himself, such as 'Kitchen Sink,' no one is quite sure what it is implying. Tyler Joseph is one of the best songwriters of all time, in my opinion.
Feel free to disagree with anything I've stated, but know that I'm a Christian so I do view things in a certain manner.
I see this song as a stand against the lies and deception of the devil. Tyler is done giving victory to him. The happy sound of the song imitates very well the feeling of salvation. Tyler admits his own stupidity a lot in this song, thinking he doesn't need grace, hinting at his Peter-like denial of Jesus that he comes to ask forgiveness for. And once the song comes to an end, he confesses his sin by saying, "I'm sorry."
As a Christian, this song just makes me so happy. It captures so well the good fight that we all need to be partaking in. We have got to set our souls on fire. It is my favorite song of theirs.
'Migraine' is a lyrical masterpiece. There's no denying that. Not only does this song mean so much to those who struggle with migraines, but it is also an analogy that can be used for many situations in life. It basically could refer to any mental pain that you're going through.
It also speaks the truth about the wickedness of man and how prone the human mind is to the deception of the evil of this world. Tyler is definitely not saying that he's a one-of-a-kind monster, but he's rather saying that we all are monsters. Though there's still a ton to this song that I'm trying to learn the meaning of, it's so deep.
Tyler Joseph speaks out a lot against suicide, and this, in my opinion, is the king of his suicide prevention music. The name of the song is just perfect. My translation is "Tempting Suicide," which he, of course, explains why it is so stupid.
Suicide is one of the most selfish things you could do, but really it's not selfish because you will gain nothing. It's plainly devilish. No one but the evil one will profit from it, and this is exactly what Tyler is trying to say. You can also tell the anger he has against people for glorifying suicide. So many people inadvertently do it without much thought about what they're doing. When someone dies, quite often they are suddenly famous.
My favorite line of the song is at the very end when he sings, "Find your grandparents or someone of age, pay some respects for the path that they've paved, to life they were dedicated, now that should be celebrated." We should be honoring those who made it to the end a lot more than we do.
I'm not going to pretend I understand most of this song. This is arguably their deepest song. To my knowledge, it is somewhat about death and what happens after it. Tyler struggles very much with his beliefs, so he keeps going over it all in his mind.
He states that "above is blind belief," which is talking about belief in Jesus; "under is sword to sleeve," which is suicide. And "around is scientific miracle," which is basically saying that there's no way man can do anything about death. To finish that line off, it goes, "let's pick above and see," for he understands that "above" is the only option that could lead to something new, something better, and worthwhile.
Tyler Joseph gets a little preachy in the second verse of this one, and it's brilliant. He basically says that succumbing to the fear of death and beyond won't lead to anything worthwhile. We've got to intelligently think our life's purpose through thoroughly, or we can "sleep," and that's not going to lead us anywhere.
There's even a line in this song saying that it's going too deep, which is hilarious but also somewhat true because thinking too much quite often will be the downfall of our sanity.
This song seems to portray Tyler's thoughts about spreading God's word and just spreading truth in general. The opening verse says that he wants to stay where he is. He doesn't want to leave his comfort zone and preach the gospel. He tries to make excuses not to do what he knows he must, as all Christians sometimes tend to do.
The second verse goes on to say that the happiness of the song is a contradiction to the lyrics since the lyrics themselves are very depressing, and that is true about many of his songs. Tyler just continues to speak about his struggle with listening to his demons when he obviously shouldn't be.
Another more outspoken song of Tyler's. I adore the play on words in the chorus. In this song, Tyler basically admits to not making the music he should be. At least that's my interpretation. Saying, "we're no one," kind of speaks for itself. I also really appreciate the boldness to say to their fans that we're right and you're wrong. Sometimes that's just the plain truth.
I must admit it is kind of hard to like a band that admits to not making the kind of music they should be. However, I think Twenty One Pilots seemed to use this more as a statement of insecurity than an actual admission that they were not making the kind of music they wanted to make.
As a Christian, I absolutely love this song. It's a plea from Tyler to God, "Can you save my heavydirtysoul?" Later in the song, he also admits to fearing death, and I think he's also asking God to give him peace. There isn't that much to the song, but the meaning that there is, is awesome!
I had to stick this one in here. Such a great song with great lyrics. Not much of a unique meaning, but it gets the point across super well. Being a little kid, you always want to grow up and be "strong," but when you grow up, life only gets harder and people start to become mean and pushy. I like how Tyler added the world's love for money. It fits in very well.
'Twenty One Pilots' aren't big on love songs, but they definitely can pull it off. Very simple meaning, but brilliant. I'll stand with and for you wherever life leads us, even if it means getting brutally beat up. I also like to think that it's partially Tyler talking to God, saying that I'll do what you need me to, even if it means losing everything. It's a love song for God for me.
Yeah, quite meaningful, but also kind of rebellious.
This song literally tells you to create something that only you can understand.