Top 10 Best Post-Hardcore Metalcore Vocalists
If you don't know who these people are, then you best get off this top ten because you can't be a fan if you don't know the vocalists of these bands.But, if you're already nodding your head in acknowledgment, let's get down to the real business. What makes a post-hardcore metalcore vocalist stand out? Is it their vocal range, the emotion they pour into every lyric, or simply the raw energy they bring to live performances?

Not my favorite metalcore vocalist, but he's the best all-around vocalist if I'm going to be honest.
This man is the screamer of my favorite band, and he sounds perfect when he's screaming.
Easy blowout... I don't even need to say anything. I will let Austin's music speak for itself.

How could anyone think he's not a good singer? He has the most powerful growls and highs and has amazing clean vocals. Have you heard "Not The American Average"?
His voice has changed so much. Now he is an amazing clean vocalist on top of still being able to scream with the best of them. Supremely talented.
Amazing vocalist. His growls are pretty good, but his screams are insane. Not many metalcore vocalists can reach screams that high.
This man is godly. He can both scream and sing clean, which takes a ton of skill - a skill that he has.
This guy can sing cleans better than almost anyone, right under Mattie Mullins. They did a song together.
He is the clean singer of Asking Alexandria. If you don't know who he is or who Danny Worsnop is, then you can't call yourself a fan.

The only vocalist that you can actually understand. Oli's vocals set him apart from other vocalists. Just listen to songs like Sleepwalking and compare that to Drown. Very talented.
Oli has changed his sound over the years, and so has the rest of the band. Personally, I think their best album was Suicide Season.
This guy is much more than just the hardcore scene. He can growl, scream, and even sing melodiously.
His cleans are also spectacular, and they seem just about perfect.

By far, my favorite vocalist there is. If you haven't heard him live, you are missing out on one hell of a set of pipes! Winston doesn't sing, but I don't listen to Parkway because I want to hear clean singing. I will go elsewhere for that.
Absolutely wild screamer. Those lows are just badass, and the highs are brutal. Overall, it just gives me this insane, aggressive energy. His vocals make me want to set fire to a nursing home.
Surely the best vocalist there.
The Newcomers

Ronnie Radke is an amazing vocalist, both in Escape the Fate and Falling in Reverse.

He's the best pitch screamer ever. It sounds like his voice is going to give out, but it just keeps going. He also claimed "blegh" as his own.
This guy for #1. He's simply an incredible vocalist. Check out The Distant Blue.

This guy is the reason I love post-hardcore. The sheer amount of emotion he fits into his lyrics can give me goosebumps at times. In my opinion, he is much better than Oli, Austin, or Kellin (even though I love them too). Vic is simply an amazing vocalist, and he MUST be higher up on this list!
He has so much range in his vocals. He makes Pierce the Veil good. Without him, they would suck.
How is Vic not first? He's by far the best vocalist!

None of the other people on this list have as good a range as him. He is a good screamer but can also sing. He has the face of an angel too.
The first time I heard him sing, I honestly thought it was a woman. His voice is actually perfect.
Why isn't Kellin on the top? He has better vocal cords than those mentioned above.

Andy Biersack is the best vocalist there is. This site is messed up with people who don't know anything about music. Also, Black Veil Brides are the top metalcore/post-hardcore band around.
His voice can make the sky fall to the ground.
He needs to be in the top five. Enough said.

He can scream and sing like a machine.

Best vocalist on the planet. Incredible range and comes from such a variety of genres. He's absolutely incredible, and his songs have so much meaning.
As far as voice goes, he has the best on this list. But I've never heard him scream, which doesn't make him very versatile.
Listen to the acoustic version of Fame Over Demise (Fame > Demise). Enough said.
His voice is simply indescribable! It's so warm yet so powerful. Not only does he have superb clean vocals, but he also has good unclean ones.
If we're going by clean vocals only, Jonny Craig is absolutely higher up on this list. He has masterful control of his voice and vocal runs, with very strong projection and control. He performs better live than basically anyone on this list (seriously, check it out on YouTube). The only thing that stops him is his versatility - and, erm, drug addictions.
Tilian is amazing. Everything from his days in Tides of Man to his charm opposite Jonathan Mess in Dance Gavin Dance. Even his solo album is beautiful. He's my second favorite vocalist, right behind another DGD alum, Kurt Travis.
One of the best clean vocalists out there, in my opinion.