Top 10 Reasons Why Coldplay is Awful

Ugh one of the worst bands of all time, I mean they aren't as terrible as Ariana Grande or Imagine Dragons but god they're very close to being as bad as them, so this 100% factual list will prove why Coldplay is awful.
The Top Ten
Chris Martin sounds horrible

All he does in his songs is whine. That's all I hear, him whining. Can he do anything else other than whine in his songs? No, because he is a talentless loser, and also he's basically trying so hard to be Thom Yorke and failing miserably.

His voice doesn't stand the test of time like Paul McCartney or David Bowie. It's not a voice that becomes better with age. Rather, it becomes more grating and less pleasing. Just a bad singer.

Exactly, his singing is such a disaster. Besides, who would ever whine while singing? His singing compares to that of a 5-year-old or a baby.

Their music is boring

Okay, not as boring as Ariana Grande or Imagine Dragons' music, but every time I hear this band, I just fall asleep.

Yep, not too boring, but like, their music is very old, and it sounds old.

Nothing tunes containing nothing lyrics.

They soldout

After their fourth album, they sold out and started gradually turning more into pop music, garbage pop music at that. Somehow, it's worse than their boring first four albums.

They're friends with Jay Z and Beyonce

Those two are such terrible music artists and are greedy as all hell. Why does Coldplay even like them? Oh yeah, because they make crappy music.

They plagiarize songs

They never made a single original song. They just ripped off from other artists. They mostly rip off Radiohead. Their most famous song, Viva La Vida, steals from a Joe Satriani song called If I Could Fly. This really shows how unoriginal this band is.

They probably do plagiarize, but I have never been able to stay awake long enough to notice.

This is true. They weren't original.

They ruined the Half Time show of the Super Bowl

While the Super Bowl is one of the stupidest events ever, this band's performance at it was somehow worse than the actual game. This shows how bad this band is when they can't even perform well at one of the biggest and most overrated events ever.

They have awful lyrics

All their lyrics are just terrible. They can't write interesting lyrics to save their lives. Now, I could excuse bad lyric writing if it weren't for Martin's horrible whiny voice.

They're depressing

Why would I want to listen to depressing music? I'd want to listen to happy music. Happy music will always be better than depressing music. Oh, and don't tell me Coldplay later did happy music because even if they did, it was after their first four which are such awful albums.

Viva la Vida sucked because of this.

Their instrumentation sucks

These guys do not know how to play their instruments correctly, and the end result is just a slew of boring songs paired with horrible whiny vocals from Chris Martin.

They never made a good album

The worst part is they only get worse with each one. Their debut is boring as hell. Their second album is slightly better but still trash. Their third album might as well just be called a gigantic whinefest. Their fourth album is boring, and everything after that is just them turning into sellout garbage music.

Hey, Kid A was good. No, wait, wrong band...

The Newcomers

? They're not real rock
? Their albums have poor sound quality
The Contenders
They're overplayed
They're a whiny band
They're extremely annoying

Somehow, they have won awards in the Rock category, despite being somewhere in the middle of crappy dance and bland pop.

They've never made a good song

Every song is determined by formulaic song structures, Chris Martin's whiny voice, and a lack of inspiration in the instruments.

They are just fake music. They have no soul. They are just there for the money, nothing else.

Good is in the eye of the beholder. Some people just have really terrible eyes.

It's not real music
Rip off of Radiohead
Their music is repetitive
They're fake
They make you sleepy
They collaborated with BTS
They are soulless
They're radio friendly soft rock
They were good, but they have gotten worse.
Their lyrics are repetitive
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